Rob on EW Cover

A HUGE thanks to aka Everglow for scanning these images and Amy for pointing us in the right direction :-))

Amy, have I told you lately that I love you? :-)) Thanks once again!

Summit won't comment, but Hardwicke guesstimates Twilight must gross $150 million for the studio to approve a follow-up, which will require extensive special effects and location shooting. ''This has to be a crazy hit,'' she says. ''Nobody can say that it can do that well right now.''

Except, maybe, Stephenie Meyer. The author loves the movie, though she had her disagreements with Hardwicke. ''I mostly stepped in on the script level,'' she says. ''You know the line 'So the lion fell in love with the lamb'? It's a bit of a cheesy line, I have to say. They had changed the wording on that, to downplay it a little. And I said, 'I really like how you've changed this, but this line is tattooed on people's ankles. I think you're going to have a problem if you don't do it exactly right.' And they listened to me — and saved themselves the outrage of the people who know these books.''

After seeing the first cut, the author's only real concern was that Edward and Bella's steamy kissing scene was too hot for the beginning of a relationship. ''You're not going to have anything to work with as the series continues,'' Meyer told Hardwicke, who cut the sexy wide shots in exchange for more chaste close-ups. ''In a weird way I think it's better,'' says Hardwicke. ''It's less like other movies.''

Even if they're nervous about admitting it publicly, Summit thinks they've got a hit on their hands. They've already got Twilight screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg at work on the sequel. Expect to see a New Moon rising.

Read the rest here


Rose said...

There is one of just Kristen, just Rob and then both of them. I hope I get some form of Rob on my cover.
He looks absolutely delicious!

Amy said...

Oh Wow I'm kinda speechless after seeing this!!!!

p r i s c a said...

Oops. Ignore my email then. I just emailed the same thing.

That Rob cover, It's looks delicious.

Dani said...

HOLY SMOKES!! This is one of the best pictures yet. James Dean your table is ready! Hello...he is looking awesome. WOW! I was just about to post this but Goz is quick on the draw.

Hummina, Hummina...

kristen said...

Wow. Yep, it's official. He is absolutely gorgeous. Those brooding looks really do it for me.

Nice find, Amy!

Amy said...

Now I'm curious to see the Rob/Kristen cover. If his solo looks like THAT...I bet the picture of them together is amazing!!

Betsy said...



bella's mom said...

OK ladies Drool check! Dayaaaammmmmm!

And he can honestly wonder how the girls think he is perfect? Someone needs to loan the boy a mirror sometime.

Amy said...

Oh wait, isn't there one of the cast as well?? Ok, we better be getting the Rob cover here in Toronto or else!

Dani said...

EW just got a whole new lot of people to subscribe. HELLO GORGEOUS!

bella's mom said...

lol I think after all the magazines see their sales, they will be fighting over putting the Twilight cast on cover!

Amy said...

WOW WOW WOW - Yup 3 covers, One Rob, one Kristen and one of them together!!!!

bella's mom said...

Amy you are good girl!!! 3 zips for you!! zzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiippppp zzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiippppp zzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiippppp

Emily said...

Is this the next issue due out? I was at B&N today and they still had the one with Daniel Craig on the cover. Does anyone know?

kristen said...

Emily - I think they are supposed to hit news stands tomorrow.

Dani said...


WOW these covers are simply stunning. Goodness!

Amy said...

Robert Pattinson Covers Entertainment Weekly on JustJared

Rose said...

Oh dear...I feel like the wicked witch in the wizard of Oz...
Oh what a world...what a world..."

p r i s c a said...

P. ok- HAHAHA!

I understand you completely. I have to pick up my gooey face from my lap. It's just too much!

Emily said...

Thanks Lyla! I wonder if it's possible to purchase this in bulk...
Just when I think Rob can't get any more stunning, they go and show us a picture like this one. I have no words. None. The picture speaks for itself.

DirtyD said...

