Rob and Kristen will be on Ellen!

Another vanity fair article, nothing new about Rob except these:

Robert Pattinson is stirring fan fever. After Meyer anointed Brit actor Pattinson ("Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire") as Edward on her site during production, the fans swiftly accepted him. When he hit Hall H at Comic-Con last July some 5,000 women, many of whom had camped overnight in line, screamed as if they were at Beatles concert.

Screaming fans punctuated the screening of eight minutes of footage of Edward and Bella at the Rome Film Fest (where 3,000 tickets sold out in 20 minutes) and again at Spain's Sitges Film Fest.

Pattinson is No. 5 on IMDb Pro's StarMeter, higher than both DiCaprio and Brad Pitt.

While Oprah didn't jump at doing a "Twilight"-dedicated show, Ellen DeGeneres begged for it -- which was fine with Summit, as she has a younger audience. Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella, are booked on the talkshow circuit, including the "Today" show. In November and December, more than 50 magazine features are planned, including Vanity Fair.

Gozde: I love Ellen, TiVo her show everday :-)

I hope that she will do more research this time. The interview with SM was too short, she didn't know what to ask.


Rusharthi said...

Can't wait for it!!
Ellen is so funny, I don't watch talk shows usually, but I've watched her's a few times. I'm sure it will an interesting interview :D

Thanks for the info!

Sabrizzle said...

I can't wait to see this! I love Ellen, she is hilarious and I'm sure she'll bring out Rob's goofy side.

Dani said...

Thanks Goz. So excited about Ellen. She is phenomenal. Super funny and witty. I think she will ask great questions and pull K Stew right outta her shell. Rob is out of his, just made interview history today with his fabulousness.

Lynn said...

Dani---the whole Ellen thing is making me antsy. I just want to get out of town for day...any topic should be fine.

Lynn said...

I am glad that Ellen got the goods in....she is so much more understated and loads of fun!

Thanks Goz for the article!

Dani said...

Lynn babe by the way that's my mother's name but just one n at the end. Ellen will be fabulous no matter who is on. I'm disappointed that Summit is still pimping our boy out to the Hot Topic madness. All our Hot Topics here are like the size of a large walk in closet. So no pimp love for Oregon. But I know you will have a good time regardless. Get to boogie with E!

Lynn said...

A mall tour just sounds so 1980's Tiffany/Debbie Gibson....;op

Summit is beginning to be like Das Mouse....I have a feeling that the Hot Topic PR will mos def not be his keep saying pimp and I think of Rob and tricks.

Don't mind me!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling Rob will be at either the Nov. 7 or 8th Van Morrison concert at the Hollywood Bowl. It will be hard to resist him not going.

Dani said...

I think of Rob and tricks all the time. Like we could reinact American Gigilo right in my living room. Or better yet 9 1/2 weeks. Refrigerator scene, or in the alley way scene with all the water dripping in the rain pouring and the......well all the wetness and Rob. Its a good thought.

Amy said...

Omg Dani I love 9 1/2 weeks! haha I was JUST talking about that movie the other day with some girlfriends. We were talking about a bunch of other films as well, but that one came up...haha how weird. Yeah that alley scene and the kitchen scene with the dripping oh my - those were the days when Mickey Rourke was good looking.

Eva said...

I love Ellen! She is so funny and with Robs humor, it's going to be a great show.He may propose again to Kristen:)

dani, agree about the Hot Topic thing.

Amy said...

Anon - I think he may show up to one of those shows as well. Unless his schedule is too crazy or he is working. Hell if I lived in LA right now I would be there in a heartbeat. Van Morrison is amazing! I've been to Los Angeles back and forth a lot this past year for work stuff and every time I am in that city I try to see concerts if possible. There are so many good venues to see shows!

Dani said...

Amy that movie is my jam! Mickey Rourke pre butcher plastic surgery with that hot sultry voice and the mysterious smile. Awe melted my pants right off the first time I saw it.

Anonymous said...

Amen Amy

Anonymous said...

Amen Amy

Amy said...

hahaha oh yeah it is so good!!!

Lynn said...

Jovie---mos def...Rob can never turn down a good show. I love how he's kinda adopted HelLA---it has it charms. I prefer San Diego, but, that's because that's where I'm from!

Lynn said...

Mickey Rourke was wicked hot in Angel Heart and 9 and 1/2 Weeks.

