Rob Impressions


Jewels64 said...

Absolutely Adorkable! Damn Goz, you're on a roll! I get to enjoy this tonight. No work tomorrow. Twilight tomorrow! Keep it up, as long as you're up, so am I!

babbles said...

Way to Vacation Goz - We Love you!

Dani said...

Goz this is HYBeccer from imdb creation. She is my girl I adore her, she's a quick wit and her gifs and manips are too funny. Another gem for sure this one. Love it.

Thanks for rockin' the blog my lady. Got a few things going on tonight won't be on my comp til later.

babbles said...

When Rob Squeels "WHAT!" on the set of twilight it cracks my shit up - LOL!

p r i s c a said...

My fav is his "This is what i am! I don't have a 6 pack, bella!"

Jewels64 said...

Rob has a six pack, jut not the one Bella wants...

babbles said...

LOL - He is such a goof, He makes me laugh...

Anonymous said...

I know I laugh easily but I would probably frequently laugh every day if me & Rob hung out. He's just undeniably funny, simple as that.
And Dani, some of the fandom stuff is hilarious, there are some really TALENTED fans out there.

Anonymous said...

OOOHHHH! Jules...*I'm blushing*

Anonymous said...

HIGH Five, Jules!

Jewels64 said...

Jov, I catch myself blushing about Rob quite a bit these days. I'm gonna be a hot mess in the morning!

Gozde said...

Haha, I am home for half an hour, I thought I'd show the blog some love :-))

I'm out now to get drunk!

Love y'all!

Ellie said...

This is absolutely genius!
Too many too choose one favorite. I'm kind of partial to his impressions of Bella from the Z100 interview, the six-pack quote, and "I need, I need you to bite me!"

Yes, Jules, adorkable indeed!

Jewels64 said...

Have a drink for me, all the other ladies and have several for Rob!

p r i s c a said...

Have fun Goz! Thanks for rockin' the blog today.

Jewels64 said...

He said something hilarious in the Sacramento interview...dammit I just had a senior moment and now I have to go back and watch it again!

Rose said...

Wow you girls have been busy tonight on this blog. So much to read and watch!
Thank You!

I'm getting ready to watch Kristen on Letterman in a bit. I hope she does well.

Anonymous said...

I wish upon wish we could all(of us in your blog) get drunk together Goz. Almost as much as hearing Rob read. I want to rein it in, but I was thinking of saying maybe showing me that six...

Jewels64 said...

Okay, I'm back. He was talking about Edward being 108 trapped in a 17 year old body.

"He's very mature. A very mature boy. With a fresh young body."

Everytime he says body I have a GOF flashback! LMAO!

Jewels64 said...

PrettyOK(Rose), thanks for the tip off. I think I'll go watch!

Ciao Ladies!

Rose said...

Welcome, Jewels! And you can just call me Rose...its easier!

Anonymous said...

LMAO, always about the Bella, I don't have a six pack and the reading Bella part in the new york radio thing, it was a bit SNL and when you wait for the performances where they are trying their hardest not to crack up. I love that, it's the best feeling when you try not to laugh and can't stop it from happening. God I love that.

babbles said...

p'Ok ~ Ahhh Rose, I never knew!
My Daughter's name is Emma Rose, I love the name Rose... Ok enough about Rose! ha
Beautiful name though!!! Just sayin...

babbles said...

Jov ~ that is one of my favorite things about him, He just full on open mouthed bluntly laughs at whatever he wants and his laugh is highly contageous and you cant help but follow his lead, and he is funny as hell and so sarcastic...

Rose said...

Thanks Brooke! It's a family name, my grandmothers.
But Emma beautiful. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Brooke, completely agree with you.
Ditto everything you said.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little scared that this might be the last evening the blog will be like this. Maybe tomorrow it will never be the same with teenage fangirls visiting.
It's been fun while it has lasted.

p r i s c a said...

Jov- You're probably right. *tear* Let's all hold hands and sing NEVER THINK.

*closing eyes to appreciate the moment*

babbles said...

Jov ~ Dont fear, I think we are safe... this blog tends to pull and attract a diff genre of Fans... Perhaps a few fangirls but I am not worried...

babbles said...

Betzabe - LMAO!

"hold hands"

We can start our own secret handshake and password too!!!

Love it...

We know who we are and new people are welcome, I dont think the general conversation will hold the, what's the word, oh right, Twitwits attention for long...

