Rob in Chicago leaning in to hear the crowd.

He is so accommodating it is ridiculous, look at him trying to hear the fan questions.
No wonder we adore him.


La Stella said...

he's the cutest! =)

totally random but, I'm dying for Summit to give him a rest. If I was Rob, after this tour I would lock myself for a long time.

Dani said...

I know me too. Where the hell is everyone? I think from what I have heard though, the actor is able to say yeah or nay to the amount of signings etc. Certainly Rob could probably have chosen not to do so much press, but he is amazing in interviews and so kind and lively and from fan accounts very nice and accommodating. So he is in uber work mode right now and going going going.

But he will need a nice ale, a long bath and a week of strait sleep to get over this Hot Topcrapic tour.

La Stella said...

I'm guessing he knows the fans will make or break his career. I mean, for him to want to stop the car for them (that supposedly happened here in Mexico, and well you saw how it was) to take more pictures just shows that he has a great deal of respect for them.

That is one of the things that makes Rob my fave.

Dani said...

Oh I agree he seems to have the utmost respect for his fans and we really do make a difference. I mean Twilight is awesome don't get me wrong, but it is going to be a huge hit because of the fan base. And Rob has a lot to do with that, he is the one the people scream for.

Him being awesome to the fans only endears him more to me. Hey we buy the cds and we go to the movies. We make the blogs and spread the word. I think Rob gets the picture. He is a smart guy.

Anonymous said...

Is this when he asks "Did you just say take off my trousers?"

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