Press Junket Photos

Thanks to Amy Amy Amy :-))

SOURCE: lion_lamb more pics and pix of Kristen are at the link.


Dani said...

Goz youre too good. Looks like a new shirt day for Rob. His closet must be like a third full now. Good golly he looks fabulous. Amy rocks for the find. These are lovely.

Lynn said...

Goz---thank you so much for making my evening brighter. And, the new shirt is noted! Rob is looking bootilicious (for lack of a better word).

Unknown said...

It's a good thing I don't have classes every Tuesdays & Thursdays, so that I can fully devote myself in watching and reading all Rob stuff.


Unknown said...

The v-neck shirt is on!LOL

Gozde said...

You are very welcome :-)) I was wondering where you disappeared Lynn and Brooke is also MIA.

Anyhoo, I'm going to bed. Posted another interview :-)

Dani said...

And here I thought Dr Goz might be off for the night but here she is making the Rob rounds after all. Love it.

Oh and haven't seen you post before but we like to welcome everyone who does so big fat welcome to our blog Cristina me and Goz are happy to have you.

Lynn said...

I have been in mommy mode all day and this evening. But, it's nice to hear from you, Goz. I hope that everything pans out for you tomorrow....good thoughts headed your way!

Dani said...

I figured you were still bustin a mom move Lynn. Goz and I missed ya however and we are still hopeful for a Rob on Ellen taping tomorrow. What time is the show?

Goz I dont know if you are a faithful person or rather a person of faith but I am sending prayers for ya to do well tomorrow. Can't have enough encouragement so I will do my best to give ya some love. So exciting you should be super proud of yourself. Think about all the exciting celebration you will do this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Love ya Goz! If you do as well on your thesis defense as you do here you will knock their socks off!

Lynn said...

Thanks for the thoughts, Dani! Dh is also sick and was feeling down (and cranky). Ellen is going to be the bomb, we get in at 1:30 and it tapes at 4:00 p.m. So, who knows what will happen? Jets can work miracles if necessary, right?

Dani said...

Awe damn Lynn. Those odds are not great. But the odds that Jude Law will come to my house and cook italian arent naked good either but my motto is keep the hope alive and noodles in the cuppboard. Just in case.

Dani said...

Cook Italian naked. Not cook italian arent naked. The odds arent good. That is what I meant. Stupid itouch!

Lynn said...

Dani---you are killing me with the analogies. LOL Jude Law showing a la Take Home Chef would be sweet! He should take that idea up with the Food Network and show at Whole Foods in nothing but an apron!

Lynn said...

It makes you wonder when this mysterious taping is to take place? Dammit, I am dying to know who's going to be tomorrow's taping, Rob or not Rob (oh, and John Travolta, too).

Unknown said...

Big Thanks Dani!=)

Jewels64 said...

Torture...absolute torture. I can't believe that every time I log on to this blog that I am forced to look at pictures of Rob.

I must be a masochist, just like Bella! These photos are incredibly beautiful! Just like the man himself!

Kate said...

Great pics, lookin good ;-)

Dani said...
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