Picture Montage-Candid Rob

The beginning....

And the end...
Source for pics topazshadows.com


Lynn said...

Dani---your brilliance becomes you, M'dear! I am scoping the buttwuv shot and loving it mucho!

Dani said...

Its my new fave. That little crack just undoes my buttons...like literally I am sitting in my office w/out pants.

Lynn said...

Can you say coccyx? LOL Cue the lovely Zippa in pic 3....lovin' on vintage Rob!

Lynn said...

I can remedy that visually---zooop....there goes my pants!

kristen said...

Oh my gosh, best montage EVER, Dani! You really rock the hell out of this blog. Every photo is just classic goofy Rob, and I love it. And, of course ending with the butt shot is GOLDEN!

Lynn said...

The pic with Rob and Tom with next the rack just cracks me up at how young Tom looks compared to Rob! He just looks illegal to even fathom!

Anonymous said...

ive never seen the 3rd one it
is my new fav! :D he looks
realllllly hot in it thanks dani!

La Stella said...

so the green plaid shirt goes way back huh??

i love goofy rob =)

Dani said...

You are all very welcome. Zip Zip...get ahold of your pants Lynn...pics of Rob should always come with a warning that you may find yourself allergic to your pants after looking at them.

Lynn said...

Yes, said green plaid shirt makes many appearances and sometimes on other ppl.

Lynn said...

Dani---I would give in to pants allergies for that kind of zipper pull magnetism---yowzah!

Dani said...

That damn plaid shirt makes three appearances in this candid montage alone. That thing has been around for quite a few years. You are going to find that in a museum someday.

Rusharthi said...

That was awesome!
My how he has changed..lol
Btw whats that thing on his head on the first picture?? A head band of some sort?

kristen said...

Dani - here is a Vanity Fair video of the photoshoot:


Lynn said...


Rob's 2 Hot 2 Handle photo on Yahoo! OMG---love the smile!


Dani said...

Im off to bed. Thanks Lyla for the vid link...Lynn I love your guts. You all have a fabulous evening. I've taken a muscle relaxant that is starting to work, and friends don't let friends blog under the influence of Rob and Skelaxin.

Lynn said...

Dani---you are so beautiful, m'dahling---sweet dreams and don't let the psychedyllic, purple Robs chase you around too much.

kristen said...

Dani - No problem. I rarely find things before you lovely ladies, but when I do I love to share them. Have fun with that muscle relaxant - that might be the best way to calm down after a crazy night in Rob land :)

Tess said...

very clever montage...

I'm partial to the first one... I never seem to get tired of looking at his man.

Tess said...

A portion of Robs Christmas List:

Dear Santa~

I would really enjoy a new flannel plaid shirt this year! If you can manage "Black watch" plaid, that would be very nice.

Signed... I still believe in you,

Jewels64 said...

Now the true Rob crack is available. I can't ever say that again without thinking of that picture.

Love the picture of him lying back in the grass...oh my hotness!

All of them are great! Thanks for these. Gave me a huge smile today!

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