Perez Hilton and multiple sources claim Rob renegotiated a deal and will be getting $12 million per film, plus a nice percentage of the future movies' box-office take, to be exact.
Cheers to Rob! He deserves it. He is one of the biggest draws of Twilight.
Another rumor is that Catherine won't be the director for the second movie.(This rumor is from HERE.)
Discuss :-))
Where did it say CH wouldn't direct? That would be pretty sad for her. She's always been so enthusiastic about the books and to try to make the best possible movie. If she is replaced, I wonder how the cast would react. They've only had great things to say about her.
Good news for Rob though with the raise. Maybe with his new found wealth he can stock his fridge with something other than snapple and hot pockets.
Seriously, I will be so bummed if CH gets the boot. Her Twiight vision is just pure genius!
Woo-hoo to Rob! He and Kristen are on to great things. And, to think that he actually wanted to quit acting!
I thought Catherine was the perfect director for Twilight because she came into it as a fan. She read the books and loved them and wanted to do them right. It seems like the cast really respected her as well and enjoyed working with her. I hope if it's not her for New Moon, they get someone with the same passion for the books. Also I hope it's someone who will listen to Rob's input and ideas. I think he knows how to make Edward exactly how he needs to be portrayed in New Moon. He's not the same person as he was in Twilight and I hope they can capture that in the film.
Rob deserves every dollar he gets and I can guarantee you that we still won't see any of his shoes or pants being replaced anytime soon. If the zip zip pants ever go away (or if the zipper starts behaving), it would be a tragedy.
I definitely want CH to film the other movies, but I'm with Dani on Del Toro for BD. He would rock that movie.
Okay, night, my sweethearts...you are all so wonderful and make my life so much brighter. And make me feel like my Robsesson is so much more normal! :)...kinda'.
OH! I forgot! Going to the movie tomorrow night for #2 time...I know, I'm behind everyone else; couldn't swing it before this.
I am SO excited--squeeeee!
Damn, now I'm not tired anymor, thinking about that yummy man of ours...
Okay, I'm a responsible adult--
Good night, again~~xoxoxo
p.s.-and I'm so excited for Rob, with this great news! TTFN
Nite Ellie- Don't worry you're not behind EVERYBODY. I don't get to see it for the second time until Friday.
Well, Perez is claiming Rob's new take will be $10 million plus future box office percentages. Geez, poor guy only got $2 million for Twilight.
Well, I for one would picket the idea of changing directors, CH has pretty much put Summit in the big leagues of movie franchises and dynasties. She deserves to see her creative endeavors put forth in the next two films.
Honestly I would love it if CH didn't return, I didn't like her take on Twilight much.
Good for Rob though, thats definitely a huge increase and he deserves it.
I haven't seen it a second time, either. Speaking of the movie, what happened to Emmett in the hoodie saying, "This is wrong Edward. She's not one of us!" I loved the movie but I keep thinking of parts that I thought were in the trailers but then not in the final film. Oh, well. Still loved it!
When you go again, make sure and notice Kellan chewing in the cafeteria scene. I guess during shooting they would put food "props" in front of him and he kept forgetting that he wasn't supposed to be eating. At the premiere he said he was excited to see if they were able to edit around all of his accidental eating. Guess not!
I honestly think that 2 million is too much considering the budget they had. Well, unless they payed him that for the promotion as well.
Lynn-- I didn't understand your last comment for me at the other thread *blushes*
Lynn, Perez says $10mil more, which makes it $12mil :-)
I was a HUGE fan of Catherine, love her energy and enthusiasm about Twilight and I loved Thirteen but I thought the main problem with Twilight was it's direction. Rob and Kristen saved the movie. I'll be happy if they replace CH.
Emily---LOL I was wondering the same thing about the Emmett/Kellan quote. The food thing was hilarious, I read about it on SM's website.
Welcome, Kimmy!
