Rob appearances

Not too much of an update but the TBDs changed to Hot Topic stores, we'll keep updating you as more info comes in :-)

November 3
Apple Store
New York City

November 4
Z100 - Elvis Duran Morning Show
New York City

November 4
Planet Hollywood Times Square
New York City
Handprint and memorabilia ceremony

November 6
New York City

November 10
San Francisco, CA
HOT Topic Store

November 11
Dallas, TX
HOT Topic Store

November 12
Chicago, IL
HOT Topic Store

November 13
Philadelphia, PA
HOT Topic Store

November 14
Boston, MA
HOT Topic Store

November 15
Much Music
Toronto, Canada

November 17
Twilight Premiere
Mann Village Theatre
Los Angeles, CA


babbles said...

OK, I have a question, I considered posting it on the IMDb but didn't want to get eaten alive...
I wasn't aware magazines swapped photo's back and forth. This is why I ask... Maybe I am severely confused but....
Rob's V-man shot is on the cover of Portrait and A shot of Rob and Kristen from the Empire shoot is on the cover of Inspire...
I don't get it, Isn't the idea to sell your own mags, so Why give your photo's to other mags???

Am I missing something?

Jewels64 said...

I swear to God, I'm gonna rip that friggin Hot Topic store in Dallas apart. I know ForeverEB's with me! We have a's evil, but we must get pix and and video shout out from Rob for all the lovely gurlz here at Robsessed!!

I'm on a mission...don't stop me! ;)

babbles said...

Oh and damn Rob is a busy boy, I wonder if he likes this or if he hates it... I like to be busy!

Is it just me or does he seem to be carrying like 90% of the promo appearance weight for the entire cast, I mean I know he is the star next to Kristen but even she doesn't have the schedule that Rob does... Just an observation...

Dani said...

Summit is pimping out the cast big time.

~MindyMc said...

I was thinking the same thing Brooke. Poor guy, I wonder how much of these details he knew about when he signed up for this gig.

Jules & Kath we'll need to sneak him a little tequila snort to get him thru all those little HopTopic Twihards!

Lord please be with our Rob thru this coming month! Grant him the patience & serenity to survive this with his good humor intact....

Rose said...

I does seem like Rob is carrying the heaviest promo burden. But then again, let's face it...who do you want to see the most?

Hint: he's the whole 'package'.

babbles said...

package, *head snaps back and forth* did someone say package!!!!

~MindyMc said...

Amen! PrettyOk - here's to his package! Um, I mean his WHOLE package!)

Jewels64 said...

Zipper alert!!!!! Tequila does wonderful things for zippers...they tend to open very easily! Besides, what kind of Texas Gal would I be if I didn't do the tequila body shot off Rob after licking the salt all the way down the treasure trail... I think I just passed out....

Kat said...

Don't start with the package again... our list of Rob buzz words continues to grow.

Zip or Zipper

What am I missing?

~MindyMc said...

Ciggys, ForeverAB, Ciggys.....

~MindyMc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

mm, forevereb, i'm getting whiplash going back and forth from this blog to our e-mails. This is the best freaking time i've had all damn day!

Lets see what words to add:
sex on a stick
get in the car
say it out loud
you are my life now

Kat said...

Jules... earth to Jules... wake up! Don't pass out, you may miss more Rob!

~MindyMc said...

Drat, I getting flustered fingers still thinking of package. Can't type, must concentrate, words * fail * me..... mush

Kat said...

Zip or Zipper

sex on a stick
get in the car
say it out loud
you are my life now

Let's keep the list going.... I'm about to take the five minute commute home. I'll think of more as I blast his dulcet tones in the car and somehow manage to make my commute 20 minutes.

Jewels64 said...

Are you kidding me...I pass out I dream about him. I wake up, I come to this blog (in more ways than one...oops TMI), and see more Rob! It's a Robalicious world! I'm so freaking happy I live in it!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me the Hot Topic store thing is just a bad idea. How the hell can you even more around in there, let alone with Rob in there and a million females trying to be in the same room with him.
Also, Jewels you cracked me up with the "I'm gonna rip that firggin Hot Top store in Dallas apart" LMAO
I'm visualizing you tearing through the place getting to Rob.
"He knows I'm here."
I don't know why but I'm still laughing.
Also, on the Kristen thing after Rome I would just keep her home.
She just doesn't have the charm thing going. She is just too uptight. I'm sorry, she just looks pissed instead of overwhelmed. I did see her take a deep breath after seeing Catherine and it looked like she was hyperventilating but really if this is too much for her, let her off the hook. Everyone mostly really just wants to see Rob.
She makes a good Bella, but personal appearances she just sucks at them.
Sorry I just had to say my humble opinion.
Sorry Kristen, if you're reading this.

