K Stew is asked: Is there a downside to kissing Robert Pattinson?
"He has the thickest beard, at times you don't notice it until you're like, "Oh wow, I think I'm bleeding."
I think we would all suffer a little road rash about the chin for a sweet go at Rob's lips.
I hate KStew right now, for talking about what I want the most.
Absolutely! Suck it up Kristen....
I would probably thank him for the kiss AND the exfoliation!
When did she kiss him with a beard?
Wasn't he clean shaven during filming?
How many times is it 'normal' to watch the kissing scene? I can't stop watching!
Tess- I wouldn't be able to speak to thank him. My lips would be busy.
I "hate" beard rash but if it was ROb I'd be willing to forgive "anything"!!;-)
Bring on the road rash! I'd already be red from the flush in my cheeks just being near him, anyway...
Yes, Tess~~An exfoliation is good, every now and the :)n (right now would be a good time, as a matter of fact)!
Tess... well said - suck it up Kristen, you know you're getting what many women want...
I have super fair skin like Kristen's...and beard rash is AWFUL. And to Aussie, it doesn't realy matter if he looks shaven...if he has a two hour stubble and his beard is super coarse and thick...it will still burn.
:O OH MY. I honestly don't know what to say. OH MY.
Okay everyone's reactions are awesome! I imagine even when clean shaven Rob still has a thick undergrowth. So road rash is inevitable when our boy gets carried away. And we are glad he gets carried away right? Too hot to handle this one.
K Stew saying that quote about bleeding made me giggle constantly. Good stuff these two are made of. But yes suck it up K Stew, you kissed Rob over and over again to get it right. Hello you should thank him for the opportunity and the rash.
LOL Well, it makes sense since Rob's Edward is the only vampah with a five o'clock. I would trade places with Kristen in a heartbeat...yes, she needs to suck it up.
BTW, good morning lovelies!
Dani, happy day off!
Hey, Lynn and Dani...Good Morning!
Hope your birthday was a memorable one, Lynn. I know you enjoyed our boy again...
Yes, KStew is one extremely lucky lady. I, too, would gladly take one for the Robkat team and "suffer" like she did!
Back to work, hope to check back here again soon!
Lynn... yeah I noticed that even the make-up couldn't cover the shadow. I think he's the knid of guy who's stubble is popping through within an hour of shaving!
I sent the kissing scene to my sister who can't see the movie until Dec 19th... I think I heard her squee 4500 miles away!
Kathryn---congrats on the new baby nephew!
I am betting that Rob was shaving several times a day during shooting.
I still want to rub a body part along that stubbly jawline....ARGH!
Ok ladies you seem to be missing the main thing here...
Kristen only has her "spice boy oregano" to compair Rob to, so compaired to "babyface no whisker" Rob's would feel stiff. (um yeah anyways)
So she just needs to learn to sit him down and shave him herself and then it will be babybutt smooth for the kissing scenes, and she will also learn that scruffy can be really really fun too!!
Kathryn I bet you could hear your sis squeel!!LOL
Ooh look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIrLpNYi1js
Morning Ladies:)
Lynn~ Happy Belated Birthday! I hope all your Rob dreams and wishes came true!
Kate~~I'd even bottle that dandruff and wear it around my neck! lol
Kate---Rob has done that more then once...he said in another interview that he intentionally sheds his jacket to avoid the obvious flakes.
What I wouldn't give to exfoliate Rob's scalp, no matter how gross it sounds.
Rose---it was nice, relaxing and Twi/Rob filled...second time was much better. Thanks for asking!
LOL @ Ellie
Lynn- ya I know I've heard him saying that before but I thought Rachelle was really funny in that clip LOL
Glad you enjoyed your birthday!!;-)
Isn't Rachelle the sexiest? She and Rob work well together in interviews. Rob's head shake reminds of the scene in the Breakfast Club with Ally Sheedy.
Hello ladies and morning, Kate I posted that ET Canada thing before I saw you posted the link. Thank you lady you are rocking this morning as usual. I am soooooo tired so I am off to take a nap with the babe. But if you come across any more goodies I will surely be on the lookout today.
Goz and I post way too much on this site it is insane. I am patrolling for posts nonstop its really kind of addicting after a while.
Haha great minds Dani ;-)
Enjoy your nap!
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