I have to add that it was because of CH that Rob and Kristen came to the Twilight project...it would be sad to see her go. Say it ain't so!
Lynn the thought of you picketing holding a sign about your head just cracks me up.
Emily- I completely forgot about that scene. As far as the eating in the cafeteria though I was so mesmerized with Rob I don't think I noticed anything else. I'll have to take a better look on Friday.
Whoops, didn't read the more part...my bad!
I meant "above" your head.
I can't type tonight. I need to go to bed.
2million for Twilight? 12 for New Moon. I call BS!!
Stella---I meant that if you and Tom met in real life that he would love your creative endeavors in bringing out his inner Beyonce.
Alright I'm off to bed. Nite girls.
Rob should have gotten paid $2 million just for being thrust into the hell that was the Hot Topic tour.
Dana - I sort of love that he's eating in it. It fits his character. Like, "I don't care if I'll have to cough it up later, these hard boiled eggs are looking good!" Kellan is the perfect Emmett.
Maggie-- I'm with you. BS.
Lynn-- huh, I like that :)
Well, I disagree with the idea of poor direction...it had way more to do with a lack of budget. I read about the particular filming styles and the newest equipment that CH utilized and I am convinced of her genius. The woman has the eye necessary for the details involved in such a multi-level film.
Dana---I would so picket for CH, she is the coolest....she reminds of my two hippie aunts. And, I would do it for other female indie directors....they're the real women in the industry.
YAY on all accounts!!!
Besides, she has worked so hard for Twilight, I mean, she even has the DVD ready. For me, that means dedication. I dunno, I quite liked CH. Yeah, the movie had some flaws, but it was still good.
I doubt Rob and KStew will be getting $10million... I think people (gossips) are throwing numbers out there to see what sticks. His re-negotiations will probably go on until the say they start filming. I would guess he got about $500,000 for Twilight and will get at most $3mill and a nice cut of the takings for New Moon. That's just my take from a movie background... take it with a grain of salt....
As for CH... she brought SO much to the movie. Her passion for the story was intense. I think they should keep her but get a better editor. The editing is where the movie lacked... the director and editor should work in harmony on the editing process. Also, I think the actual script could've been better...
Letting CH go would be a huge mistake... also letting the indie feel go would be a huge mistake. New Moon should be indie feel with eff-ing great special effects.
For one there is NO way in Hell either Rob or K Stew made 2 mil. When the budget was only 37mil. Yeah right! Second of all I highly doubt either one of them will make even close to 10mil the second movie. They probably made around six figures each for Twilight. Sure they will most likely renegotiate for NM to make a bigger pull but 12 mil? Or 10....... That is laughable. Deserved perhaps, going to happen.....no way in blue balls Hell.
TomStu is more likely to come to my house at this very moment, bake me a cake, run me a bath, feed me that cake while I relax in said bath. Then make love to me repeatedly while we call Robs name in unison upon climax.
But I do hope CH comes back for the next movie at least. She rocks my world. I have a good feeling she will be directing NM.
Oh God Dani.. that made me laugh so hard, I think I woke someone up.
"Then make love to me repeatedly while we call Robs name in unison upon climax.".... oh my god... I pee'd myself.
No really... couch... all wet!
Totally agree with you on the $$$ thing... "gossip" is just throwing numbers out there to see who runs with it.
Kathryn, I'm with you about the pay and about CH.
It's the lack of good editing that got Twilight bad reviews(RT) and some of the effects.
The thing is lack of editing etc IS the director's job. I blame Catherine for the cheesy scenes and the god awful special effects. $37mil is not that bad a budget you guys. check this site:
I don't believe for a second that they got $2mil for the first movie but I would believe at least $5mil for the second one.
Kathryn love I just noticed your avitar and I about pissed my bed that is pure win right there. The stuff dirty dreams are made of check out that mop! Awesome!
Goz I hope you are right. 5 mil sounds more than fair. I would have liked them to get that for the promo they did. Especially Rob.
