Picture Montage-"Sexy Rob"

Due to lack of news at the moment I give you
sexalacious Rob enjoy and do I hear a zzzziiiiippp?



Rose said...

Those are some of my favorite pics of Rob...of course, I would have a hard time picking out my least favorite.
The man knows how to turn on his inner "Edward" for the cameras. No doubt about that.

Dani said...

I think so too...at least it is something to look at until I am able to go home and maybe post some vids. But these are lovely in the meantime.

La Stella said...

I feel dizzy. He really learned how to dazzle people. Lol.

I love the Hollywood Award pic, his cheekbones there.. *sighs*

Nena said...

You girls never fail me. Thank you,thank you for my daily dose of the goodness that is Rpattz :)

Dani said...

Hey does someone want to check this out and see if they are new pics?


someone on Imdb said something about instyle but the instyle pics aren't suppose to be on their website until tomorrow that whole twilight fashion thing.

Email me the pics if they are new.
Please? Or else I will look later and post. Im just bored and want to get this place rockin.

Dani said...


Dani said...

Sorry my post prior cut the damn thing off.

kristen said...

Yet another great montage, Dani! There are a lot of my faves in there. He is just so deliciously sexy when he channels his inner model (which is pretty much always!). The serious, brooding look does it for me every time.

Dani - As far as posting videos later, the Dean's List interview is pretty good. It's another 8 min interview from Chicago. There is lot's of Hot Pocket talk... to the point where Rob accidentally almost says Hot Pocket instead of Hot Topic later on in the interview... It's really funny. Anyway, here is the link for later:

La Stella said...

Dani, there are no photos, its just a piece of the article.

Dani said...

Well then this sucks, Rob needs to go streaking or something.

Anonymous said...

Hot Pocket. Hot Topic. Hot Damn. Everything about this guy is hot, hot, hot inluding your montage, Dani!

Bring on the naked calendar I say!

Lynn said...

Ay, mami! Dani, you's killing me, babe! I love the entire Sexy Rob montage. But, pic#3 is by far my favorite, Rob Unplugged (for lack of better word) is just steamy hot with a hint of the boxers and plenty o' the sex hair. I am a satiated woman!

Lynn said...

No, no, no! Rob standing behind tons of strategically placed french pastries would be so much sexier. The no-no should show up on film...ahem!

Dani said...

Well Lynn I am glad I could provide you with a little eye candy. I am about to leave work my lovely ladies but I e-mailed myself some stuff and if Goz isn't posting later I will be. I hope you enjoyed your day in Dani's corner.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE this blog and how often it is updated! Also, I enjoy the fact that there doesn't seem to be any crazy "fangirlness" on here! Rob is definitely something to be admired, but I do wish he would get to meet the fans that wouldn't scream in his face.

Keep up the great work! I'll be checking back often! :-)

Anonymous said...

MTV's account of the Spoilers night

No Rob, though, he left early.

La Stella said...

if Rob goes streaking, I want video of the removal of the clothes.

Jewels64 said...

Okay, that zipper is coming down with my teeth!

Everyday, I seem to get more emotional about Sir Hotness. I'm gonna freak out once the damn movie starts.

Dammit, I'm in my freaking 40's, crushing like a 17 year old. I can't breathe, I can't think....

The masochist in me is loving all this sublime torture...Please, please may I have some more...

Dani said...

Oh bless you Lynn that is a fabulous idea. better yet a monage of Rob wearing donuts. And you can imagine how he would wear them...

Downtown Donut Bonanza!

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dani said...

Holly Goz and I are super glad you like it, thanks for the love and welcome. Come back again and again, no fangirls here.

Dani said...

Oh that welcome was for Holly specifically...I like to say hello to the newbies. Post away ladies!

Lynn said...

Welcome, Holly! Dani and Gozde update almost on a daily (if not hourly) basis with as much Rob news as there is available on line. They also provide lots of montages and vintage stuff,too. They serve the hormonally charged, sisterhood of insansity that admires Rob from a far (and closer if possible).

Enjoy and feel free to commnent. We advise good humor and lots of proper crassness.

Lynn said...

Whoops, I meant sisterhood of insanity.

Tess said...

Gazing at these made me a bit delirious and I began to daydream:

#1. Rob: I've been waiting for you, (proceeds to slip off his pants)

#2. Kstew: "Back off! he's mine"

#3. Rob: "Ladies, ladies.. there's plenty to go around" (continues disrobing)

#4. JESUS APPEARS, and I hang my head in shame, say 10 Hail Mary's and promise never to do it again.

#5. Rob: "Liar"

#6. Rob: " Come back here" (Sexing me w/his eyes)

#7. We slip into the bushes and I have my wicked way with him.

#8. And then Justin Timberlake shows up...

Lynn said...

