The Pattinson family :-)

Okay this post turned out to be a joke since none of the people in the pics were the correct ones :-) I am removing the pics and putting the pic of the real Pattinsons :)


Lynn said...

Thank you, Goz!

Yes, I had a strong feeling that was Clare Pattinson on the far left. Rob looks exactly like her! His father looks incredibly young and kinda of hottie. The girls take after him!

Kat said...

Hmmmm.... I'd agree with the sister and Mum pics... but I think the guy is a body guard. He looks too young and way to tanned for a Brit :-) But, I could be wrong...

p r i s c a said...

If this is right, his parents and super young looking.

Dani said...

That guy in the car looks way to young to be Rob's dad but hey what do I know?

DirtyD said...

Good genes in that family.

Lynn said...

I dunno! I am betting that the Pattinsons are relatively young...mid to late 50's tops!

Anonymous said...

Blondes in his family. Sigh. There is hope for me.
Thanks so so so much, GOZ!!

DirtyD said...

Oh and I just got my tickets for the movie on Friday. So excited, I nearly had a minor fan girl moment.

Ellie said...

Rob does resemble his mum, but I agree with you, Kathryn, that man looks like a bodyguard. Victoria is very pretty.

La Stella said...

Mama P looks like.. "Robert Thomas, what are you doing?!".

Oh, love the woman. =D

Anonymous said...

I had heard of Aurora before from a friend who like techno music and we watched it and his sister Lizzy is really pretty.
His mother looks overwhelmed.

Dani said...

That could be his mum but that guy in the back of the limo I dunno...hey I guess I am a skeptic but I like some serious proof ya know? But hey if his parents were in town for the premiere that is really nice.

Gozde said...

Well as I said, i'm not sure. but Rob is 22, his parents are under probably under 50 and those 2 people look between 40-50 to me.

Ellie said...

I checked Lizzy's music out today on MySpace. She's got a really nice voice, I liked her music.

'night, everyone.

Kat said...

Can you imagine being his family and seeing the response their son/brother gets at the premiere of a movie he starred in!

Being a Brit I can just imagine Mum & Dad filling in their holiday request forms at work:

Dates: Nov 15th - 19th
Reason for leave: We're going to the premiere of our sons movie in Hollywood. He's quite the star you know.

Dani said...

No biggie. He goes back to London in early December I wonder if his parents will visit here until then? That would be cute if they all flew on back together.

Lynn said...

The noise level was so intense and Clare looks very overwhelmed. But, now the mystery of the eyes is over, because, Rob got those, too.

Lizzy is very beautiful. She and Victoria both have a very distinctive nose, which sets their looks apart from Rob's remarkably.

Rob looked like he was having a grand old time...his facial expressions are priceless.

La Stella said...

I don't think that's his dad either.

p r i s c a said...

I love Rob in pic#1 and mum's expression is cute too.

In pic#2 it looks like rob's going "Shit, mum's caught me doin' the american SOULJA BOY!" *giggle snort*

Eva said...

The guy has the "bodyguard" look and looks pretty young to be a dad of 3 grown up kids.

His mum and sister are very pretty.

I love Access Hollywood interview with Rob proposing to the interviewer with a ring he just made out from a tree leave and when she asked him to get on one knee he said tha he can't because his pants are gona split LOL.... we know Rob:):)

good evening, everyone!

Anonymous said...

I've been out of town all day and haven't watch anything but the quip and quote thing. I'll get up early tomorrow and catch up.

Anonymous said...

Nite, Eva.

Dani said...

Hey didn't have to post a disclaimer! If you believe that it is them then that is all that matters.

And hey if it is them, Rob has some hot parents and we know where he gets it from.

cherifire said...

Don't think the guy in the car is Dad. Check this link on the red carpet. Dad would have been with Mom, not sticking to Rob like this guy is.

Anonymous said...

im stil torn on weather i think that is Papa P or not... the more i look at the pic i can see the resemblence in the chin. And if you cover everything up but the looks like a deep rob stare LOL

One things for sure - if that is his dad - Rob is sure to age beautifully!!


Gozde said...

Okay Cheri, in that picture the guy looks like a bodyguard :-))

Oh my journalist integrity is in danger, lol :PP

Dani said...

Awe bodyguard does not look happy to be protecting Rob. Rude!

MiCh said...

I'm with cheriefire too..

cherifire said...

Here's another one. Looks like Mom taking a stroll behind her famous son. Note the necklace is the same.

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

anything of tomstu?

Eva said...

Rob and Kristen are going to be on Today show on Thursday.

Dani said...

TomStu is MIA he is probably angry at Rob because their spoonfest has been put on hold due to Rob's busy schedule.

*raises hand* Tom I will give you a good spoonin' any day.

Amy said...

Dani did you get my PM message? :)

Dani said...

I did and I PMed you back.

Anonymous said...

MAMA P at the goblet of fire premiere in tokyo behind Rob, with long hair and with a big proud smile

MiCh said...

Hahaha, all this speculation is pretty funny. And the IMDb threat is hilarious too. LMAO.

Tess said...

I'm willing to put my neck out there, and believe that the woman behind Rob in the top picture could be one of his sister's, but I doubt that the woman on the left in the 2nd pic is his mother (check her out next to said sister in top picture (r).) She looks too young. The man in the bottom picture looks far too you and nothing like him. Not related at all.