Summit needs to get some good investors and throw serious cash at NM. After all this Twihype I don't see how they wouldnt have a huge budget for New Moon.
If they decide to make Breaking Dawn. I'm requesting Guillermo Del Toro direct and a budget of at least 100mil to make it right.
Dani, on the other hand wouldn't Perez know? I mean he is in this business. I think he would call bullshit on the $12mil if it wasn't feasible.
I dunno :-) I hope our boy does make that much!
Goz, I hear you but... (and I hate agreeing with someone then saying "but").
As a producer I work closely with editors. I am not an editor, I can edit, but I'm not an editor. So although I bring a certain amount to the table, I also work in harmony with the editors and crave their input. Even with a top notch directors a crappy editor could bring the project down.
As far as the special effects... that's all about budget. I thought they did wonderfully on some (sparkling... great w/o the damn sound effect), and craptacular on others (running not so great). Room for improvement? Sure, but the $$$'s had to be there to help with that.
But then... how many dierctors has Harry Potter had now... 4? I'd just rather see the passionate CH stay and work wonders with a bigger budget.
Off to bed to dream about my avitar pic....
Good night ladies... again another wonderful Rob filled day from Robsessed... love it! You guys ROCK.
Thanks for the welcome! I've been meaning to make some comments as I've been nonstop awaiting new Rob photos/interviews, but I felt a bit like an outsider. :]
Good night guys :-) I'm off to bed to dream about Kath's avatar :-))
And Kimmy, this crazy blog welcomes you with open arms. Never hesitate to post :-)
I hope CH stays. Don't like anyone on that short list of directors. I just wish someone else would play Jacob. HATE Taylor for the werewolf Jacob.
Catherine has great casting intincts,love to know who she would cast for the Italian Vampires.
Twilight also had it's production bumped up by a month, maybe this affected the edits too.
okay totally off topic but soneone on imdb posted a link to tmz where they had some pics of K Stew blazing up on her front steps. Like hello clear as day her and michael angarano smoking weed in the middle of the day. Just shocks me for some reason.
Li, good point.
I don't like Taylor either. So vanilla for a werewolf and his bright white teeth are too much for me.
Im totally anti drugs I've never really been cool or down with the drug lingo. I like my shiraz and merlot and my vodka most of all drugs just aren't my thing. But damn K Stew is seriously out there smoking weed. It shocks the Hell out of me. That's so stupid to do it out in the open like that. WTF? Not cool.
They shocked me too Dani. Her PR people are not gonna be happy with her :-) Wow...
Hey guys.. I just finished reading all the other comments on the hair thread!! I was laughing obnoxiously loud over Kat's list of questions for Rob. #4!
I thought 10-12million was a lot of $ to pay them (but then what do I know) 3-5 millions sound much more realistic. I'm guessing that they'll keep CH for the next film. She put her blood into promoting this! I don't think she would've kept going on and on about making enough $ to shoot the next movie (think back on all the interviews) if it wasn't already on her plate.
Just a gut feeling.
Dani- Maybe Oregano and Kstew were just roll their own tobacco? ;)
Dani-- that was Michael Angarano?
I find Kristen way too smart to be pulling a Misha Barton and lighting up where people can see her.
I mean, if she wants to do it, well it's her business, but she should think about her career.
Nikki co-wrote Thirteen, she does weed. I'm %99 sure Rob does weed too :) I don't, I'm an alcohol girl but most people don't even consider weed as a drug.
The whole cast bonding over music and movies shifted to a whole new level :)
Stupid stupid Kristen. She got caught. Others don't.
Kathryn---I complately agree with you and trust your judgement both as a producer and director. I would think that the editor's job is crucial and serves as the final judge on a film's integrity. I mean the Academy would not recognize them with Oscars otherwise, right?
I truly believe that above all that CH lacked a larger budget and worked with greater setbacks then most directors.
Dani---is there a link to said burnage?
It's the first thing on TMZ.
