People's Sexiest Man Alive 2008-Rob makes the list!

Hugh(not huge) Jackman takes the highest honors as #1 on their list but we already know that is bogus, #1 is right here!

"Last year all I was trying to do was get a girlfriend," says Pattinson, 22, Twilight's resident vampire and previously Harry Potter's Quidditch foil, Cedric. "What happened? It's like the face of what is attractive has changed. Girls used to want to see guys take their shirts off. Now it's, 'I want you to bite me.' It's bizarre."



babbles said...

I cant explain what it is about this picture but it doesn't even look like Rob to me!
And he should make the list, He is in for quite a year...

Anonymous said...

i want to tear him up...he makes me think so naughtily.

Ellie said...

It's good to see that the world will
find out what we RobKats have known all along...This man IS sex perfection!

Kate said...

He'll be top of the list next year, wait and see ;-)

babbles said...

He is just plain Sex!

ok off too work... Wish I could sit and stare at his face all day but *sighs* I cant...

have a Fab-O day all!!!

Betsy said...

I know he is #1 to all of us! At least People was smart enough to include him.

Kate said...

I'm playing catch up from last night here. Geez you ladies were in top form with posts and comments but I'm nearly there. It's great to wake up to all this everymorning ;-)

k said...

good morning everyone! so nice to wake up and see all this new stuff. i'm thrilled people mag included rob. we would have rioted if they hadn't.
hee hee dani- i'm giggling at you writing "huge" jackman. just a mistake, or do you know something we don't? ;)

MiCh said...

Well, we already know Rob is ultra sexy but it's good to see that the world has noticed too :)

Good morning girls!

MiCh said...

k - LMAO! But yes Dani, do you know something we don't? n_n

Rusharthi said...

Everyone he's live on Kiisfm giving his interview in 6 mins. Go on! :D

k said...

thx rusharthi!!!!

Rusharthi said...

Sorry in 35 mins! and no probs! :)

Amy said...

He made the list!!!! Omg well isn't that just amazing news :)

You know he is laughing his #$% off at this announcement today, haha

k said...

ok, i found this on the kiis website. but rob isn't clickable. how can we hear the show live?
thx for any help!

Rusharthi said...

"K" Just click on the Kiisfm logo that says "Listen live/chat" when u open the website.

Amy said...

Teen Magazine BTS photos on their website...

Gorgeous solo one of Rob ;)

k said...

got it! thx!

k said...

ryan was just talking to a girl who traveled from australia to la to see rob. whoa!

amy- i know!!!!!! doesn't he look extra hot in that vid?!

bella's mom said...

Morning girleys!

Wonder who he has with him? Ryan was going on about how beautiful she was... maybe he brought his sister?

Kat said...

They should actually change the definition in the dictionary.

Sex: Robert Pattinson

He will be the top next year. Ziiiiip!

bella's mom said...

As much as I love Hugh Jackman... he's NO Rob!

Amy said...

Rob is getting MAJOR praise in some of these reviews I have read so far!!! I'm not sure if any of you have read reviews yet but I just have to say everyone has had a positive vibe so far.

Check this quote out...

"Robert Pattinson. I cannot say enough about how much I loved in his performance. At the conclusion of the film, the moments that stuck out most in my mind involved him and variances between the film and book that only he could carry off. Most notably, Pattinson accurately captured the disgust Edward feels for himself, not just for what he is, but what that could do to the only person he’s ever loved so intensely. The simultaneous drive to protect and destroy his beloved reads across Pattinson’s face with such intensity that I felt tempted to cry several times. One of the most notable scenes was one of the shortest, but his face sold it. As Bella lays against his chest, caught up in sleep, completely at ease, he stares at her, his face filled with trepidation; as though this moment simultaneously captures his greatest fears and greatest joys all at once. He’s unable to enjoy the moment because of the fear he holds at his own lack of control, and Pattinson sells this so beautifully. I could go on and on about what he did with this role, and how he took it places I thought it never could go, but I’ll say just one more and then hang up the towel on the Brit-love for the time being."

