Rob in LA on November 7!

Here you go ladies! He IS coming over to your side too.

MTV Wants To Celebrate ‘Twilight’ With Movie’s Stars, Footage And You! RSVP Today For Our L.A. Event! You have to ho HERE and post a comment explaining why you are worthy to see Rob :PP

From MTV:

Here’s what you need to do: If you’re over 18, will be in Los Angeles on the 7th and can attend, post a comment below this article explaining why you are a true Twilighter. Have you memorized every line in the trailer, tattooed “Team Edward” on the small of your back, or named your baby Spunk Ransom? We want to know.


Lynn said...

Alright, I entered a comment the day that this was announced and there were only 285 comments by the end of the day. Now, it's only up to 928 comments. I really wish MTV would announce when the cut off is, because waiting any longer will just kill me

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