Rob on TMZ

Yep, he can literally say "buh bye" to his private life :-(


Up-and-coming star Robert Pattinson is so hot, he needs to take his shirt off.

No, he really does.


babbles said...

Well it's official, Rob is done for now!!!! TMZ will stalk him untill he hates everyone who approaches him...

It was nice while it lasted. If I where Rob I would move my fine ass back to England and Hide for awhile...

It really couldn't be helped, With a face like his it was only a matter of time...

bella's mom said...

I swear every time he chews his lip I want to volunteer for the job!

Eva said...

It is official! They are going to eat him- hot and quickly.

Take off your shirt Rob just ones for us:) and then go and hide somewhere, please...

Dani said...

He is going to need to hide big time, this sucks. I mean I want the guy to get jobs and be a wonderful actor as he is already proven to be quite the talent. But because he is so young and hot, he is going to be hounded now by the paps. Goodbye to his private life for sure.

p r i s c a said...

*tear* I was afraid of this.

i imagine him on his knees somewhere praying like jenny is forrest gump. "dear god, make me a bird. so i can fly far. far far away from here"

*sniffle sniffle*

Gozde said...

Awww Betz. that's one of my favorite movies and that scene is so sad.

Nena said...

Well, we knew it was coming. I don't think Rob will get used to it, but he already knows that he can't act stupid ( I am sure he said something like that) because people are paying attention to what he does.
Right now I feel worse for his girlfriend.

kristen said...

Oh nooooo. I'm worried for him. He is going to be hating life pretty soon. After seeing this, I bet he wants to crawl into a hole and never come out :(

Dani said...

Uhhhhh I have the worst feeling for him. Yeah I love seeing pics of him about, and yeah would love to make a man of him. But I feel almost protective for our boy. This site is all about the love and promotion of Rob and love for Rob. TMZ is not so nice to the celebrities and they are a bit smutty. That Harvy a-hole who runs that show is a shmuck. Once they are onto you, you're done with privacy.

kristen said...

Dani - Totally. All those trashy sites are run by schmucks. They just make you feel dirty - and not in a good way.

Once Rob starts showing up on these kinds of sites and magazines, he is going to be recognized EVERYWHERE. You know how in one of his interviews yesterday, he was saying how bizarre it was that when he goes to these events people are screaming at him, and yelling "I love you" but he can go 3 blocks down the street and no one pays any attention to him? Yeah, that's going to change now. And that's really too bad.

Dani said...

Well it isn't fans on like the ones on here that bother me. It is the people who practically lose it when they see a celebrity. They scream like crazy and say embarassing things, they practically "cream themselves" as Rob has so delicately put it.

For me its like CALM THE F DOWN! Honestly it is society and their craving for salacious bullshit that cause a frenzy. I wouldn't line a puppy cage with that news. I mean damn how many of them have jumpped all over him for sweating last night. Give it a break. Just makes me want to make this place a positive environment for Rob fans. Void of the bitter diatribes written by people with nothing better to do, lazy bastards who can't do any leg work to get a real story.

Amy said...

Oh yeah it will change. Walking into a pharmacy unnoticed soon won't be an easy task! He is a target now for paparazzi because he is a hot young heartthrob whose fame is rising very fast. Especially now that people are figuring out the possibility of how huge he is going to be. Unfortunately the unwanted media attention is what comes with the industry nowadays - it sucks and is super annoying, but everyone knows that. It's definitely going to make some things a little difficult for him and if he wants to keep a private life private he will have to pull James Bond type missions to avoid being photographed outside of doing work.

babbles said...

They use Rob for hits on their sites too, Rob is huge on the internet right now and any post's are instanstly circulated throughout all of these sites, its actually quite impressive how fast the info moves around...

I will hope for the best and pray he can take it, I knew after the Twilight Promo this might happen and he was already being picked apart before, Now I dont know what is going to happen, Poor Rob...

Thanks for the positive environment of this blog to be a fan without having to subject to negative comments and disrespectful posts...

Kat said...

This makes me so sad. I knew the day would come... but I want to sit him in my lap (that's quiet a funny image actually) and tell him it'll all be OK.

Emily said...

Well said, Dani and Lyla. I hate TMZ (and all paparazzi for that matter) and I can't stand the fact that Rob is going to get stalked everywhere he goes now. I know that it comes with the job but only to a certain extent. He didn't ask for the level of fame he is suddenly being thrust into. Just because someone is famous doesn't give anyone the right to harass them. Maybe Rob needs to bring Kellan and Cam with him as his muscle.

I think you're exactly right, Brooke. Rob needs to take a break after the Twilight hysteria dies down and go back home for a bit. I wish we had a safehouse for Rob to retreat to. Hide with us Rob. We don't bite....very hard.

Amy said...

Yeah it is pretty sad. It's like being thrown into a cage of lions and trying to survive sometimes. Aside from all the perks of fame, it is a ruthless industry!!

kristen said...

Dani - So true. It really is a societal problem, this commercial craving of celebrities and complete lack of respect for the actual PERSON, NOT OBJECT. I just cannot understand or fathom the way these fans are reacting - the insane screaming and the total ludicrous things they are yelling at him. I just want to be there and yell "SIMMER DOWN, YOU NUT JOBS! YOU'RE FREAKING HIM OUT!" But I guess it is the nature of the business these days, which is really unfortunate.