Hmmm...wonder how they are going to distribute them- if it's going to be random. I subscribed to this magazine specifically for this issue. Guess I'll find out next week. Hope it's the one of Rob alone though.

Rusharthi said...

What a hottie!

Amy said...

On Lion & Lamb they are trying to scan ALL the coverage inside each of the magazines...

"I'm in the middle of scanning it all but it is taking FOREVER since it's quite a big spread. So it might be a couple more hours. But here are the covers:"

Lynn said...

Wow, Rob looks like a young Harry Connick, Jr. I am digging the buffont hair!

kristen said...

These covers really are beautiful.

BUT is it just me, or does the cover with Rob and Kristen together look like they took 2 separate photos and combined them together? I was kind of hoping for a sexy Rob and Kristen shot a la Vanity Fair. But it's okay, they are still beautiful covers - especially Rob's! I am hoping they printed more Rob covers, because let's face it, his are going to be in HIGH DEMAND.

bella's mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bella's mom said...

Seeing this I'm convinced I should have become a makeup artist or a camera woman. Dammit!

Lynn said...

Lyla---yes, it looks totally shopped and EW should have gone a little more out for these particular shots. With the early gorgeus spreads that were done pre-production, these are beautiful but disappointing at the same time.

Dani said...

Lyla thats exactly what that looks like. I don't know what's on the inside but they might not have done the shoot together. This comes out tomorrow so im sure while I am at home with the babe tomorrow I will be able to post HQ pics of the covers.

Eva said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures and Rob is just breathtaking!

Rob twice today on Just Jared :)
Good job Jared!

Lynn said...

Mona---I want to go in to editiong or production----I see a team building going on here!

Seriously, my dream job would be documentary film making---I am a born sociologist.

DirtyD said...

Does anyone else who subscribes not get their until 4 or 5 days after it comes out or am I the only one. I just got the holiday one two days ago!

Lynn said...

LOL The Rob and Kristen cover exudes a certain ABBA feel....or is it just me?

p r i s c a said...

Lynn, i'd like to sign up for the Robsessed Productions team too. I've been working on and off on pre-production for years now, but i'd like to get into shooting films. Oh man, i see us doing great things...

kristen said...

Yeah, it was kind of a bummer to see the one of Rob and Kristen together - or should I say NOT together. But I am stoked to see what will be on the inside.

Rose said...

dana~ I subscribe to EW, and I get my issue on Saturdays. So the day after the magazine shows up on newstands.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that Robs face is the one I see!

Lynn said...

Oh, the most devilish ideas invade my creatively twisted mind! Yes, who would we add to our list of potential players besides Rob?


Eva said...

for the team I'm going to be the hairstylist and take a REAL good care of Robs hair:)

Lynn said...

Goz and Dani----I saw the blog counter and congratulations on 10,000+ guys are rockin' it hard!

Eva said...

or may be the seamstress and take care of the zippers:)

Lynn, may be Daniel Craig:)

Lynn said...

Eva---hairstylist, check! Oh, I almost forgot to add wardrobe mistress to my resume, lots of costume changes and zipper checks. Also, I would make a great PA, I aim to please!

Lynn said...

AHA, great minds think a like! Daniel Craig would be most yummy. I would have to add James McAvoy and Jude Law.

Emily said...

I wonder if the acticle will be anything new or just more of the same. And, let's be honest, I really am not buying it for the article inside. I just went and bought Vanity Fair and VMan just so I could have Rob's face within easy reach. I'm such a sucker. Congratulations Twilight and Rob, here's another $5 coming your way.

bella's mom said...

Um Lynn, how about James Purefoy?

Nena said...

ok, my friend just sent me an email. He is a ET subscriber and got his issue today. He says that RP says that he bought a $2K car and that it keeps breaking down or something like that. Also that some fans found out where he lives and camped out outside of his apartment. I guess he also talks about proposing to Kristen several times (?) and just a lot more of his british sarcasm.. cant' wait to get my copy :)

Amy said...