~MindyMc said...

I've been listening to his sweet voice sing all day. My secretary says "are you going to play that cd all day?" I says: Hell Yeah!!! Lovin me some Robtunes in the afternoon!

Jewels64 said...

Oops... Rob on the brain again. It's getting dark and I have no idea where my children are. I'll be back! Damn just when the convo is getting good....

~MindyMc said...

Anon, I'm with you - HotTopic - yuck, I'm not sure it could get much worse a venue for our Blessed One. He is a saint for putting up with this. I mean HotTopic is almost degrading. The hair needs air!!!!

~MindyMc said...

Oh, & ForeverEB, when you get home add "Sex Hair".

kristen said...

Agreed - Having Rob appearances at Hot Topic stores just seems sort of ludicrous to me. I've only been inside a few Hot Topics before (they are not really my style for the most part) but all of the ones I've been to have been very cramped and cluttered with stuff everywhere. Not really sure how it's going to work out.

Dani said...

You know they are making people buy a 30 dollar tshirt and the cast will only sign the tshirt or poster. It is product driven. And someone said you can't take pictures with the cast to keep the line moving.

Summit is making some serious dough with the HotTopic stuff...pimping our cast for dollars.

kristen said...

Oh yeah, Summit is definitely milking this for all it's worth. They are totally loving how much attention Rob is getting, because it means $$$. Lots of $$$. Rob has by far the most grueling promo schedule, poor guy.

Anonymous said...

Rob should put his foot down to this crap. He has the clout now.
Okay, well, maybe not yet.
And yes there is a reason he is in their store.
Also, I want to take back my Kristen comment, I feel bad.
She is only eighteen after all...
Go Rob Go! It might get out of control at a Hot Topic store with the mobbing...though...
I feel for him. He is deserves something classier than this.
Am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

Afternoon ladies!!

You all make my afternoon when I get home from work!! Hey I finally got to see the TV ad with Charlie where he's cleaning his gun and cocks it and tells Bella to Bring Edward in--- That was the funniest promo !!

babbles said...

"are you afraid?"

"you really shouldn't have said that" *crooked Edward smile*

"you better hold on tight spider monkey"

"what if I'm not the hero, What if I'm the bad guy"

babbles said...

did you say cocks his gun? LOL

Eva said...

This schedule is insane. Rob is going to be very tired.

Anon- I totaly agree about Kristen, for while I was like she is shy or whatever, but she does looks mostly annoyed. I still think that she is very talanted.

Too bad that Rob has to do all of the promo, but good for him at the same time with HTB and Little Ashes coming out next year.
He is a smart guy.

YQUE! said...

Oh my GOODNESS he's going to be so busy ...when is my BABY SUPPOSED TO SLEEP AND SHOWER?!?

heheh ay me LA PREMIER IS GOING TO BE A MISSION. I promise to get The Beloved Blog Pics.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Charlie's in the kitchen cleaning his shotgun and Bella is standing behind him and says
"Edward Cullen is going to take me out." Charlie shuts his gun and says "Show him in" Then there is a shot of Edward and Bella standing side by side and Edward says "I'll keep her Safe" It was funny meet the parents kind of moment It was the only one that I had not seen .yet.

Dani said...

Dammit I really want to see that promo vid. No one has been able to put it on the net yet. But I heard it was hillarious.

Amy said...

His schedule is not that insane guys. Yes it is rough and tiring at times but to be honest, what he is doing right now is not that extreme. Other people have had to do the same amount of traveling, same amount of interviews and same amount of promo and press when promoting a huge movie. This is his first film where he is the LEAD in the beginning of a undoubtedly big franchise!!! It's not unusual that he is doing all this work right now.

Lynn said...

Anon--I have been to a few mall signing junkets and they are usually handled very professionally with the safety of the celebrities taken in to consideration.

While, Hot Topic is hosting the event, chances are that the actual meeting of the cast (or Rob in our case) might take place just outside the store.

Just an observation!

Lynn said...

