Raw Interview by CBS

My first post as a Ph.D. :-)) I'm Dr. Gozde now, yay!

Anyhoo, onto important business.

And HERE is the 7 minute interview :-)

Thanks to AJ for the link!


Dani said...

GOZ YAY! I am going to post all the vids I couldn't earlier cause I am at work but if you want to you are more than welcome to clean this place up but don't stress too much YOU ARE A PHD!!!! YAY DR. GOZ! I will e-mail you later to ask all about it but I have a meeting now.

Tess said...

Hooray is right!! OH HAPPY DAY Dr. GOZDE.

(BIG hug, and picture me jumping up and down for you)

I watched the Raw video, and mentioned in the previous thread.... that the man looks beat in this video, even his replies are a bit blase.. He needs to go back home for a rest with his family after all this promo is done.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS GOZ! That is so great and worth all the hard work I'm sure.

this link will take you to the 7 min Rob interview:


He looks and sounds tired. Talks about doing car stunts the same day he got his driver's license.

The one you have posted is the newreel + 2 seconds of Rob.

Sabrizzle said...

Congratulations on getting your Ph.D Goz! You are amazing for keeping up this awesome blog at the same time!

Anonymous said...

Tess - we noticed the same thing. He looks really worn down. He's done like 100 of these in 2 days. At least the interviewer asks some intelligent questions.

Gozde said...

Yay! Thanks you guys! Dani, I don't know if I can sort through all of them, can some send me the links?

It's been a LOOOONG day!

Aussierobfan said...

Goz congratulations and thank you for all your hard work with this blog.you must be superwoman in disguise.

Dani thanks for all the links to the vids.

Tess and aj I do think he needs a rest, he's working so hard. Tess in answer to your previous question I feel guilty sometimes being a fan.

kristen said...

Oh my gosh, CONGRATS, DR. GOZDE!! That is so exciting!! Yay for you - sending you lots of cyber high fives and pats on the back and celebratory champagne (or maybe something stronger? cosmos maybe?)

As for Rob, poor guy looks completely tuckered out. I wish I could exchange some of my sleep for him or something. I would give it to him gladly.

MiCh said...

Oh, that's a very good new.. congrats Dr. Gozde! So happy for you!

bella's mom said...

Gozde!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! We are so happy for you!!!!

Zip Zip Hurrah!
Zip Zip Hurrah!
Zip Zip Hurrah!

Gozde said...

Thanks thanks and thanks! It's all for the love of Rob :-))

And Dani, you are at work and you were awesome today! Love ya!

Betsy said...

Congrats Dr. Goz on all your hard work plus keeping up with this fantastic blog!

Jewels64 said...

Paging Dr. Gozde....Paging Dr. Gozde, we have women fainting from a rare malady called Robsession...You're needed STAT!

Just kidding...Congrats Girl! Way to go. All this and your Piled High and Deeper! FANTASTIC WORK.

May I also thank your evil assistant Dani? Great women always have each others backs!

Love You, Love the all the gals who post here! Jules

Gozde said...

I think after all this press junket and being mobbed on a regular basis doctor Gozde and nurse Dani need to take good care of Rob. Nurse him into health you know? :P

Jewels64 said...

Do we have any vid from Dallas yet? I'm so glad I didn't go.

Mindy let me know it was a madhouse this a.m. Craziness all around. They didn't get in. This whole thing stunk. Too many fans, too little room, way big agenda for Summit to assure themselves a hit.

Jewels64 said...

Sorry, didn't check out the vid...was too excited for you Goz!

I love that he feels bad that he can't spend more time with fans. Curse Summit and Hot Topic with their money making agenda! They would make so much more in a bigger venue with much more control and a better chance to take pix and sign personal stuff with Rob. But gotta build the hype to sell tickets on opening.....

Dani said...

Goz thanks love I tried to keep the place interesting it is hard to do when I cannot post the vids but hey I tried and thanks for the love.

Yes Rob needs major love time from Dr. Goz and Nurse Dani. He is going to be beat up after this HT tour stuff.

Gozde said...

Just watched this interview and it's fantastic!

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