Rob interview on Seattle radio

The ladies room(a Seattle radio station) interview with Rob is HERE. The women interviewing him are really annoying.


Sabrizzle said...

Wow, there is a reason I never listen to this station when I'm home in WA, these ladies are crazy!

p r i s c a said...

Rob called into KROQ this morning (Radio station in CA). Here is the audio of that interview.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me for not commenting on the audio interview, my firewall wants to block it, but I need to comment on the Time magazine review. Forgive me also, if someone commented on it previously but it is the best review I have read so far. I had to go to their website for a research thing and saw it highlighted at the top. I think it is the best written review so far w/ good understanding of the story of Twilight. Rob comments were fantastic.
Also, Goz thanks for the ComicCon photo. He was so attractive at ComicCon, his hair, his silliness, it is one of my appearances he has done by far. Crazy fun.

DirtyD said...

I'll admit I laughed at the whole absurdity of this interview but those chicks were so strange. And the whole panty thing- wonder how long it's gonna be until the poor guy is gets teen girl underwear thrown in his face at every turn.

Oh, and add "birkenstocks" to the long list of things I love to hear him say. And "panties"! I think I need a shower.

Dani said...

Thank you betz I posted the link you are awesome!

I heard that he was going to be on but had not followed up with that, you guys on here are just too good to me and Goz with all the finds.

Kate said...

WTF OMG .......... I'm actually speechless.......all I can say is well done Rob he handled himself really well as usual.

p r i s c a said...

Haha, "moist". Rob, you're gold!

I kept hearing the KROQ thing was tomorrow, but apparently it was today. Sneaky sneaky brit!

Amy said...

LMAO!! This was hilarious. I love how they 'warned' him about Paris Hilton. LMAO, Omg that was classic.

Emily said...

Did anyone else feel incredibly awkward for him during that? They were like ganging up on him the whole time. It had it's funny moments but those ladies were obnoxious. Oh well, it was worth listening to in order to hear Rob's voice and laugh. He is so awesome in interviews. Thanks!

Ellie said...

And get the name right! (Not "Pattison")

But at least we got to hear him say, "I want you!"

(As Roy Orbison would sing, "Mercy!") ;)

kristen said...

Wow, those chicks were crazy. Parts of it were pretty funny, but other parts were AWKWARD. But damn it was kind of hot when Rob said "I want YOU" at the end.

So I guess that is the trick. If any of us ever meet Rob, we need to be sure to say we are NOT interested in him. We do NOT like him, and we WILL NOT throw our panties at him. Apparently that's what he wants to hear :)

Unknown said...



Nicky said...

Color me crazy, but I absolutely love this interview. Maybe it's because I am alittle crazy like these women, alittle raunchy, and in their age group as well. If I did an interview with Rob Pattinson, I would do it exactly the same way. And I am sorry, but my interpretation of that interview is that he was diggin' it big time, he soooo liked older, bolder, crazy, rauncy, women.

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