Lynn said...

Mona---yes, Rob's VF "dad" is a must! I loved him as Rawdon Crawley! I think that Rob will eventually have to play Rawden Sr. in another VF....that costume did wicked things to my mind....

Oh, yes! Add James Purefoy to the list!

bella's mom said...

lol Lynn, costume? what costume? him OUTTA costume does wicked things to my mind too.. hahaha

bella's mom said...

and we really should add Kellan and Cam to the list, ya know just to be nice and all, not like they are hotties or anything.. *giggling*

Amy said...

"More than once, Pattinson was overheard asking Stewart to marry him. The actress, who's had the same boyfriend since she was 16, just shrugged him off."


Dani said...

Amy I cannot access that page from my work but if you wanna e-mail me the pics you can or I will send the link to Goz.

My work e-mail

bella's mom said...

I have it all figured out.. hehe

Rob is sitting and watching how Kristen's current BF treats her and takes note of what she likes and dislikes so that when he screws up and she dumps him, Rob can just slide in and say hey I'm here for ya let me make it all better.. lol

Since they are gonna be working together alot in future Twilight ventures (we hope) he has plenty time to just be the best pal on the side and give her advice etc and wait on loverboy to hang himself out to dry. Works for me.

Emily said...

nena - I can totally see Rob driving around a car like that. Someone on another message board said that Volvo should just give him a car and he could be the new spokesperson.
"The new Volvo: resized, redesigned, and revamped!"

Here's one interview where Rob jokes about proposing to Kristen. It's pretty cute but she totally denies him. Aww, poor Rob.

Dani said...

Goz is on the scans Amy. And you my Twilicious little blogger are fabulous!

Gozde said...

I'm on it guys, the pix are too huge, taking a long time to upload.

Anonymous said...

"More than once, Pattinson was overheard asking Stewart to marry him. The actress, who's had the same boyfriend since she was 16, just shrugged him off."


I just read this and I want to slap Kristen on the head...softly! Even jokinly I would be all over a Rob proposal. I wonder how her bf feels about that...

Gozde said...

Aww, that video is totally awkward! he really had a crush on her.

Betsy said...

EW wants to hear feedback on the covers:

One poster said: Phwoaarrr!!! You folks at EW certainly know how to rectify your epic screw ups!

It needs to be a poster of mammoth proportions!!

Lynn said...

Amy----thanks for the link! This article is amazing. I am cracking over the wacky outfit that Rob showed up in for the interview. He sounds like a thrift store nightmare---love it!

My favorite part was how he talked about being on book versus off book. The guy is so cheeky cerebral that it kills me....he must get frustrated with young fans that get his British humor and sarcasm. Cue the potential cougar girlfriend...the man needs to be apprectiated in more ways then one.

bella's mom said...

Just some FYI everyone, if you wait a day or 2 after these come out, then go to ebay, you will be able to buy all 3 of them, more than likely all at same time.

bella's mom said...

We already know he is into mountain lions lynn, and this blog is completely full of them! All he has to do is join in and we could all appreciate him more.. lol

Dani said...

Are you still loading pictures Goz?

Gozde said...

They are on the front page, one by one

Betsy said...

EW wants to hear feedback on the covers:

One poster said: Phwoaarrr!!! You folks at EW certainly know how to rectify your epic screw ups!

It needs to be a poster of mammoth proportions!!

Lynn said...

I meant the young fans that DON'T get his British humor and sarcasm. Then, cue the potential cougar girlfriend.

Yes, Mona---there's a plethora here!

I love, love, love the shot of Rob leaning over Kristen in the forest. At first glance, she looked topless....gawd, how hot would that have been for the both of them?

Robonmybrain said...

Ok, I just registered so that I have somewhat of an identity. Still a bit shy about coming all the way out ;-). On my way to find some EWs, I live a major metropolitan city so those suckers better be there!

Dani said...