I seem to imagine my Rob fantasy to include the laundry room scene in Little Children....hmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

He seems to have a pretty open mind.
I like San Diego a lot Lynn. Whenever I'm there I marvel always at how wonderful it is.

Anonymous said...

I want to go to Van the Man's Hollywood Bowl concert tomorrow or Sat. night...
Carmel to LA, tickets, tempted.

Lynn said...

Well, if I could ever convince my husband...we would move north to Mendocino! I love Northern California.

Dani said...

oh no Lynn. Laundry scene is the best. Rob has a long career ahead of him. No doubt many a love scene for us to oogle.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lynn, I love Nor Cal also.
Mendocino is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I picture Rob just in bed with me, our time hasn't ventured out of the bed yet.

Lynn said...

I am just picturing a glorious ass shot like Patrick Wilson's and then my life will be made! LOL

Lynn said...

My aunt used to live along the Russian River---I just fell in love with Mendocino. It's so quaint and hippie laid back.

Dani said...

We need to feed Rob more Pizza Pockets to build up that little butt of his. Then watch the feathers fly. Awe I bet his ass is hairy. Like in a good way. He's got a lot of hair. Did they shave his legs for Ashes? They were really white and smooth looking. But his arms are luciously hairy and he can grow a beard in a day and a half. Hmmmmmm makes ya wonder. Jungle fever.

Lynn said...

Well, he would never bother for the porn star waxing---so not his style. Yes, I would imagine a whole lotta jungle love with Rob's hair.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I just watched the part two EW video and had a great fantasy.
The writer comes out in me on this one. He is in the bookstore in Portland and we meet before he starts a movie. A young actor meets a beautiful young woman in a bookstore right before he is to make is big and I just completely seduce him and he gets out of his seclusion and we have a passionate romance and he starts the movie so hopelessly in love he can't see straight. He want me to visit the set and it's so damn distracting for him, that they talk to him and ask him for me not to be on set.
We try to not be together while he is filming, but we can't keep our hands off each other.
Loving it and LMAO.

Anonymous said...

The bookshop in Portland has set me over the edge. Whomever gets this man, I hope she makes mad passionate love to him and she is an old soul like him.
I love the way he thinks, forget about how he looks.

Anonymous said...

Dani have you been to Powell's

Dani said...

Oh yeah Jovie Powell's is on Burnside right downtown Portland, it is the biggest one in the city and the best. Ashley Green actually talked about tooling around in there in an interview once. It smells amazing, old used books. Ah I see hot librarian scene w/ Rob in my mind. Yum.

Anonymous said...

I see us having library laughter together in the bookstore and his phone starting to ring and putting his hand in his pocket turning his phone off with us trying to not draw attention to our laughter that turns into seductive looks and he pulls me down an aisle and pushes me against a bay of books, with both arms extended on the bookshelf and then his hands leave that to the back of my neck and down my waist sliding to my bum.
Going back to the EW vid, lots of inspiration.
I think I'll be having an evening of writing tonight.

Tess said...

I was so excited at the prospect of Ellen having them on her show the Day Lynn is going (11th) do we have a date yet?

Dani said...

Jovie you should talk to Jules she is the queen of fan fic among us. Brook however is the proprietor of the fan fic so should you put your lustings to paper you must send them her way.

Tess no date as of yet for the Ellen thing.

Tess said...

Jovie!!! I just read all the posts... after you three HOT HOT HOT ones... my little one liner about Ellen is quite silly - I laughed so hard...

It's HOT in here ** fans self **

Anonymous said...

Thanks lovely friends. I'm writing a book right now. Well acutally I finished it and now I am editing. Which is why I'm at the computer so much. I have had much inspiration from Rob. I let one person read my manuscript and she called me at 11:00p.m and said she had to take a cold shower after just reading about their first kiss and that was without sex. I could put some real lusting to paper you would be surprised. And Rob, he is inspiration in lyrical form for me.

Anonymous said...

After he kisses me with his hand on the back of my neck and the other sliding to my bum he pushes me hard against him and then we finish a hard kiss and he takes my hand without a word and leads me out of the bookshop.
I off to write about passionate lovemaking with my old soul man, with the meeting of the fusion of their souls in their lovemaking.
I'll catch you guys later if you're still up. The word up is dangerous right now.

Dani said...

Yikes Jovie...if I haven't said welcome to our home...WELCOME AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!

Its hot in here...right?

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