Awe omg I'm so proud of him, this is so huge! Like I just want to congratulate the guy for making this role so awesome. I never had a doubt in my mind about him playing Edward ever and to be honest I never understood why people freaked out when he was cast. But that doesn't matter at all anymore about the naysayers because from what the majority of people are saying - he just rocks this whole movie. Ahhh I'm so excited :)

Ellie said...

That is such a wonderful review; I wanted to cry just reading about the depth Rob's emotions in this movie.
I am going nuts with anticipation...

bella's mom said...

ooo thanks amy!

Well dang it they should have listened to us all along and no one would be shocked about what a great job he can do!!!

A beautiful review! This should make him feel better and less trepidatious.

bella's mom said...

ellie, are you able to listen to the interview now that he is doing with Ryan Seacrest?

MiCh said...

Hey girls, you can see a clip of South Park's vampire episode here:

It seems that the whole episode will be available.. TODAY! Maybe in the night?

k said...

i'm squealing here listening to rob being interviewed by ryan right now. anyone else listening? i have to leave in a few minutes though. cookie making party. my mommy life slams into my rob-obsessing life sometimes!
there's something about just listening to that voice of his. and knowing that he's doing it RIGHT NOW.
amy- thanks for posting that review. got me even more excited for the movie & i didn't know that was possible!
i think the phone number for ryan's show is 1.800.520.1027. someone on here needs to call in & ask rob a really good question.

bella's mom said...

I'm listening.

I CANNOT believe that Ryan asked him to let them shave his head!!

Amy said...

I can't hear the interview so I have to wait for it to be on YouTube or something!

k said...

he just said that ellen degeneres said she would wash his hair for him & he said "only if we have a bath together." hee hee. they way he said "bath." i'm THUD on the floor right now.

bella's mom said...

Hot Damn he likes Dallas girls..... Go Mindy Go! lol

k said...

how come amy? hopefully it will be on youtube soon. i wish i knew how to stream it on here for you.
rob just told a story i've never heard before! ryan's bringing good stuff out of him. thank you ryan.

bella's mom said...

lol I know K... I'd damn sure volunteer to take Ellen's place.. hahaha

DirtyD said...

Awe.. he's given up driving. I'll be his chauffeur.

k said...

thx mich!

bella's mom said...

That's Dani's birthday!!!!! She could have won!@@@@

MiCh said...

Grr, can't listen the radio! People outside USA are not able to access the content! #$%&/(

k said...

they're playing his song! don't you know he is cringing so much right now?! poor kid!
and he said he finally saw twilight. yay! bless mama p for making him suck it up!

Kat said...

Amy, thanks for posting that review, almost had me in tears. I'm so proud of Rob and it's making the 37.5 hours until I get to see the movie go even slower!

Can't wait to hear the Ryan interview.

bella's mom said...

oh that sucks! maybe after its over you will be able to go listen to it.

bella's mom said...

aww K, they said he was blushing just from them playing that snippit of his song.. poor thing

k said...

what awesome question can we come up with to ask him????? who on here can keep it together enough & not squeal while talking to him! not me!

Rusharthi said...

Guys I'm almost getting through to ask him a question,..but I wanna ask him something different from teh usual stuff we hear. Any suggestions??

k said...

hi bellas mom! hope there will be pics posted later of the interview. dying to see that blush!

bella's mom said...

Ask.. If he were to get the chance to just go vacation and sight see in any state here in the US.. not to work just to chill, where would he like to go?

k said...

rusharthi- OMG!!!! now my mind is going blank. something about hot pockets maybe? no that's lame. i heard him mention once he wants to work with terrence malick. i love malick, esp. the thin red line, and am wondering what his fave malick film is.
ooh i know- i wanna know why he's "robert" in the movie and "rob" on the soundtrack.
just tell him to say hi to all of us on "robsessed"! :)

k said...

bellas mom- he better say "kansas city, missouri to hang out with karen and her family." :) or screw the fam. just hang out with me! my husband would understand.

k said...

ryan just called rob "edward." and what did he say to him after that thing about hollywood sleaze?

bella's mom said...

lol K... Texas is quite fun too.. hint hint

Rusharthi said...