But yes, I love that this site is such a positive, Rob-loving environment. We appreciate Rob for who he is, and don't bash him about the dumbest little things. The tweens who are doing that are really starting to piss me off. I mean, I'm almost to the point where I'm gonna pull a "LEAVE ROB ALONE!" - you know, the Britney-fan-style.

Emily - I am a huge fan of your retreat idea. Let's make it happen :)

Amy said...

Lyla I agree! I never understood the insane screaming that comes from fans??!! It's like ear-piercing and frightening most of the time.

p r i s c a said...

Goz- Tell me you don't hear that Gump line in this image?

Gozde said...

Oh my god Lyla you SHOULD make a video like that :-)

I agree with all of you. I felt a little hypocritical since I also post Rob stuff all day long but as Mr. Darcy would say "I like him just the way he is". Pit stains and B.O., LOL.

Gozde said...

Aww Betzabe, that picture really goes with that line :)

Emily said...

I think it's fine for people to take pictures of a celebrity when they are actually at an event. It's expected then. It's when they start camping out in front of someone's house (I guess Tom's house, in this case) and don't let them live their life that I think it crosses the line.
Lyla - Couldn't agree with you more about the screaming, hysterical fans. I mean, Rob is not going to pick you out of the crowd and pull you up on stage with him because you're practically peeing your pants and screeching his name along with your declarations of love for him. It makes me shudder when I see some of those youtube videos. Not that I wouldn't be incredibly excited to meet him if I ever got the chance but to act so extreme is insane. There's no need to turn into a crazy person.
Okay, anyway...about this retreat for Rob. Somewhere nice and secluded. A fireplace, big comfy bed, a nice supply of fast food. Oh, and a big salon type sink so we could wash his hair for him.

Dani said...

Goz I would feel bad if we were putting Rob on blast for something but dammit no one has ever looked more sexy with pit stains. And hell is is human after all.

DirtyD said...

Hmmm....never thought pit stains could be sexy...but I'm still loving the pictures so i guess you're right Dani. On a side note, I just discoverd that my son has been chaneling Rob for over a year now. Look at my avatar- he's got the hair, black jeans.

Dani said...

That is some Robalicious hair. Cute babe Dana.

kristen said...

Amy - Yes, the screaming truly is a horrendous sound. As Rob so eloquently put it, "It's like the sound you hear at the gates of hell". One of my many favorite Rob quotes.

Gozde - You have no idea how close I am to doing that video. If these crazy girls keep this insane behavior up, I just might snap and do it... Just Kidding. That will never happen - I'm not THAT crazy protective of him, but it really is getting to be a bit much.

Emily - Okay, I am loving this retreat idea. Emphasis on the big comfy bed and the salon sink. Is it weird that the idea of washing his hair makes me almost as warm as thinking of him in the bed? Oh, and we can't forget to include a large supply of zippers and sewing materials as well. You know, the necessities.

Gozde said...

Dana, what a cutie your son is and some serious Rob hair on him :-))

Emily how about a big jacuzzi instead so we can both get in. You guys are obviously not coming with us :P

Amy said...


New Teen Vogue video!!!!!

Emily said...

Good idea, Lyla. Plenty of zippers for Rob since he will only be allowed to bring one pair of black pants. Hmm...if a zipper is opened in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
If it's the golden zipper, yes it does.

I have the exact same feelings thinking of washing Rob's hair. Definitely on my list of 'things I would give anything to do'

Hmmm...the jacuzzi is not a bad idea. What's the ETA on those Rob clones, Dani? I'm not sure any of us are willing to share.

DirtyD said...

Thanks for the compliments on my son girls. I was just going through old pictures and BAM! I saw the hair. I have a new understanding of why Rob doesn't bother too much with his hair. If it's anything like my son's, it has a mind of its own and sometimes it is just easier to put a hat on.

Sabrizzle said...

These crazy screaming fangirls are seriously getting on my nerves. CALM DOWN! Rob is just a person (an incredibly gorgeous, talented, sweet, and witty person) and he should be treated like an individual, with respect. I can't stand all of these girls freaking out, it not only makes it impossible to hear what Rob's saying with all of the screaming but it also makes females look like a bunch of hormonal idiots. I love that everyone here can obsess about Rob calmly and respectfully and that we all just want the best for him. I've been lucky enough to meet some of my favorite professional motocross riders and have all been super nice and accomodating because I just treated them like normal people that I have a great amount of respect for. I think Rob would be a lot more comfortable in the spotlight if more people treated him normally. Unfortunately the insanity is only going to get worse if TMZ and the tabloids start following him.

Eva said...

I don't understand the screaming girls and the stalking of Rob (or anyone) from the paparazzi.
I love to see him in interviews, on movie sets or promotions, but I don't care where or with who he has lunch, who he is dating or where he got drunk...leave the kid alone, he is only 22!

BTW- Rob can come in my house-fast food very close, few soccer chanels,comfy bed, pool and far away from paparazzi:)

dana, cuttie pie!

Tess said...

He's going to run far far away soon...

Betz: I loved the ref. to Forrest gump.

Lyla/Goz- I think I saw a video on youtube with someone Leave ROB Alone ala brit brit. didn't watch it though.

He's going to pull and Daniel Day-Lewis after this and become a cobbler... repeating myself

Gozde said...

Nena : I deleted your post cause I don't want people giving those videos more hits :-)) I hope you don't mind. It's a safety issue for him :-)

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