New OK Magazine Scan

Click for HQ View and some funny info about padding Rob's shorts.
Also Rob isn't kidding about being a passionate kisser.

Big thanks to aka everglow for the scans


Lynn said...

I love how open Rob is about his groin about some sympathy rubs for the poor boy!

Cute article! Gracias, mija!

bella's mom said...

Yeah on one of the comicon videos, Catherine said that was one of her favorite things durring the filming was when he got carried away and they fell off the bed, he and Kristen both just giggled and blushed.

Dani said...

He is right out there with it. Now he's mentioned it many times in interviews....that groin really took a beating. Oh hell I just said beating!

bella's mom said...

I can see it now... "Um, Kristen could ya move that foot a little when I'm running please? It's a bit tender down there." lol

Dani said...

My goodness...I would love to hear him say the word "tender" to describe his chaffed downtown bonanza. Poor guy.

Lynn said...

LOL Beating, spanking...I can think of tons of terms. Yes, downtown bonanza deserves some air kisses to being blown to it...hmmm.

bella's mom said...

Well it's not like a guy wants to admit his "amusement park ride" is closed for maintanance.

Dani said...

No most def not....guy's usually shy away from continually mentioning that their business is under maintenance. But hey that is Rob's charm he is simply out there with everything. I love it.

bella's mom said...

The way they are up his butt about everything I guess he figures it is easier to just tell them then to try to hide anything.

Dani said...

Yes resisting media training has been the best thing this dude has ever done. You know how uptight they probably wanted him to be, all shmoozy and Twilight this and that. But this guy talks about his dirty hair, his crappy car, that he is a bad driver, his lack of hygiene, his groin region. Yeah he is out there, and I think it has made him that much more popular.

bella's mom said...

It has with us anyways.. lol

Lynn said...

I think Rob figures that he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by keeping it real.

bella's mom said...

Not to change the subject or anything, but I bet he would be a blast to take to the amusement park.. lol

Lynn said...

Mona--Rob would be the one to go sit and in the beer garden and just chill....

Dani said...

True, he has absolutely nothing to lose. This guy has star written all over him. Im sure with the offers that are no doubt pouring in he knows that too.

I wonder if Tom Stu is a bit jealous?

bella's mom said...

I think he will be more in shock.. lol

"Bloody 'ell Mate, you've got 'em all Gobsmacked! How did you do that?"

Amy said...

I know this isn't that important, but OK Magazine also reviewed the Twilight Soundtrack and gave it 3/5 stars with a nice little blurb about how fans will love it.

p.s - My Rob EW cover is sitting on my office desk and staring at me, haha. How the hell am I supposed to concentrate? And I don't want to turn it over or move it!! LMAO :P

bella's mom said...

Hey Dani here is the video of when Catherine told off on him falling off the bed. Its at 6:30 mark.

Rose said...

I just picked up this magazine today! Also picked up "Film Fantasy"...just about the whole issue is Twilight. Tons and tons of pictures and interviews...and LOTS OF ROB!!!!
I would scan it for you guys if my scanner was working properly...but sucks.
I also could not find an issue of Vanity Fair or EW...Kinda frustrating.

DirtyD said...

I just got Film Fantasy today too. Couldn't get Vanity Fair either and I carted my kids to 3 stores too! And my EW doesn't come until the following tuesday after it's released. frustrating. I haven't collected magazines like this since I was about 13.

Rose said...

lol Dana...I know your pain!
I do get my EW tomorrow...but I'm so paranoid that it will not have Rob on the cover, I just wanted to cover all the bases!
I also went to at least 5 different stores looking for VF...all I could find were last months issue. UGH.
Another obsession takes over my life!

DirtyD said...

Pretty- I'm gonna try to hit up Borders and/or Barnes n Noble tonight, but that means I gotta leave the kiddies with my husband. I'll have to come up with something to say. I can't exactly say "Hey honey watch the kids while I go get some magazines with with a sexy 22 year old on the cover that I'm utterly obsessed with!" He'd never let me live it down!

Lynn said...

I have resisted buying the mags, but, EW and VF will be too hard to resist. My daughter ripped apart the Cosmogirl one and I about had a fit. Rob's stuff will go nicely with my Princess Diana mags...two very British lovelies!

DirtyD said...

Ooops meant Barnes and noble...I can't type today

Rose said...

So nice to know that I'm not alone!
My husband hasn't a clue to my Robsession. Which is a GOOD thing! lol.
My oldest son was at B&N yesterday, and they didn't have VF, either. Has anyone seen it in stores?

bella's mom said...

Hey Lynn, can we add Dougray Scott to our project list?

Lynn said...

Prett0K---no, it's not in stores as of yet....I will be vigilantly watching out for it.

Mona---Dougray Scott and Jonathon Rhys-Meyers are to be added. We need our Irish and Scottish fill!

bella's mom said...

was watching Perfect Creature with Dougray Scott earlier and just thought.. ok he makes a pretty awesome vampah too. lol

Tess said...

Read padding - immediately then thinks of the padded area - not good.

Read: due to passionate kissing, falls off bed. Immediately then thinks of Rob kissing me and falling off the bed. - again, not good

useless for rest of day.

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