Rob in NYC

Oh look its Roberts dad!.....
Oh no nevermind thats just another bodyguard.
Sorry couldn't resist!


Ellie said...

Morning, Dani!

hahahahaha!(Rob's "Dad")
Dani, you're the best (and Goz, too; you make the best team).
Thanks for posting these. Glad Rob's got a warm coat...It's 20 degrees this morning with light snow...
And he looks so thin. Needs to bulk up with some of those Hot Pockets.

Kate said...

I'm beginning to really want to have a hot pocket (I've never had one) from all the talk of them LOL

I thought he looked really cold and tired in the top pics but hopefully soon he'll have the rest he deserves!

Thanks for posting ladies ;-)

Anonymous said...

just an observation - wasn't he wearing the same clothes the night he went out with his sister and nikki reed? he probably went straight to the airport after his night out with his friends :)

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Did ye see over on RPO that there was a rumour going around that ROb had died last night :-0

What type of a sicko starts these rumours, honestly, someone who must have nothing better to do with their time.
Well I'm delighted and relieved to see it was SO not true and that ROb is alive and well.
I maybe in a bad mood for the rest of the day!! People who do things like that make me SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ellie said...

I took a second look at the photos, you're right. The coat's long, but not too warm, after all.
Hot Pockets are pretty good...I like the 4 cheese pizza ones! Yummy!
(of course, they've probably got a gazillion calories in them...)

k said...

hi everyone! excited to see all the new stuff on here. i've been gone for like 13 hours- gasp!
nice brown thrift store coat rob's sportin there.
what did everyone think of the today interview? i wasn't thrilled with meredith's questions.
kate- that is so sad. i just have no words. people need better hobbies than faking celebrity deaths via internet!

MiCh said...

Wow, I've been gone for almost a day buying Radiohead's tickets and suffering pre-employment medical tests, but you girls have really had a wonderful night/day here! 180 comments in a thread, amazing! That's one of the many reasons I love this blog!
Is it wrong to say that I'am a bit saddened for almost getting a new job because it involves less time to spend with you? Snif..

And now.. can I point out the 12 hours and 35 minutes to get the 2 hours of ROB? I can't believe that today is THE DAY!

k said...

hi mich! i'm so jealous of you having only 12 1/2 hrs til twi! i have 33 1/2!

bella's mom said...

FYI he said the bodyguard here is his friend Dean.

Ellie said...

You're right, Mona (good morning, by the way, honey)--At first I thought he said, "My friend from England" and then I backed it up again and heard "Dean".

Rose said...

LMAO at the "Dad" comment!

Good Morning, Ladies.

Rob looks COLD and skinny. Poor baby.

DirtyD said...

Rob said the name of one of his bodyguards on The Today Show. Was that the same one who everyone thought was his dad?

OOhh and is that a little sex hair I see?

Rose said...

Just watched the TODAY show clip. Such a difference in demeanor between Kristen and Robert.
I don't understand why they have to make them go outside and face the screaming throngs again.
Haven't they had enough of that in the last weeks?

k said...

dana- (btw, that pic of you & your son is so darling it makes me smile every time i see it!)- i think this was a different bodyguard. the other one from the premiere was younger.
my cousin was a bodyguard in LA. for years. damn- i wish he still worked out there! i might have some kind of "in." :)

Dani said...

I too read the rumors someone started about Rob dying of an overdose or something. People are really sick Im not going to post anything about the rumor on here but people are really sick and twisted.

MiCh said...

K - Yes, only 11 hours and 45 minutes for Twilight! In Mexico we'll have the movie at 10.00pm (CST), so I guess we'll be the very first ones to watch it!

I'm going with two friends and my roommate.. we've been texting each others all the week counting down the hours for the movie!

DirtyD said...

K- thanks! Is that your little munckin and you in your picture? I love the chubby cheeks. My son and daughter have both got them just like me. Such good cheeks to pinch. Speaking of cheeks I know someone elses I'd like to give a little pinch and they aren't on his face...

k said...

dana- yep, that's me and my lili. she's 5 years old now though. but i love that old pic. reminds me of when she used to pay attention to me! lol
>Speaking of cheeks I know someone elses I'd like to give a little pinch and they aren't on his face...<
you bad girl! i've never had any thoughts like that. i love him for his talent. :)

Kat said...

Morning all,

I'm dying to watch the Today show clip, but alas, my boss just got here. I'll sneak off at lunch into a conference room and watch it.

I can't believe someone started such an awful rumour. That's just horrible.

Dana - yes... pinchable cheeks indeed.... hmmmm.

k said...

good morning ForeverEB!- you're not missing much with the today clip. rob has some adorable moments but mostly i think everyone who's seen it was wishing for better questions.
and, since i'm new on here- i need info on that photo of you & rob!!!!!

k said...

dana- here is a current pic of my daughter posing in front of something i think you'll recognize! my 2 fave things in one pic!

