Rob in LAX

Can someone look this good at an airport? Apparently Rob can!

Thanks to Besty and N for the tips :)

And yeah, that guys is his bodyguard, oops :P


Rose said...

I honestly don't think I've ever seen a bad picture of Robert. I mean, there has to be at least ONE out there, right?

Dani said...

Hello gorgeous...

Amy said...

I had this on the last post...but I'm going to recycle it, haha

yeah and he looks good stripping off that jacket of his :$ ;)

If I were security I would be like 'Excuse me sir but we need you to take a few more items off please...'

He's wearing those pants with the side straps too. Wow my mind totally wanders when I see certain pics of's so bad :D

Rose said...

It's hard not to daydream at pictures of Rob...

~MindyMc said...

My heart goes out to him. I think he looks tired:( He is wearing my sunglasses tho:) Good taste in eyewear there Mr. Pattinson. Hang in there baby, this ride's gotta slow down soon. Loving the suspenders & beanie.

Kate said...

Do you think they got him to take off the Beanie????
I've never had to take off my shoes at the airport, it really does look like they are getting him to strip. Do they know who he is or does he look really suss??LOL

Gozde said...

Oh believe me if you think he looks tired you should see poor Kristen's pics at LAX. They need better nutrition and more sleep...

Rusharthi said...

I find the first picture really hot for some reason. You know him taking of his jacket like that. hehe.

Thank you for the pictures! Poor guy can't catch a break. He left for NY right?

Rose said...

Yeah, I will be happy when Rob gets to go back to London (hopefully soon)and away from all the screaming Americans! His nervous system has to be on overload.

Gozde said...

Oh sorry here is the link:

Kate said...

Yeah he looks wrecked alright!Nearly there and then he can get back home for some R&R!!

Kate said...

Ya Kristen looks really pale doesn't she. I know she's pale anyway but she has that pale look you get when you're exsausted!!

Amy said...

ET Online video...talks about music <3

Jewels64 said...

Ah Rob! There you are in your skinny black jeans, beanie wearing, Stoli t-shirt hotness! Get the hell outta town Dude, cuz it's about to go Twilight insane in the US on midnight Thursday/Friday.

Oh the comments we'll see here after that.....

Emily said...

That shirt is classic Rob. Several noticieable tears, just a tad too small, and gray. How long do you think he has owned that? Since middle school? Only he could wear that and look sexy.
I'm liking that first picture, as well, for the little glimpse of underpants waistband we get.

Rose said...

Well, he goes to NY (not sure for what...Tyra?)and then he must be coming back to LA for Leno...
Poor guy. Back and forth. Back and forth.

Kate said...

Cool interview Amy thanks!!!
I was laughing at the bit about the contacts, I worked in an opticians and I could never wear the bloody things, my eyes are just ultra sensitive, it's a PITA.

Ooh the outtakes on the DVD sound like they will be good ;-)

WOnder does the stunt guy really look exactly like Rob....mmm.....

Kate said...

Rose they're gone to NY for "The Today show" I think 7am tomorrow morning !

Rose said...

thats right, Kate! thanks! I forgot that!

Lynn said...

Well, Rob does come prepared with his unlaced Docs and easy access clothing. The first pic is absolutely oh my!

Anonymous said...

TMZ has a video of him leaving Orso in LA last night W/ the Fam and he's wearing the same clothing/jacket etc. So thats yesterday,dinner,Ryan's radio show now NY. Do you think he sleeps in his clothing or does he take them off and put them back on????

Tess said...

I love his shirt!

Where's he off to now?

What? no mini massage pat down?

DirtyD said...

Ooh la la...hubba, hubba..

kristen said...

He is looking HOT HOT HOT in these.

Lisa - You know, that is a good question. I wonder if he is just so exhausted by the end of the day that he collapses into bed with his clothes on, then rolls out of bed in the morning and heads out the door without a thought of changing or glancing at the mirror. Personally, I picture Rob as a dude who likes to sleep in the nude or just in his underwear... well a girl can hope, right? :)

Emily - I've never noticed the holes in that shirt before. That is SO Rob, and SO funny - it is clearly a favorite of his. But dear God, I hope he hasn't had that Stoli shirt since middle school - I mean, I'm all about lowering the drinking age and starting them young and all, but a 6th grader wearing a vodka brand t-shirt would be a little wrong haha

Anonymous said...

lyla my thoughts(dreams wishes) exactly i picture him in nothing while sleeping too or boxers or breifly in boxers!!! ;p

k said...

that top photo!!!!!!! it freaks me out how hot he is.

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