Dani---Donuts are fun! But, I was thinking more of some eclairs and cream puffs. Dammit, now I'm hungry!

Dani said...

Oh Tess you saucy wench you. My goodness...all these photos just make me want to meet Rob in a dark alley ala 9 1/2 weeks beat some hoodlums up and then I say "off with your pants" and we make love while a broken water pipe pours down upon us like a waterfall. YUM-O!

Lynn said...

Tas---LOL You are so wicked--love it!

Yes, Rob is "bringing sexy back"...wait, he already did.

Tess said...

wait Dani - I'm still hyperventilating over your Downtown doughnut bonanza comment..

man... would that be a maple bar or what!

Anonymous said...

I've been following this blog for a while too.

Love #5 & #6

Thanks for making this blog so great and keeping up to date with everything.


Amy said...

HOTNESS! Rob is also in EW'S NOVEMBER 21st issue as one of 2008's Breakout Stars....Gaaaaaaaaaah another SEXY PHOTO...


Holly said...

Well it is just so refreshing to see a blog that focuses on Rob, not "Edward". I've been to some where all they can't stop talking about how hot Edward is, many marriage proposals to Edward, and blah blah blah. Whereas, I came here... saw gorgeous pictures of Rob, and... *gasp*, he's actually referred to as Rob!
His interviews and "dazzling" photos just make my day!

Amy said...

Oh and he is wearing SUSPENDERS again!! I love it ;)

Lynn said...

Tas---think of french pastries with lots of confectioner's sugar and whipped cream, throw in a au natural Rob and VOILA!

Wink, wink....

Dani said...

Okay I totally went to IMDB and read everything spoilerish about the movie that the girl who got to see a screening of the movie in another country for ratings....YEAH IM REALLY EXCITED NOW!

Only thing I will let out of the bag there IS more than one kiss.

La Stella said...

Amy you beat me to it! LOL.

Tess said...

Gosh.. more than one kiss!

I might just have to squeal at least once during the film

Hello Holly!

Lynn said...

Amy---bless you for that link! I love the suspenders. Dani and I have a thing for Rob with the suspenders, black jeans (zip, zip), white shirt and Docs---kind of rockabilly...but with more soul.

Dani said...

I will take a look and post in a few hours gotta go home and take care of the fam first. Thanks for the links ladies.

Tess said...

amy- I can't get the link to work.. what is that after the . ?

Lynn said...

See, I knew that SM was holding out on us...one kiss would never be enough.

Holly said...

Hello all! Yeah, I'm pretty sure Dani's news just made my night better! One kiss in the movie just would not be enough! My only hope is, since I'm going to a small-town theater for the midnight release, there won't be screaming throughout the whole movie. I know I'll be internally screaming, though. Hmm... if that makes sense. Alright, well I have to head home and start dinner, but I will definitely be back on later to check out any and all new stuff! Take care, ladies! (and guys, if there are any posting on here? I'm not sure yet.)

Tess said...

I had to take one last look before I head out to bring some food into my house... as much as I'd like to~I cannot live on Rob alone..

bye for now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, ladies--You're all saying what I'm thinking!
This blog makes my day...
And the pics of Rob make my night...

DirtyD said...

Not sure if anyone posted this yet but I just read this over at spunk ransom myspace page. I thought it was pretty funny. It's a fan account of Rob in Chicago.

"There were so many screams that he was covering his ears and not many people could hear him even with a microphone over the screams. But he was so nice and made jokes here and there. When he was asked how he got his hair done, he said that he had 12 year old virgins lick it."

Kat said...

Ohhhh, the suspenders are back. Yum.

More than one kiss in the movie. Double yum.

Video's galore to watch later. Yum yum yum.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot, hope your birthday was wonderful, Dani! (I feel like I already know you and Goz; I love your site).
LOVE the "Sex Drive" pic. Makes my heart flutter and take flight (like helicopter blades???) :-)

Anonymous said...

Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg Defends Breaking Dawn

Rob related:

Which actor came closest to the character as you envisioned while writing the script?

Billy Burke I thought was just incredible. I wasn't sure at first, because I didn't really have an actor in mind while I was writing Charlie, but he so beautifully embodied that relationship with Bella. He's one that really stands out for me. I was also delighted by Jackson Rathbone, who plays Jasper. He doesn't have a ton of dialogue or screen time, but he just pops. I don't know what it is exactly; he's just got this spark. And Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were also both spot-on.

That’s interesting. Both Robert and Stephenie have said they didn’t see eye to eye on Edward initially.

Yes, that's true. But I liked what Robert did. The tone of my original script was off. It had more humor and he brought it to a more sober place, which winds up being really great and dramatic for the film. He's very elegant in a way. You can see him as this guy who's been around for 100 years; he brings that history with him. It's almost as though he's from a different time. It's really effective.

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