Eva said...

What? ROb died?! Few days ago was a rumor tha Miley was died, they told her in an interview...
stupid people

so the brown coat is back:)

Emily said...

I agree that this interview was a let down. Nothing but the same old questions. Rob's face is gorgeous, however, while he is watching Kristen answer a question (5:05-5:30). That stare is intense! "That's a very backhanded compliment!"
I was so annoyed when they took them outside. I laughed when Rob said, "People are literally going to freak out when we go outside. You do realize that, right?" He probably didn't think that people could still hear him.
It looked so cold and poor Rob and Kristen have been screamed at enough. 7:30 am is way too early to hear shrieks like that. That girl at 8:30 made me cringe. What a spazz. I bet she's kicking herself now for acting like an idiot. Not that I could have formed a coherent sentence either, but I probably would have just kept my mouth shut.
Sorry, that's probalby mean of me.

Dani said...

Em I agree I cannot believe they made them go outside in the damn cold ass weather and in what Kristen was wearing hello people the fans are going to flip haven't you been watching the news!?

~MindyMc said...

My heart is breaking for him. I don't see a smile in any of these pics; not even a glimmer. How soon can he leave for London. He needs some "normal" down-time with his own peeps.

Kate said...

You guys have got to look at this it made me laugh so much

Oh it has nothing to do with Rob BTW but it is funny (or at least I thought it was) and I wanted to share it with ye.
Now don't get me wrong I'm looking forward to the movie as much as all of you even if I do have to wait another 28 days 6 hours and 5 mins !!!!!!

Amy said...

Hey Girls!!

He will be in London before December 3rd. That is the date of the UK premiere so I'm sure he will get there a few days before that.

Also, I was checking out some more reviews just cause I like reading them and these few lines caught my attention...

"Falling in Love with Love, Again. Twilight also observes movie laws as aged as Edward, who was initiated into the realm of the undead in 1918. Defiantly old-fashioned, the film wants viewers to believe not so much in vampires as in the existence of an anachronistic movie notion: a love that is convulsive and ennobling. Bella could be any Hollywood heroine in love with a good boy whom society callously misunderstands. She's Natalie Wood to Edward's James Dean (in Rebel Without a Cause) or Richard Beymer (in West Side Story). Cathy, meet Heathcliff. Juliet, Romeo. This brand of fervid romance packed 'em in for the first 60 years of feature films, then went nearly extinct, replaced by the young-male fetishes of space toys and body-function humor. Twilight says to heck with that. It jettisons facetiousness for a liturgical solemnity, and hardware for soft lips. It revives the precept that there's nothing more cinematic than a close-up of two beautiful people about to kiss."

And then this for Catherine and the 'build up'...

"Hardwicke, who directed the teen outsider films Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown and The Nativity Story (another fable about a special girl with a condition that's hard to explain), is no great shakes as an auteur. She dawdles in sketching Bella's high school chums, and her direction of the dialogue will often bore those who aren't mouthing it from memory as the actors speak it. But she chose her leads wisely: the pretty Stewart is a questioning, questing presence; the Brit Pattinson, a sensitive-stud dreamboat. And Hardwicke is faithful to the book's chaste eroticism. The couple must put off having sex because, well, it could kill Bella. (aids metaphors are unavoidable here.) Yet waiting has its own delicious tension."

And I love this,

"So Twilight isn't a masterpiece — no matter. It rekindles the warmth of great Hollywood romances, where foreplay was the climax and a kiss was never just a kiss."

Lynn said...

Good morning, all! Wow, Rob got to leave 80 degree weather to brave it with Kristen and Meredith Vieira, the Nazistic cold weather sadist. What the hell! I think that making them go outside was just torture!

Dani---I am still smiling while watching that LAX vid....Rob's skinny butt is making me wild!

Woo-hoo! I cannot wait for tonight!

Ellie said...

Amy-- NICE ending for that review. It's something we all already knew! ;)

Dani said...

Lovely review!

He is probably not smiling because he is freezing his balls off in NYC its extreemly cold there!

Im happy that he has a warm coat though, he does love his jackets. Lionel complex again.

Lynn said...

Dani--Linus complex noted...holy shit, it looks cold! It's 61 degress outside at 9:22 and it's like an Artic tundra to us. I can only imagine how Kristen and Rob were feeling.

Ellie said...

The weather out here is 37 degrees, but feels like 32...Snow flurries as well.Yes, said balls must be frozen stiff.
Afternoon, Lynn (well, afternoon for me, anyway--)

Dani said...