No Tess K Stew was blazin up for sure. My best friend and her hub toke it up all the time. I do consider it a drug and if you are going to do such a thing be smart about it. Just one of those things I would rather not have known about.
I am sure there are lots of weird and disgusting, or just plain nasty things that stars we admire do behind closed doors. If we knew about it we might be really turned off. But that's why you keep those things private.
I'm disappointed I still adore K Stew but that was one stupid move. Just don't get it. Her PR team is probably wigging our about now.
Goz---thanks for the link and the looksey.
Dude, I have to ask....Kristen, why a pipe? You can so hide in a cigarette....think before you bake!
I wonder if KStew (as the rebel she is) did it on purpose when she saw the paparazzi on front of her house.
With all the hobo/hippie/grunge style that most of the cast seem to share I'm pretty sure that she is not the only one.
OMG, I must sound like a horrible mother saying that! But, I must say that I don't condone drug use, but, Kristen is your quinessential Cali kid and the drugs are everywhere (hell, about 60% of the kids at my daughter's school smoke weed). Kstew is in the limelight and she needs to play it smart and smoke out in a bathroom or at someone's house.
OH SHIT.. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but the pipe says it all..
Not only are her Reps going to say "Kristen, you're making our job really difficult" No PETA's gonna get give her grief for getting the Dog contact high!
I'm with you Lynn :)) The more I look at that picture the more I crack up and just want to say "Dude! Not out in the open!"
*Now PETA's* oops
Hell, if her parents let her travel alone with her boyfriend through out the country, I bet she could even get away with doing it INSIDE her house.
I think that this is Kristen basically saying, I dont give an F. I just really think it was a bad move for her.
I didn't even see the dog :-)) haha!
I bet a lot of the cast probably partakes I suppose I'm coming from a mothers view on it. Just not my thing. But really to just do that so openly. We all know K Stew has a "I don't give a shit if you like me' attitude. And I respect her frankness and honesty. She is a rebel for sure. But be smart for the love of God this isnt good for her career. Certainly isnt going to keep her out of the movies but just a dumb thing to do.
Goz---totally! Kstew might as well have pulled out a glass bong or the kind that you make with the honey bear bottles. WTF was she even thinking that there's not someone watching her!
Bella gets high :P I can literally picture her agent rolling up one right now 'cause he/she is freaking out.
Goz I noticed the dog I was just too busy on a rant. That is an adorable pooch. He looks a little high too.
From all the interviews we've seen her in, to the movie choices she makes... I think she just 'dares' anyone to say something to her.
She's very very young. I hope she's lucky and she doesn't receive too much backlash from this. She'll probably get all pissy about it, but you have to earn your stripes before you start flicking the whip..
(sorry, I just made myself laugh with that last bit. You know what I mean) she has a huge chip..
Yeah, the dog's wondering where the Dorritos are!
Tess--love the PETA comment!
You know K was just talking about her dad, John, to Ryan Seacrest about how he will off-handedly tell her how to act and to not do stupid stuff. Hmmm, I guess he neglected to tell her that if she partakes in recreational drug use, to make it an indoor activity.
I agree no way they made 2 mil on Twilight. Not for that size budget.
As far as Catherine directing New Moon I do feel there were a lot of mistakes especially in editing, and story flow but the movie was moved up like what 3 weeks, so maybe some of the editing had to be rushed through. I also feel and have read that a lot of the filming was kinda learning as you go. Scenes like the venom sucking after the fight were shot early on and prom scenes were shot later. You can tell everyone was more in thier "groove" with the prom scene. I totally admire CH for her commitment and enthusiasm to Twilight and totally want to see her direct again. I think now that character and all the setup has been done that New moon shoot will go better.
Also, if I remember correctly wasn't Twilight originally set with a 90 minute timeline?? There was no way they could get all of the movie in that amount of time. I still feel like there is about 20 minutes more of the movie that ended up on the cutting room floor.