OKAY I CALLED IT LYNN!!! HOT POCKETS! Did I not say that he sits around his appartment late at night eating the last of the hot pockets...YES I DID! Weird.

This interview is making me fall in love with Rob all over again! LOVE HIM LOTS

bella's mom said...

Goz, Dani, and all the bloggers here, I love you guys! This has to be the most awesome site on the net! Hugzzzz and keep it up!

Lynn said...

Goz---Rob did look a little put off in the vid. And, then Kristen pulled the buddy comment...every guy hates to hear that and epecially on national TV.

Gozde said...

It is taking FOREVER to put up the scans. I can make them smaller but I want you all to have the highest quality pics. So bare with me...

Lynn said...

Dani---I thought about that, too. I also pictured Hot Pockets----gross, those things are so saturated with animal grease. I am all about keeping my body cleansed and Rob's dietary habits sound so binding----BLEH!!!!!

Dani said...

When the interviewer described his outfit..I just about pissed myself. Rob saying that he is wearing a shirt that looks like a rather large woman's bowling shirt. KILL ME NOW this day is blessed with goodies.

He was wearing slippers with his toes hanging out. Oh and has anyone ever looked at those toes in pics. THEY ARE HUGE..especially the big one.

And ya know what, I have a big, big toe too. We are like kindred spirits Rob and I.

Lynn said...

Goz---we will BARE with you:o)

Thank you, m'dahling!

Emily said...

I would not call that first EW cover and "epic screw-up" like that person did. Maybe I'm alone in this but I liked it and the pictures inside were gorgeous. It was supposed to be posed like a romance novel cover meets Edward and Bella. At least that was my impression. I guess people were expecting a something straight from the movie and when it looked different, they freaked. I will admit that Rob's hair was a little toupee-ish but I'm still convinced he is incapable of taking a bad picture.
That being said, I will be at B&N bright and early to get my copy of this one. He looks amazing!

Lynn said...

Dani---it sounds like he is dumpster diving in West Hollywood for his wardrobe. Well, Hot Pockets and Peach Snapple can put a bind on the cashflow, but, c'mon!

Emily said...

Speaking of hot pockets, that word always has sort of a naughty meaning to me now. I heard someone refer to their *clears throat* lady parts by that name so I really can't get past it now. Sorry if that just ruined anyone's favorite microwavable lunch item forever.

I wonder if Tom helped Rob knit that sweater/hoodie he's wearing in the third one down. I hope they made matching ones!

Dani said...

Sweet Holy Lord. What did I do to deserve such a day blessed with Rob? I dunno but I need to keep doing it.

Im going to sin like crazy later because of all this sexiness. I might slap a nun, or moon a old lady, I could steal someone's purse, or take candy from babies who have just gotten their yearly shots.

Lynn said...

Emily----ROTFLMAO! That is a first for me and the distributors of Hot Pockets! It would give a new meaning to Rob, too.

Anonymous said...

I love love love this article especially that he moved the interview from Chateau Marmont to the Rainbow. Its right next to the Roxy on sunset. Total dive bar Guns n Roses used to play there back in the day.
Though I get the feeling that management are really pushing for this "Image" of what they want him to be..... and that he's pushing right back <3 him

Jewels64 said...

Waiting for my issue to arrive on Saturday.

Lynn, you are on fire tonight! Abba references, cue the "ahem" cougar girlfriend (oooo, pick me! pick me!), right down to the snapple. I am laughing so hard right now.

Ijust love coming on here and taking complete comfort in the fact that I am not the only one who has completely lost my mind over this 6"1" hunky peice of British, cheeky, hotness!

More.... Gimme more......

Lynn said...

Lisa----I totally echo your sentiments. Personally, I understand the whole swank Marmont image, but, I think Rob should push out his own image. To me, the Marmont (especially the hotel) has a lot of bad connotations with it, way too many snobs, drugs and more drugs. Rob is a very smart guy!

Amy said...

