Rob on the Today Show

I know it's a little late to give the alert and I'm sure by the time I wake up tomorrow morning the video will be all over the internet but in case you are an insomniac like me: Rob and Kristen will be on the Today show on Thursday November 20th :)


Rusharthi said...

Lol its okay Gozde I'm still up. Can't wait to see the interview. I hope they don't ask them the same questions!

Anonymous said...

He will be in NYC to tape the Tyra Banks show too. That airs on the 26th I think.

Gozde said...

Oh good, someone is reading, lol :-)

La Stella said...

Gaaaah, if I have to hear one more time:
So Rob, did you ever read Twilight before doing the audition?

What was your favorite scene while shooting?

Tell us about your chemistry.

What's better, playing a vampire or a wizard (anything of the sorts).

I'm going to kick some virtual ass.

Gozde said...

Oh believe me that's exactly what they will ask :-))

Sabrizzle said...

Does anybody know what hour of the Today show they will be on? I hope they will be on between 9 and 11 because I want to sleep in a little tomorrow.

Gozde said...

I would say, sleep in and it'll be on youtube and on here by the time you get up :-)

La Stella said...

Well, at least I hope Rob makes some quotable remarks. Or I will have to dumb myself down, and just drool at his sight to forget what I'm hearing.

Sabrizzle said...

True, either way I will probably end up watching it several times on youtube. I would just like to see it on tv because that screen is much bigger than my laptop screen which means I'd get to see Rob more clearly.

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