Sorry this is rambling I've just had so many thoughts floating on this.
Just read the comments under the TMZ posting.
Scathing! eek!
I hope she doesn't throw a fit about the lack of privacy and quit NM! Any bets?
Lisa love your long blurb!
Lynn I didnt smoke but I'm wondering where the damn chips are too. LOL!
Ahhhhhh Hell I'm giggling over this because Bella gets high! That's just blowing my mind. K Stew has a HUGE chip on her shoulder and girl is probably going to take a bit of shit for this. I doubt Summit is pleased.
Ooh, never looked at it that way Tess. She does seem like a person to possibly do that. But also she is the kind of person who will look at that picture and go "Whatever!"
Anyhoo, I should really go to bed now:)
Tess you bring up a fine point. Like I said Summit can't be happy about their Twilight star smoking dope. Rob drinks yes and smokes cigs yes. But he is legal to do so. And he hasn't been caught doing illegal anything. I worry for the Stew.
Oh and by the way @ the Q&A in Sherman Oaks with Catherine I didn't learn anything really new except when Catherine flew out to Pittsburgh? where Kristen was shooting to audition her for Twilight the actor she took with her to Audition Kristen was Jackson Rathbone. She said they took a red eye out and that he was such a gentleman and carried her bags for her. Such a southern cutie!!
Kristen what were you thinking!!?? Never toke up on the front porch LOL
I don't smoke heck I barely drink, But I really don't mind if others do but seriously on the front porch!WTH
Dani---Dorritos for everyone!
Kstew---this is for you!
We fly high, No Lie ,You know this (BALLIN!)
Foreign rides, outside, its like showbiz (We in the building)
We stay fly, No Lie ,You know this (BALLIN!)
Hips and Thighs, Oh my, Stay focus
Goz---good night!
dani- I can't even read *Bella gets high* without erupting into a fit of giggles.
Lisa---cool CH bit! I love, love, love Jackson Rathbone, he always seems like he's quite the lady's man. I was trying to remember who was going to that Q&A, now I know!
OH MY Lynn you crack me up!
Tess---LOL I was thinking the same thing!
Lisa---I try for comic relief! I just kept hearing that song as I looked at the TMZ shots.
I have friends who smoked weed but always was a night(time to party) thing, not with their morning/afternoon coffee.
I hope it's just being young and non of them will end up and would look like Willie Nelson.
night, girls!
Thanks for all the posts today.
I had to dig this video up before I went to bed! I am so Robsessed :)
Lisa, I went to that Sherman Oaks Q&A as well. I loved when CH pulled that quick with out and was saying to have that girl escorted out. Catherine seems like a real hoot!
Thanks Goz :] It was a bit intimidating since it seems like such a close community. But now that I've started I can't stop haha.
As for Kristen, wow. I'm 18, I've done it before, but never out in the open like that. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt but after seeing the pictures, its pretty obvious what she was doing. Its not that she's getting high that upsets me, its more that she is doing it so openly. As much as she might not like it, she's well-known now, tween girls are looking up to her. Is this the message she wants to send?
Yeah I took My husband and my 13 yer old son. They liked the movie my son even went with me again. CH was just like she was in interviews so bubbly and cool. Did not learn much new probably because I have read or viewed every Fricking vid or Article- Ugh I have no life...... Well i do I just choose to ignore it :)
Alright Lisa CH and Jackson love. Renewed my crush on both entirely.
I'm off to bed. I think we can all agree K Stew and Bella get high with their boyfriend Mike. And it is stupid to do it on your front porch. I hope this doesnt hurt her career with the movies coming up I adore her as Bella and think she I'd such a talent to do sonething so stupid.
Her and Michael are probably having sex too but you don't advertise that on your front lawn either. Protect your image when you are full of piss and vinigar to begin with.
I'm hungry now. Talking about smoking weed gives me the muchies.
Goz---I showed that vid to my 15 year old and I was the only one laughing. Thanks for the laughs!