Dani---your avatar is way creepy! I see dead people, put that gorgeus mug of yours back up!

Anonymous said...

It's Jovie again. I'm going to the San Fran one. Do you think he'll fly in and out the day of? And also, when it's a city a day, how are they working that for him?
Meaning does he fly in Sun. evening, fly out after the Hot Topic ridiculous thing?

Anonymous said...

Dani, It starts out the same as the others say it vampire etc. Then it shows where he jumps out the back of the truck and she tells him to be human then it cuts to Charlie-I was NOT expecting it at all because it looked like all the others. I sorta freaked out:)
Hey by the way are you

Dani said...

Its an ode to Salvador Dali its the Gala of the spheres. Don't worry I will put another one of me up soon enough.

Dani said...

You bet your sweet buns im dandylion117.

Lynn said...

Amy---I totally agree with you! Rob is a professional and his stock is about to shoot out of the roof with Twilight. But, he is also contracted to promote this film and I am sure that his management team has prepared him for it.

True, it sounds hellacious for the average person, but, I am sure that Rob's as prepared as he can be and he even got new clothes!

I just think that he needs to show LA some more love on the 11th....!

Dani said...

Hey if anyone is getting shown love it should be me. Poor Rob needs a shampoo, a wash, someone to shop for some clothes so he doesn't get mauled by crazy people, and then a nice long rest.

And if they are smart they will take some points in the next film cause you know it is going to be huge. Ahhhh I hear the contract renegotiations starting already. CHA CHING!

Tess said...

Kat- another one for the list.. "The look"

Amy said...

haha yeah Lynn he does!

Also, Kristen hasn't done this sort of press tour stuff before because she hasn't been in movies of this caliber - she is an indie film girl and loves doing that more because it's more low key. I watched an interview with her done at the Toronto Film Festival a few years ago and she said exactly that. She likes the smaller movies because it suits her more - she is not use to the teen-mania atmosphere and screaming fans. However, I think that will change when she get's a bit older and more comfortable with herself in the public eye and as these series of films progress. And with Rob - well he has had a feel for what things could be like... seeing his Harry Potter costars go through all this type of mania before. He definitely knows what is going on and what could possibly come from all of this.

It's just the getting use to it part that takes time to deal with. It's a lot to take in when you are not use to it. It's very overwhelming for awhile until you adjust.

Tess said...

I was just hoping with all the promotional merchandise being generated from this movie (I hear something about dolls now!!) that each of them negotiated to receive a portion of their salary from the back end of this...

This is turning out to be huge...

Lynn said...

Could you imagine Rob with a personal assistant? What would that entail....?

Amy said...

CHA CHING is right Dani!! lol
I have a feeling after opening weekend, the people at Summit will be cracking open the champagne and the ball will be rolling on New Moon...

Dani said...

Personal Assistant Duties 1-6
1. Get fast food.
2. Get cigarettes
3. Get lighter for cigarettes.
4. Find phone in dirty jeans somewhere in Tom Stu's appartment.
5. Get more fast food.
6. Call agent find out what crazy Twipromo to be at next.

Tess said...

amy - So true about Rob seeing the Harry Potter cast phenomena.. But HP definitely didn't have Hotness factor that the cast of Twilight does. The fans of Twilight are crazed about Rob.. ( slightly more than me ;)

Lynn said...

Hey, you forgot the Diet Vanilla Pepsi and carry around that funky Samsonite suitcase, so, Rob can be hands free in the airport!

Lynn said...

Tasper---agreed, hormonally charged teen aged girls and their equally charged mothers and crazed single women are so much more scarier and pushy. Rob should come out in full riot

Tess said...

Love it!

4. Find phone in dirty jeans somewhere in Tom Stu's appartment.

7. Get Rob a date with Juliette Lewis.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a guess about the plane schedule?

Amy said...

ROB INTERVIEW...i'm listening to it right now! :)

Dani said...

Amy I posted it before I saw your link below. Thanks.

Kat said...

Buzz Words:
Zip or Zipper
Sex hair
Sex on a stick
The look

Buzz Phrases:
"get in the car"
"say it out loud"
"you are my life now"
"are you afraid?"
"you really shouldn't have said that" *crooked Edward smile*
"you better hold on tight spider monkey"
"what if I'm not the hero, What if I'm the bad guy"

LOVE the personal assistant duties...

8. Stop at the shop for more hair product.

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