K this is one of the best articles done so far!!!! His and Kris's were both great. I'm thinking his 'apartment' is one of the rooms at the Chateau Marmont. They do that set up sometimes there. I love how he has an old BMW...LMAO.

Those pics are amazing and I love the one where Kristen is laying down. EW deserves a big thank you for doing this for the fans :)

Lynn said...

Jewels---I am renewed after my PMSed Wednesday....can you tell?

Totally ABBA, right?

Yes, cue the cougar girlfriend that could fire back words of wisdom, snarkiness, cruel humor and very (Brit) proper crassness.

Amy said...

Or they just got him some random apartment somewhere while he is in LA.

Amy said...

"I just stopped and patted him on the back during his neuroses. He would punch me in the face if he heard me right now."

OH Kristen! haha I love her.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this is his junker BMW

Lynn said...

Amy---Kristen is very cute and candid. She's the kind of cerebral girl that Rob needs.

My guess is that Summit put him in some dinky apartment like somewhere in North or West Hollywood. The Marmont is like $350and up per night....I dunno!

Tess said...

Morning lovelies - I have to welcome my sweet man home after a week away... but we don't call it twicrack for nothing ! I needed my fix b4 he comes home ;)

Banner is fab.. We need the real pics for the greater good. I'm loving #7 this EW spread..

Later... kisses and love..

kristen said...

OH MY GOD, just caught up with comments, and EMILY AND DANI, you are killing me over here!!!

I will never think of hot pockets the same way again. Good thing I already found them gross, because I wouldn't even eat one on a dare at this point.

And Dani - "Im going to sin like crazy later because of all this sexiness. I might slap a nun, or moon a old lady, I could steal someone's purse, or take candy from babies who have just gotten their yearly shots." I honestly FELL OVER LAUGHING reading that. Seriously. Tears running down cheeks right now. All of you ladies are too funny. I love it.

kristen said...

Finally was able to read the whole article, and that was by far the best Rob article to date. I just about spewed the water I was drinking when the writer described what he was wearing. And so many of his quotes just made me giggle.

One of my faves: "He is RESISTING media training". Rob, THANK YOU for resisting media training and giving us little gems like this.

Sabrizzle said...

His car sounds like a death-trap, the dash caught on fire while he was driving! He should get something safer (like a Volvo maybe?) that will protect him from getting mangled in a crash. I'm assuming this is the same car he was driving when he did the call in interview for the New Orleans screening of How To Be and he said the radio went out. I love that Rob isn't very materialistic, but I think this is taking the hobo thing a little too far.

The Hot Pocket thing totally reminds me of the comedian Jim Gaffigan's bit on Hot Pockets, which makes me crack up everytime somebody mentions the nasty things. Now I'm going to be fantasizing about Rob and laughing my head off whenever somebody says "hot pockets." As if I needed another thing to make people think I've lost my mind. Oh well, it's worth it! :D

Anonymous said...

Better quality TRL interview at

Anonymous said...

MY issue came today!!! It ALWAYS comes on Friday,Yeah day early I got the cover with both of them,I figured they would do that in case the subscribers happen to be rob fans. Guess I need to go buy Robs cover too :) Smart *ss EW people.

Oh I bought Vanity Fair today too, something about having the pages in your hands make it all the better<3

MiCh said...

Holy crap, Rob is gonna be the death of me! I just read the interview and literally I was on tears.. he's so adorable!

Kat said...

Shoot.. I only got my Daniel Craig issue yesterday, I bet I have to wait until Monday to find out which issue I get!

This beautiful man get's more adorable and hotter as each day goes by.

Thank you Goz for taking the time to put these up... you rock.

Tess said...

After reading the article. My soft spot for Rob just got softer.. possible?

Eva said...

It took me long time to read the article and all the comments but totally worthy:)

I love the interview and I think is my favorite so far. I love how he is down to earth and how he is not materialistic in very material Hollywood.

Kat said...

Now I've read the interview... love him even more.

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