Rose said...

*extending her hands*

I hope this place remains the same!

p r i s c a said...

Handshake and Passwords. I like it!

And we should get matching suspenders! And a Megaphone! Oooh def a megaphone!

Rose said...

M E G A P H O N E.

Ellie said...

Hi, Girls!

How about ZIPper necklaces??

DirtyD said...

Handshakes and Passwords?!?!? What'd i miss?

Anonymous said...

But, I'm looking at the upside. I'll get more work done. Maybe I'll write that book that I have in mind after this one and write it and then see if I have the guts to send it in because it will be a kick ass, takes-guts-to-write-novel.
Also I'll hang onto how he's not perfect, he smokes, seems he has poor personal hygiene most of the time, he's probably very stubborn, unyielding, has a bad diet, is a slob, a bad driver,doesn't seem to be organized, runs late often, probably handles his money unwisely, should I go on?
But he open mouthed funny, probably haven't even seen how funny he really is, sexy as hell, so much talent in that thin, tall body, voice that knocks me out, loves to read,interestingly intelligent and in a package that is fun to look at, especially the jawline. I'm working on tomorrow for the crush to be reined in.
just some rambling thoughts...

babbles said...

We could get some suspenders that have a Megaphone latch with a zipper front and a side pocket for cig's... maybe a clasp for a flask and we are good to go....

DirtyD said...

Just finished watching Kristen on Letterman. The poor girl looked like she wanted to crawl under a rock. She really is uncomfortable in the spotlight.

Rose said...

Ok...just watched KS on Letterman. She talked about "Escaping to Europe" for a press thing..."Hopefully London".
Leave Michael whatshisname home.

Tess said...

It'll be great.. !!!!

It'll be great.. !!!

Can't seem to stop thinking about just how great it would be..

and hey guys? do you really think there will be more people visiting? everyone who's going to film is already Robsessed, and has already been visiting (but maybe not commenting) I don't get it?

Tess said...

Rose~There is no way in hell that MA is going to stay at home. ;)

Jewels64 said...

Wow, that KStew interview was almost painful. Still, loved the goofy face she pulled when she said she was talking about what to talk about over and over in her own head. Cute. She's young, give her more time around Rob, she'll come out of her shell.

DirtyD said...

Tess- I completely agree with you. Do you ever notice him hanging around in the background in all the press videos. It's kind of funny he probably has to hold her purse!

Gozde said...

Okay I'm quite drunk and going back to drinking BUT: we have hit our highest page views in the last 3 days, we get about 7 thousand hits a day. I don't think the movie will make it higher since as Tess said everybody is already Robsessed :) I doubt the movie will recruit more. The ones going to the movie are the people that are already HUGE Twilight and Rob fans.

Cheers dahlings! I wish we could all get together for a drink too Jov!

Rose said...

Hahaha...probably not, Tess.
But a European Tour has got to be time consuming...and well...he doesn't NEED to go. Rob will take care of Kristen.

Jewels64 said...

I'm almost sorry that I read that Lainey Gossip review, because the entire time during the Twilight clip, I was focusing on Rob's facial expressions. I may have to sneak a flask into the theatre. Cheese! oops! I meant cheers!

Rose said...

Doesn't this Michael guy have a life of his own? Isn't he working on some movie or something? He does seem to be lurking in the background a lot.

Jewels64 said...

He's a lurker. That's his job.

Rose said...

I wonder if Rob is hiring for his own personal 'lurker'. It's a job I think I am highly qualified for, and I know I would do an excellent job.

DirtyD said...

Jewels- I was doing the exact same thing. I really hope I don't do that tomorrow at the movie- I don't want to ruin it.

Jewels64 said...

I don't necessarily think it's going to ruin it...hell, it may make it more fun. But the press coming in about the kiss is hot, hot, hot! We all know that's what we're waiting for. Plus, i have it on personal authority that when Rob first comes on screen, it is eyepopping hot!

Rose said...

I'm rather sad that I have to wait another few days to see the movie.
Is peace of mind worth the wait? Is staying out of jail for bashing screaming banshees worth the wait?
Probably. But it makes me sad that I won't see it until Monday. :(

Amy said...

I just saw Kristen on Letterman! Awe poor thing, she was the same as she always is. - pretty nervous.