Ellie! "frozen stiff" HEELLLEEEW! ROB!

Lynn said...

Good morning, Ellie! 37 degrees? Oh, I just feel for you guys out there....our high today will be in the low 70's and we are actually crossing our fingers for some cold for next week.

Kate said...

Oh Amy that review is brilliant!!
Thanks for posting

Amy said...

Isn't it great! BTW, that review was from TIME magazine.

Honestly I usually don't give an F about what critics think regarding films because in reality their overall opinions really don't matter and will not make any difference on how much money this film brings in or it's popularity. But I do like when some of them actually step back and view it for what it is and reference the leads (Rob and Kris) to some of the greats of old Hollywood. That is always a positive thing in my book! Also, you don't see amazing chemistry much anymore in films and any actors who can pull that off and carry a movie or series together - that is something special :)

Anonymous said...

Morning Ladies!

Rob was also on KROQ in LA this morning via telephone. Didn't matter because there were STILL girls outside when the jocks showed up for work they were like "Its by phone we swear he's not even here!!"
Didn't matter to them his voice was coming through the wire behind thier building LOL.
Nothing new in the interview other than they told him they heard he was doing Tyra ( they HATE her ) And informed him WHY would he do that show
SHE IS THE DEVIL!!! He said "But its my favorite show"
Oh and he's glad that he's going back to London so he can avoid any fan backlash.

Lynn said...

Amy---lovely review! I love the positive!

Was I the only one that snickered at the Mary reference...sorry but it was funny.

Anonymous said...

Oh and about the photos we should take up a collection for a new laptop bag. I think he must of lost the strap because he had it in Mexico now he's having to carry it around everywhere! : )

Lynn said...

Lisa---I love hearing Rob's voice on the radio and KROQ is brilliant. I love it when he breathes heavily through his sex much?

Lynn said...

Lisa---strap and a belt! Otherwise, Rob will have many more mooning incidents!

Ellie said...

"phone sex much?" hahaha...I wish it were with ME!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

Lisa, he does need a new laptop bag!!! I'll go in on that, haha

That boy needs a lot of stuff. Let's hope he gets it at Christmas :)

Lynn said...

Alright, I meant a computer bag with a strap and a belt for his trousers...strap and belt sounded a little S&M with Rob in the sentence.

Amy said...

It's so funny how after looking at pictures of him you just want to go out and buy him all these

Amy said...

Oh Lynn :D

Ellie said...

I love all these comments..everyone's so giddy today...any guess why??? lol

Ellie said...

And yes, sometimes our boy seems so needy in a lot of areas. Food, shelter, clothing. How about we take turns taking care of him? Me first...

Lynn said...

Giddy for Twilight tonight! I am still smiling about the LAX vid clip...vunerablity and ROb butt all in one shot...I am BAD!

Anonymous said...

HAHA strap and a belt those were good thoughts!!

I can't believe its finally here!! I kind of feel weird though. You know like when you get close to the end in a really good book and you want to finish it so bad to see what happens but then you don't-- you want to prolong it because you don't want it to end. That's how I feel right now.

I'm seeing it Sat @ 5 in Sherman Oaks with a Q&A with Catherine hopefully she may have news about sequels!!

Lynn said...

Lisa---Ohhh, you're going to the Q&A? I would love to see CH in person. Sherman Oaks is a bit of a stretch for me....I love LA, but I let my friends do the driving. We did Hollywood last week and that was enough.

Anonymous said...

Lynn yeah I'm sorta forcing my husband and 13 year old son to go with me. None of my friends or family care just me My 8 year old daughter is SOOO over my Twilight Obsession. When Rob was on KROQ this AM She came into the kitchen and I'm like SUSHHH Rob's talking!! LOL She rolled her eyes at me :P

kristen said...

I agree with all you ladies that the Today show interview was sort of a letdown. And I was so annoyed on their behalf when they had to go outside! But I did think it was adorable when Rob started humming when he got up to go outside. Even his hum was deep, sexy, and crooning.

Lynn - Bite your tongue! :) A belt would mean no more Rob moonage, and let's be honest, we all enjoy a quick glance of his cute little buns every now and then. It's a delightful sight.

Amy - That was a fantastic review! Thank you for sharing - and you are right, I love it when critics go into a film with the right mindset, and view the film objectively. Rob and Kristen sure seem to be getting wonderful reviews!

k said...

amy- love that review. and lisa- can't wait to hear all about he q&a. i just adore catherine. love how she's all giddy like us.

DirtyD said...

k- i just looked at your picture of your daughter. What an adorable little girl and she must be a genius to already be taking a liking to Twilight and our Rob.

Tess said...

I love his brown coat. He looks cold, but amazing..

WTH someone started a death rumor about Rob?


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