Note: that neither of them have his jawline. things like that are genetic...

Tess said...

can any of us ever recall wanting to see someone's parents so bad? I'm still trying to ask myself "why?"

Will it solidify his hotness? If his parents are good looking, will it make him seem more real instead of this enigma of deliciousness... somebody cyber slap me!

Dani said...

To me that does not look like the same woman. But I am not really worried about it. Thanks for posting the links though. The speculation has been fun.

Amy said...

You know it's just so crazy the lengths people will go to make stuff up and try and 'create' gossip, haha.

Fact: His family WAS there with him and he obviously went solo and partied into the night with family & friends & the cast. That pretty much sums it all up. There is no need for everyone to speculate like a tabloid. It's super annoying. Some people on IMDB are consistently always making something out of nothing! I mean for real come on...

Lynn said...

Actually, the woman on the far left looks like she is possibly in her early 50's, which is how old I presumed his parents are. C'mon, the girls are 25 and 26, it would seem accurate. And, there is a resemblance of sorts!

Ahhh, the mystery wagers on...c'mon, Clare Pattinson...tell us who you are!

Gozde said...

I know Tess, I just want to see them! But Brad Pitt to me is the sexiest, most beautiful man alive/ever and his family doesn't really compare to him :-) Genetics is a very interesting thing.

Dani said...

Goz that is totally true with the Brad Pitt thing.

Tess said...

I see a resemblance between him and the women in the insert photo (long reddish hair).

Goz- I hear you on the Pitt Family. Brad is a recessive gene.

Lynn said...

I agree with the Pitt clan---Brad is their missing link. LOL

Dani said...

I have had a crush on Brad forever...he is recessively hot.

Lynn said...

Dani---yes, he is recessively hot!LOL

Height has always been a mystery to me...I never expected to have tall kids until my MIL pointed out her own father was 6'4" and grandfather was 6'8". Dh is only 5'11". But, our children are huge!

Gozde said...

Brad Pitt is the sexiest thing since sliced bread. He aged like a fine wine. I've been in "love" with him since I was 14 years old :-)

La Stella said...

Julie Bowen. LOL.

Lynn said...

True, Goz! Brad was the only reason why I watched Legends of the Fall and Seven Years In Tibet until the end. I have had for him since Thelma and Louise.

MiCh said...

Agree, Brad Pitt is the better thing since slice bread. My fave movie of him is, by far, Fight Club.. Gosh, he was EXTREMELY HOT!

Tess said...

I never GOT other peoples thing for Brad Pitt until I watched him in Meet Joe Black. I had a temporary crush on him after that. he managed to make Death look vulnerable. I like seeing that it guys.

I know that's a big part of my infatuation for Rob. He seems vulnerable and complicated at the same time.

Kathryn-ps: Loved your holiday request comment "laughed really hard"

Dani said...

Goz I saw him in Thelma and Louise and then this really awful horror movie and I was hooked. I even forgave him for playing Early in Kalifornia. Oh God ladies if you haven't seen that you need to. The only movie in which Brad could completely make you turn away from men forever.

La Stella said...

I'll stay away from that movie then Dani. I quite like the boys.

And yeah, Fight Club just.. *drools*

Lynn said...

Dani---agreed, Brad was icky in Kalifornia. He is just lovely to look method catch character. Brad is more about esthetics.

Dani said...

Oh Gosh I am telling you I love that movie because David Ducovney or however you spell it....he rocks my world in that. It wasn't a bad flick but Brad Pitt did disgusting, rapist, creeper, nasty, cud slinging, dirty pitted out shirt wearing nasty so well.

Lynn said...

I have only recently liked David, I never got in to the whole X-Files thing either. But, he is brilliant on Californication and in The House of D.

Dani said...

I used to watch X-Files religiously. He is my jam.

Lynn said...

I know you have for the dark ones (I mean this literally). I like my whitey, angular, lanky, and usually dark blonde men.

La Stella said...

This photos stuck soulja boy's song in my head.

I can't stop picturing Rob dancing. LOL.

Lynn said...

Soulja Boy? Oh, Dani...don't go there! I spent an entire summer having to hear that song (thanks to Audrey). Thankfully, we no longer have XM radio.

Dani said...

Im off to bed ladies night t night. Hopefully more Rob goodies in the AM. He still has some more promo in the states to do so...yummy times a coming.

Lynn said...

Good night, Dani! I am headed the same way.

Anonymous said...

behind kristen at the right you can see MAMA P Vicky P an robs manager

k said...

hahaha julie bowen!
it would help if we knew how old his parents are. if his oldest sister is 26 then his parents could be easily only 44 or even a bit younger. or they could be well into their 50's. or even more. my g-ma was 42 when she had my uncle in 1942. it was rare back then but not completely uncommon. and now people are having babies well into their forties a lot.
what am i rambling about?!
in my experience girls tend to look like their dads and boys look like their moms. i don't think that woman looks like rob but then again she kinda does.
i have no genetic schooling.

k said...

doesn't the twi screenwriter melissa rosenberg (i think that's her name) look soooo good here? very jennifer jason leigh-esque.

Kat said...

This is funny that the speculation continued...

Mama P and Papa P - please stand up and reveal yourselves. Your dear beautiful, talented, wonderful, intellectual son has many cyber-GF’s that would love to sit down and have dinner with you.

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