She mentioned the Europe leg of the promo tour. I guess that begins soon! It's really work work work for these guys until the Christmas holidays I guess. Since the UK premiere is on the 3rd. I'm thinking the other promotional stops will be after that unless they cram it all into next week? And Rob is on Leno in LA next week right? Or did he tape that already. Ahhhhh and then Australia will be sometime in December as well.

Wow. They have a lot to do still...

Rose said...

Is Rob walking into the cafeteria his introduction? I just saw that clip somewhere...Jessica is telling Bella about him, and he smiles wickedly. VERY HOT.

Tess said...

Rose et all! some of us have to wait until the middle of December! I'm thinking of having a blog black out until next monday or tuesday.

I'm going to be green with envy.

Gozde said...

Okay Random Kristen sighting. We are watching the Sarah Silverman show since it's funny when you're drunk and Kristen was on it introducing :-) Random, I had to rewind DVR 'cause for a second I thought I was too drunk and hallucinating :P

Jewels64 said...

I wasn't told what actually happened, just that you may leave a wet spot on your chair!

Rose said...

Sorry Tess, if I gave something away. It was a grainy video off someones TV, and I think they were overdubbing in Italian.
(but he still was incredibly sexy)

Rose said...

I guess I assumed that was his 'intro' since it is the first time Bella sees him in the book.

Amy said...

I cannot wait for tomorrow!!!!

The waiting is killing me...

Jewels64 said...

Well, ladies I'm off to reread Midnight Sun to get into the mood for tomorrow. Yeah, like I need any help in that department.

Sweet Rob dreams everyone!

DirtyD said...

Goodnight ladies. To those of you see the movie tomorrow I hope you enjoy it I know I will!

Rose said...

Night Jewels:)

Anonymous said...

Okay lovely, smart, funny, ladies of Robsessed, I have to go to the theatre now I have wonderful friends holding my place in line. I didn't want to be filmed by the local news. They were there filming people in line.
You know how I feel about my privacy.
Off to see Twilight. It almost seems hard to believe after all the anticipation.
Luv ya all,

Anonymous said...

Goz, Sarah Silverman drunk. I have definetly going to have to do that, top priority.

Anonymous said...

Sorry WATCHING Sarah Silverman drunk.
Nite, Jules.

Tess said...

Goz- thanks for all the fun posts this evening.

I just watched the video of him and K signing autographs in the street! wowza. craziness.

After I watched it though, I feel different about Kstew. I want to give her a hug too now.

Rose said...

Kristen does need a hug...from Robert.:)

Dani said...

Word to your mother! Hello everyone whats going on I see zipper necklaces and drunkness, Robsessed and HELLEEEWW over 7 thou hits today.

I feel like a proud mother!

Gozde said...

Word Dani! :-)) When are you seeing Twilight? We are going to be the worst spoiler website if you are also seeing it tomorrow night! I tried going on imdb but I HATE reading other people's opinions! I want to make my own dammit!

Dani said...

11:30am tomorrow morning and maybe again at 2.

This place is going to be a hot mess of spoilerage. I AM SO PROUD OF US!!! Yay on the hits, we are providing sweet Rob love all over the place.

MiCh said...

I survived! 2 hours of Rob and I'm complete, dazzled and a little bit intoxicated by Rob's presence, but still complete!

It seems like the mexican premiere was a total success. At least in Monterrey, where I live; am watching the news right now and they are saying all the screenings were sold out!

My theater was full of crazy tweens, some twimoms, and, believe it or not, maybe 20 or 30 good boyfriends/husbands! Poor guys, the Twilight widows!
Of course some banshees screamed at almost every Edward appearance (and Jacob too, you know, Team Edward/Team Jacob). Also James had his fans! But in general they were well-behaved.

I don't want to spoil the movie so I will only say 2 things:

1. Music.. the soundtrack was perfect and Rob's songs come at
absolutely perfect moments in the movie. Let me Sign made my heart burst! And the credits song, ohhh.. can't believe they put together three of my passions: Twilight, Rob Pattinson and.. can I say it out loud? Radiohead! lol

2. Rob's perfomance.. prepare to swoon and break out into a cold sweat on several occasions. And forget The Hair, now I'm officially in love with The Eyes.

I could say more things but I dont want to spoil.. besides, The Eyes have taken my mind, am writing silly stuff 'cause I'm in love with The Eyes, The Eyes, The Eyes..

What about you, dahlings?

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