Good night, lovely!
Goz, I love this video. LOL
Betzabe yeah That was funny I kinda agree with that girl I would of liked to see more of Bella's and Edwards relationship not just montages of it but then I absolutly loved the scenes W/Charlie like I said earlier there's alot of the movie that feels left out to me.
Kimmy---thank you for a similar age POV! Yes, if you don't say no, then, take it inside!
Welcome! Please post, we need insight from all ages.
Yeah, i do wish the E&B relationship had been a little more detailed. But i wouldn't take away any of the Charlie Swan time for it. I'd simply add another hour of film. Ha! Just another hour. No big.
I loved when Catherine wanted to get answers from the audience. And when she talked about her 70yr old mother wanting to enroll into a Biology class, GOLD!
Welcome Kimmy!!
Oh one more thing mmmuuuuaaahhh and welcome our new posters Lisa and Kimmy. I'm so glad you've joined the party. We are a close community however unlike some places not to be named. We welcome you with open hearts and minds. You both rock....and I'm out.
I'm also out of chips which I never really buy but now my tummy is all knotted up and hungry. Blasted Hell K Stew you got high and I'm hungry now! I blame you for my rumbly belly.
Lynn- Haha no problem! I'm quite knowledgeable of an 18 year olds POV, so by all means, any questions please feel free to ask me haha.
I definitely feel very welcome! I'll be posting more often now :]
Ahh, Betz! I think that it's just cool to hear about CH's overall attitude. Yes, E&B's relationship development was lacking, but, CH did what she had to do. Another half hour maybe....not a whole hour!
I Know!!
We'd ask a Question and she'd be like "well what do you guys think" Hold up we came to see YOU speak!:)
Dani---night, night, lovely!
Buy some chips tomorrow and think of Bella getting high!
well it would be another half hour of E&B love, and then i'd need another half hour of edward in the rain.
PS: It's raining in LA right now, really helps with the wet edward images in my head right now.
Well I'm totally looking forward to the DVD I know There will be good stuff
Hello Kimmy!
Good night everyone. I have to go.. G just came home from school, and we have homework..
Lynn- still having a good laugh about the use for empty honey bottles.. never thought of that. We just use to use toilet paper rolls.. back in the day..
Oh also about Edward & Bellas scenes. That was my main problem with the movie. It felt so rushed, it was like they hated each other one second and in love with each other the next. And I know that's how it is in the book, they fall in love so quickly. But if I had watched Twilight having not read the book, I would have thought it was a stupid teen infatuation.
Also, Charlie/Bella scenes were amazing. I loved the guy playing Charlie, he was perfect!
I'm so happy it's raining I visited my Parents In Portland last X-mas and just loved loved the rain I wish it would happen more often here in LA
Tess----have a great afternoon!
The honey bottle was a la Clueless (remember the donated household items)...back in day, a soda can did the job.
Now, I will be watching for incriminating toliet paper rolls in my daughter's room.
Night everyone! I've got to get to bed Hubby's eyeing the wireless router like he wants to pummel it
Kimmy---that's the first thing that my daughter said after the midnight showing was how fast the courtship went and how they were suddenly in love. Well, it is a film afterall....it just sucks for the readers.
Lisa---are you guys getting a lot of rain...we've gotten less than an inch (in San Diego)?
Good night, Lisa! I am off to do the same.
Good night, lovelies!
That would be so sad if Catherine didn't direct it! Twilight was really good, and I hope she directs NM. (CH and I have the same first name...hehe)
Dear God you ladies di a lot of talking last night, can't catch up on all the comments here and on the previous thread, just heading out the door but said I'd pop in to see what I missed. Be back later ;-)
Oh and i@m delighted for Rob too ;-)
I knew I would miss stuff after I went to sleep! You ladies were blazing last night...not like KStew, of course! ;)
Morning, Kate!! (or is it afternoon already, for you??)Just checking before I leave for work.
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