Paramore-Rob close ups

Great video, lots of Rob goodness inside :-)

Thanks to everyone that sent the info :)


p r i s c a said...

Ohhh man! The scene in the forrest is gonna be a good one! I can feel it in my core!

kristen said...

Wow, this video had some fantastic clips from the movie! I'm kind of loving the scene where Rob traps Bella against the tree. Can you say hot?

Also, Rob's face at 1:38 = INTENSE. Very vampah-like.

Rose said...


It seems like everyday there are different clips from the movie coming at us. Maybe it is supposed to satisfy our obsession until the movie comes out...but I think it is having the opposite effect (at least it is on me)
Oh yeah...did I mention that Robert looks beautiful in this video? Do I even NEED to mention that anymore?

zipper. megaphone. package.

YQUE! said...

I don't even know what to say....I just love that the video is so perfect for the movie.

Lynn said...

Oh my goodness, the forest shots are so beautiful, that meadow is just going to be out of this world. Love, love, love all the close-ups of Rob's teeth (cue the eye teeth!).

Hayley Williams has a great voice--I want her hair!

babbles said...

*Thud Thud*
Holy Shit!!!!!!!
I was not expecting that, Tons more clips - Hot stuff....

I am so crushing on that chick from Paramore - And Hello Carlisle!!!

Rob and Kristen are intense, I CANNOT FRIGGIN WAIT, this is torture... Made my Heart pump!

Dani said...

I wanna say that was more than 30% of screen caps. I adore that singer of Paramore, she looks like a little vamp too. Ahhh the minor new stuff I haven't seen was awesome. Him running her through the forest was a lot better than the flying through the trees stuff. I love the song too, goes nicely with the theme of the movie.

Sabrizzle said...

Aagh! As if I needed more teaser footage of Rob, I'm losing my freakin' mind here! It also doesn't help that I'm severely missing Washington so seeing all of those trees is making me more homesick. I can't wait until Thanksgiving break when I get to go home and see Twilight!

Lynn said...

Dani---Hayley Williams has a tremedous voice, it reminds of Amy Lee with the energy of Susanna Hoffs.

The running scenes are much more convincing then the tree scenes. But, you gotta love CH's vision...her set direction is outstanding.

Dani said...

I love Hayley's voice it is amazing, she does have that Amy Lee edge but Amy Lee annoys the Hell out of me with the fact that she NEVER sounds any different and the whining has got to stop sometime. But this chick Hayley has got the goods.

The vid is perfect and the song goes well with the movie. I loved the running Catherine Hardwick is wonderful and I am excited to see what else she has in store in the future.

Kimberlesk said...

dani/lynn, I'm so glad you said it, I was afraid to mention that I'm not too impressed by the flying-thru-trees scenes. Kinda goofy actually. Had me a little worried ... but the running scenes work.

kristen said...

Dani, Lynn, Kimberlesk -- I also agree. The running scenes look fantastic, but some of the flying through trees scenes were a little hokey looking... you can tell there is wire-work because you can see when the tension from the wire kicks in. But that seems to be pretty impossible to avoid when you can't spend tons of money on special effects. Overall, everything looks pretty amazing though.

Dani said...

The flying was not okay with me. But that wasn't the final cut I am pretty sure so I am hopeful that in the movie it will look better. But if that is the worst than I think the movie will rock regardless. It was just not looking that great. The running looks fantastic however.

Question? Why do the guys in Paramore look so awesome in skinny jeans? I mean hello I look like a cow in those things, but they look fabulous. This is a good looking band.

kristen said...

Dani - HAHA I know right? Skinny jeans are the bane of my existence. They look terrible on about 95% of the population, but the Paramore dudes look pretty rockin' in them.

I am also hopeful that those flying scenes were not the FINAL product... if so, then it's okay because everything else looks spectacular, but I'm hoping they do some additional editing.

Dani said...

I hope whoever they screen the movie for privately was all like "this is shit, the flying scenes suck but the rest is wonderful please do more editing on the flying scenes and have Edward without his shirt as much as possible"

And then have Rob try on some skinny jeans and video that for the DVD extras, I bet he would look fabulous in them.

kristen said...

Dani - LMAO! - "please do more editing on the flying scenes and have Edward without his shirt as much as possible"... I sincerely hope they took that last recommendation to heart. I wonder who the lucky bastards were who were able to see the screening of this movie. Jealous much!

And speaking of Rob in skinny jeans... wasn't he wearing some in "The Bad Mother's Handbook"? Those tight grey ones? Mmmm, getting very warm just thinking about it.

La Stella said...

damn, i can't see it =(
is it on youtube yet?

Jewels64 said...

OMFG! My eyes are bleeding...the intensity in his godgiven chiseled face! How could you not just kiss every part of that face forever?

We're all going to spontaneously combust at the same time on November 21. Oh no wait, forgot about different time zones....

Rocking song! EW gave the soundtrack an A- rating. Says its a goody and Rob's songs fit oh so perfectly!

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