Rob Interview on Ryan Seacrest Show

Go HERE to hear the interview w/ Rob on the Ryan Seacrest Show website.
Thanks to AJ for the link.
Or if you can't make that link work here are the youtube links.


DirtyD said...

Dani- you're sure on top of things this morning!! I missed the first 5 or so min of the interview so thanks for putting it up.

Amy said...

Thanks again AJ :)

Anonymous said...

You're welcome Amy!! There should be a video of the interview soon.

I swear Rob gets better and better with each interview.

Amy said...

You know what I love about the Seacrest interview (aside from the whole thing being great of course!) - Anyway, Rob said something... "The more you tell people the truth, the more they don't believe you..." and nailed it right on the head. It's a longer quote of course, but I seriously LOVE him for saying that. He knows whats up and see's how messed up some people/fans are with their speculating and constant insinuations. He knows that people make #$%^ up about him and online, he's clearly aware of it all. So to all of those people out there who keeping making up lies about his personal life, or just him in general maybe now they will finally shut up about it and actually listen to what he is saying and take it as the truth. He is an honest person and obviously pretty genuine and not the type to lie as he tends to reveal a lot when he starts talking. So for the ones who still haven't quite grasped that, please stop trying to twist everything ALL the time...

Ok rant over, lol

Amy said...

He really does AJ :) Better and better.

Amy said...

I could seriously listen to him talk for hours and hours. I know people have said this before, but sitting down with him over a coffee would really be so fun. He's just amazing and a complicated guy, which is quite endearing and of course irresistibly charming ;)

Anonymous said...

I agree Amy. He tells us a lot about himself in his interviews. He's very honest and open. It's why we feel like we know him so well - he is just himself. He's smart and funny and real!

I just heard the musis clip again. His music is SO heartfelt. I hope he shares more of it with us.

bella's mom said...

I agree Amy, to sit and just pick his brain about little insignificant things...

What is his favorite vacation spot?
What was his favorite Christmas present growing up?
What is his favorite memory of his Grandparents?
What is his favorite home cooked meal?
Who does he think sings better Lizzy or Victoria?
Who does he think he looks most like, his Mum or Dad?
Out of all the people he has acted with so far, who has had the most impact on him?

I could go on and on.. lol

Gozde said...

So it is confirmed: Anne is bogus :-))

Anonymous said...

It's only because of you bb that I can finally hear this interview. Thanks!!

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