Rob in Boston

He actually calls it "Hot Pocket" Tour :-)


Gozde said...

I'm really sick, dozing on and off. If I don't update that's why :-)

Anonymous said...

You're sick Goz?
Oh, I hope you are better soon. No clubbing tonight for ya then...?
Also, AJ,lol at the nest and feather comment

Anonymous said...

You and Dani don't worry about updating, take a day off, Rob stuff can wait.

Gozde said...

You're sweet Jov :-) No clubbing tonight, I go a cold.... I'm gonna post a new scene from Twilight then try to get some sleep :-))

MiCh said...

A new review about the "How to Be" screening in Gotham film festival.. they talk about Rob's performance..

MiCh said...

Goz, hope you're better soon :)

Sabrizzle said...

I hope you feel better soon Goz! I thought it was funny when he was talking to the camera you could see all of the bras hanging on the wall behind him. Hot Pocket tour, LMAO!

Gozde said...

Thanks ladies :-)) Hot pocket tour. lmao!

Gozde said...

How cool was the father/daughter! I love dads like that!

Jewels64 said...

Ideal movie role? John out of the Bible. Which John? John the Baptist?, John the disciple or the john that Mary Magdalene did before she became a follower?

Oops...that one is gonna get me in trouble!
Sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone. Just riffing off the top of my head....

Okay...he is too much. Arcane, funny, witty, sarcastic, bombastic, purely British.

Way to tweak that media training Rob! Let Summit put a spin on that!

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