You guys I have the worst luck in the world!!!! They disconnected me!! :(((( SO MAD!

k said...

good lord his laugh kills me!!!!!! i love how he kind of does that frog thing in the back of his voice after he laughs.

k said...

what's the number????? i'm gonna try to get through & not die.

Amy said...

DAMN! I wanna here this interview. WHY do they block the radio feeds to everywhere outside the US. It's so annoying :(

k said...

the girl on now is having an actual conversation with him. she is my hero.

MiCh said...

Oh, just read the review Amy! Is wonderful, it made me cry!
I never had a doubt about Rob playing Edward 'cause I've loved his performances since HP4.. you can really feel his emotions through the screen! Example: his face in The Haunted Airman when he's bathed by a nurse. You can really feel his shame and anguish!

I'm so proud of our boy!

Rusharthi said...


k said...

amy- i'm so sad you can't hear it. ryan just asked him if he could fall in love with kristen stewart and he very emphatically said "YES! she's amazing!" ahhhhh!

Rusharthi said...

Its over :(

k said...

damn! that number says "unavailable from my calling area." WTF?!
oh well- interview is over. that was a fun 39 minutes! what did he say at the end there?

DirtyD said...

Great interview. I hope they can put it up on their site soon so we can listen again.

Dani said...

Hey Im really busy today guys so don't expect too much updates very quickly. Got a lot of patients to take care of.

Fixed the title...HUGE...perhaps he is huge I dunno. Lets ask his wife.

Dani said...

Hey Im really busy today guys so don't expect too much updates very quickly. Got a lot of patients to take care of.

Fixed the title...HUGE...perhaps he is huge I dunno. Lets ask his wife.

bella's mom said...

lmao I love it!!

Ryan asked if Kristen's boyfriend was around during all those intense scenes with him and he said yeah he was around for alot of the time. Then Ryan asked what he thought of it and Rob laughed that cheeky laugh he has and said.. "He was really into it"

k said...

>>Example: his face in The Haunted Airman when he's bathed by a nurse. You can really feel his shame and anguish!<<

totally mich! that is a brilliant performance!

k said...

thx bellas mom- missed that part. priceless!

Ellie said...

No, I missed it!! :( So disappointed.
I was in lunch with the class.
Will we be able to hear it here later tonight??

I wish I was more computer savvy to find these things. You are all so great to help me out with this!!

bella's mom said...

And the blushing embarrassment when Daniel Gale walks out of the room and has the wet pants...

bella's mom said...

Ellie babe, I will email ya the link so you can go listen later.

Ellie said...

Thank you, Mona, my sweetheart <3

DirtyD said...

I just read that Rob is going to be on the Tyra Banks show. Good Lord...

bella's mom said...

He is running himself ragged

Ellie said...

I read that Rob says he loves watching Tyra's show--do you think he was tongue- in- cheek??
(that would be lovely to see...)

Amy said...

I'm guessing Rob and Kristen are flying off to NYC today sometime. They have The Today Show tomorrow morning!

bella's mom said...

Peter is gonna be on the Bonnie Hunt show today. I'm wondering if they are gonna talk about both working with BayBay Taylor?

MiCh said...

Back to the Rob's world.. I was trying to get pit tickets for Radiohead's concert in Mexico.. and got it! Am so happy! This will be my third time on the PIT!

It seems like Ryan's interview was very good. Jelous much of you, american citizens! Hahaha.. =P

k said...

cool mich! i love radiohead.
i'm back on here to see all the new posts & comments. spent the day christmas baking.

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