Rob Pattinson in San Francisco

Poor boy needs to get his hearing checked after all these Hot topic appearances.

First video from SF, turn your volume down or lose your hearing :-) And also you can't really see anything :-)

Thanks to Twilicious Amy and my partner in crime Dani for staying on top of things :-)


Nena said...

Thank you thank you for the volume warning!
I am really sad that this turned out rather sour for all the poor people that were there early, but I am happy that Rob went after all. It looks like they have a few bodyguards... just about time!

Eva said...

I think that they should not allowed anyone younger than 18 at these kind of events and before they give to these people any permission to meet Rob, they need to prove that they are not insane and they can't scream.

Jewels64 said...

I still keep thinking about the fans that got hurt today while waiting in line. That just doesn't seem right to me.

After seeing the video of the live feed, I just feel for Rob. I'm so glad that we are seeing the streaks of rebelliousness against the studio who wants to "media train" him.

But I worry about the fans who can't seperate Rob from Edward. And Summmit is not helping by promoting him as Edward.

Bitter much? Can you tell I'm just a little pissed right now. Yeah tipsy and mad! Not a good combo to be.

I don't know about the rest of you, but don't you feel while you are reading this blog (this wonderful, wonderful, sexy blog of Rob ULTIMATE HOTNESS!) that you almost feel just the tiniest possesive of him?

I want Rob to meet his real fans! The incredible funny,intelligent women who post on this blog! We all love him. We all respect him. And when we get down to the meat of the matter, we all wanna.....(fill in the blanks here)!

Ladies, lets show Rob that we are not 7 year olds who are put up sacrificially by mothers who just freak me out!

We are intelligent, outspoken, candid, properly crass when the occasion arises and we just give a fuck about Rob and his well being!

Oops! "f" bomb alert! Raise your glasses, toast our lovely hunky man much success, and have a drink or two for Rob. Cause while all this crap is going on...he's gonna need one!

Tess said...

Poor Rob arrives for another organized screaming function. Hopefully he followed that up with an organized drinking function.


Dani said...

It is sad the hysterics people go into when around celebrities. I just go numb and can't form coherent sentences. But to loose it and scream and cry. Oh I would be embarrassed. And if my friends did that at something like this I would openly slap them in public.

Tess let's hop be has a nice calm adult moment with a frosty beverage later.

Once I met Emmet Smith and Charles Barkley when k was drunk in a bar downtown Portland. I dont follw sorts but I knew who they were. Andyou know what I didn't scream or cry, I did give them both involuntary hugs. Because I'm a lover, I was looking good too I bet they loved the forced hugs.

Eva said...

I think we should go to LA and meet Rob and show him that out there are some normal, loving and amazing fans(like us) and show him some good times with suspenders, zippers and megaphones:)

noone is going to scream or ask for vampire bites.

Aussierobfan said...

Jewels..I wish I was that coherent when I'm typsy, but hear hear *raises glass* (well just a pretend one it's only 3.46pm here).

It is a tragedy about the fans that got hurt - I think the organization of this event was a disgrace.

Kate said...

LOL I love reading this blog, you ladies are a scream!!!
I SO agree with what Jewls said about them promoting him as Edward all the time it's hard enough for little ones to tell the difference and just goes to prove it with what happened with that 7 yo, I mean 7!!! I wouldn't have knownwhat to say if I was Rob I'd have been so stunned.

I feel so sorry for all the fans who turned out earlier and went home but am also glad that they have copped on and have bodyguards for him. I wouldn't blame his poor mammy being worried, I'd be worried sick if I was her!
Anyway love the blog ladies, keep up the great work!

L.A. Starz said...

We went over there after the View From the Bay taping just to see how the event was going to turn out. Believe it or not, that was only a crowd of maybe 200 un-wristbanded people screaming. The wristbanded people were lined up outside the mall to be brought in small groups. It started every time the Hot Topic gate was raised and lowered for people to go in and out of the store.

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