Rob in Rome and under the rain


Amy said...

I just saw this like a few seconds ago, so crazy!

It's so sweet of him to run across the street and sign autographs. He totally didn't have to do that and he did it anyway. He's such a doll & so nice to fans - they were probably waiting there for him to come out at some point :)

Gozde said...

He is so handsome I wanna cry :)

babbles said...

That was cool, Rob is a stud... If I weren't already infactuated with him, I would be now... Cool guy, Stunning face and mad acting/singing/music skills...
What a package, I meant as a whole not his actual package - Gosh girlz, make me blush why dont ya!!!!

Truly though, I love seeing Rob through the fans eyes like in this video...

kristen said...

Amy - I know. He is seriously so nice to do stuff like this all the time. Especially since it has got to be super nerve-racking and exhausting. He just seems like such a sweetheart.

Rose said...


He is the total 'package' doubt about it.

Kat said...

You said package.....

babbles said...

Package, Package, Package, Package, Package, Package...
You know like one's UPS bring - NOT!

No seriously, I have never even looked in that region of Rob... Ok I am laughing so hard as I type this blatant Lie out... Oh well, I am human...

*whispers* package....

Kat said...

Me too... never looked beyond the zipper. Never. Honestly. You don't believe me? Really?


I have a really bad poker face.


p r i s c a said...

Rob + Rain = PACKAGE!

Haha, there goes another word i won't be able to say with a straight face anymore. Thx, brooke!

babbles said...

no prob! *winks*

Lynn said...

Raises hand proudly! I have stared my fair share....WHAT? The guy always has tight inseam.....hard not to notice.

Amy said...

Don't forget - Paramore's video for DECODE will be premiering on MTV tomorrow and according to the article below "Thirty per cent of the video will be clips from the film," vocalist, "and it's mixed in with performance and concept shots.

So keep a look out for it :)

Dani said...

I thought he was smoking while signing the first time I watched it cause its kinda grainy. What a sweetheart. No more mentioning the package, I do have to sleep at some point tonight. Zip Zip!

babbles said...

*grabs megaphone*


ok, night night...

Zipperific dreams to all my lovely's...

Dani said...
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Rusharthi said...

What a sweeeeetie!!
Thanks for the video!:)

Lynn said...

Dani---I spyed a smoke, too. It was obvious how he held it off to the side and it got extinguished in the process of signing autographs.

Again, I must say that Rob is a very British boy, a true gentleman in so many ways. He has renewed my faith in chivalry, I picture him giving up a seat on a train or holding doors open. I think that Richard and Clare should be so proud of their boy!

Lynn said...

Spyed?----hitting head on desk---I can spell, I swear....spied.

Eva said...

What a nice guy to do that for his fans waiting in the rain!
Thanks for the video!

Tess said...

In the rain even.. did one of women say "bello" at the end? i listened to it twice, but I'm still not sure.

because he definitely is. bello, bello, bello...

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