HQ Pics of Rob in NYC w/ Tyra

Rob was in NYC to film the Tyra show and more Twipromo and helped Tyra give away a shiny new Volvo to one lucky audience member. She is the cute blondie in the pic below.
What I want to know is when Volvo is going to hook Rob up?

Click the pics for HQ view


Emily said...

I wouldn't go so far as to call Tyra "America's devil" like those guys on the radio did but I don't love her show. Tyra as a supermodel? Stunning. Tyra as a talk show host? Not so much. She is entertaining, though, even if all she does is talk about herself.
She'll probably have Rob blushing beet red the whole time. She always seems so over the top flirty and will probably try to sit on his lap or something. I love that he said her show is his favorite. Maybe he really does have a thing for supermodels. She is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Did she give him a shiny new Volvo?

Anonymous said...

To replace his crappy 89 BMW that is falling apart? It kinda looks like it from the pics.

Amy said...

I wonder if it is just Rob and Taylor on her show? Or are Kellan, Jackson and Peter there as well. Having them all on would be fun ;) Peter is also in NYC because he did The Early Show this morning.

"Stupid Shiny Volvo Owner" hahaha I totally said that when I saw these pictures.

Damn that girl is very lucky. Chill with Rob AND get a car...geez.

Twilight-Maggie said...

I think the blonde in the pics with Taylor won the car.

What is all that white stuff on Rob's jacket? It looks really dirty in certain pics. Oh Rob, you are just too...well you.

Amy said...

The girl is lucky if she got a brand new Volvo! That's pretty cool.

Rose said...

I'm not a fan of Tyra. She always seems to want the attention focused on herself instead of her guests. But I hope Rob had a good time, and I will be sure to watch that episode!

Rose said...

The girl also got to hold Rob's hand! That beats a Volvo! lol.

La Stella said...

For his safety, I hope they Volvo never hooks him up. Some girls have trouble understanding that he isn't Edward Cullen, imagine how would it be if he drove a Volvo. LOL.

That said, lucky lucky lady.

Kate said...

Rose you took the words out of my mouth!!! LOL

kristen said...

Lucky girl indeed. I bet she enjoyed holding Rob's hand more than getting the car. And is it just me, or does she not even look old enough to drive?

Kate said...

Right I'm calling it a night, it's nearly midnight here and I've an early start in the morning. I don't think there'll be too much action around here tonight (wonder why??LOL) but I'll catch up tomorrow.

Night Ladies!!;-)
And anyone heading out, enjoy!!!

Rose said...

Night Kate:)

Amy said...

Cute People.com article...


Ellie said...

Wow, Tyra really towers over Rob a bit in her heels.

Hi, Kate and G'night, Kate...
Sweet dreams!

Ellie said...

#2--Cute biting his tongue pic

#6--Crush on Tyra pic??

Emily said...

No kidding, Lyla.
"Here's your brand new shiny Volvo!"
"Umm...how about I just keep Rob, instead? He's much lower maintenance."

I'm glad Taylor is there too. It's probably nice for Rob to have buffer between himself and the crazies.

Anonymous said...

Last photo he has that look on his face because he's thinking when I finish all of this, Jovie has promised she'll wash my hair for me in my hotel room...*wink, wink*

MiCh said...

A brand new Volvo and also got to hold Rob's hand! Some girls are really lucky!

Girls, I'm going to the theater right now. Just want to say: ENJOY THE NIGHT. This is the day we've been waiting for months!

If I can put myself together after 2 hours of Rob, I'll see you here tomorrow!


Tess said...

WTH! Did Rob have to come down someone's chimney (and did I just use a metaphor?) What the hell is all over his jacket! Did Tyra not have a shout wipe!

That's it! I need to be Robs PA. I'm always armed with Shout Wipes (and gum)

sorry if this has been mentioned b4. I haven't read the comments. Oh. and how sweet that he's holding that cute girls hand. she must've been worthless afterwards.

Lynn said...

Tess---retract the kitty claws, dearest!

The jacket has seen it's day and a cleaner did not touch it. It's his premier jacket and it may have just gotten pressed (at best!). Rob's a sweetheart to be on Tyra...she bugs me to no end!

Betsy said...

I hate the way Tyra shouts to the camera - it's like we can hear you. I wonder who else of the "boys of Twilight" will be on the show?

Lucky girl to be holding hands with Rob. I can just see one of the gossip rags getting a hold of one of those photo and starting this rumor - "Rob Pattinson seen in the streets of New York holding a mystery girls hand".

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