
A new video that I made. It's not the best but I have new appreciation for people that make videos, it's hard!

From the high of the interview I give you Mr. Pattinson


Tess said...

OK OK I know I said I was going away for a bit to calm down... but I justcan'thelpmyself!!!



great vi. Love the snog.. I mean song, but I realllly wanna snog Mr. Pattinson.

Thanks to all (AMY DANI GOZ) for adding to my dementia.

Gozde said...

Hey! I made the video! lol, got jealous :-))

Anonymous said...

I bow down to you. Do you see me, my hands are out and everything.
We are not worthy!

Dani said...

Yeah I didn't make the vid Tess, and thank you Goz that was in a word....fabulous. Very sexy indeed. A talented lady you are I love it.

Amy said...

Gozde I LOVE the video!!!!!!! That was pure HOTness ;) I also <3 that song.

Seriously ladies, that kissing scene they have in the bedroom is going to be super intense.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant to type GORDE. I'm still recovering from your video:)

Anonymous said...

GOZDE, sorry. I am finally getting it right. Do you see what I mean what your video did to me?

Kat said...

Love it... love it ALL.

Dani said...

Anon Jovie I think you meant to type GOZDE as that is her name but I can see how the vid might have made you a little confused.

Tess said...

Not reading clearly ~ stars in my eyes.

I appreciate the video Gozde. (from the very bottom of my Rob Besotted heart)

ack ack ack. client in 10 min... get a grip

kristen said...

Gozde - Damn girl, you are talented!! Great song choice for those clips and photos, too. I particularly liked the part of the song where it goes "I feel like a monster" and you put the clip of Rob giving his most fierce vampah glare.

LOVE IT. Great job, Goz!

Lynn said...

Goz---me thinks that mind over matter is making you a bit loca---because that vid was crazy hot!

You used all my fave pics and clips. Personally, I think that a remake of Vanity Fair should be made just so Rob can play Rawden Crawley, Sr. and wear those madly sexy period costumes.

Gozde said...

lol, no problem Jovie, it's a hard name :-))

Yay, I'm glad you guys liked it.

I am on such a Rob high right now. That interview killed me!

Amy said...

So when is the Apple store appearance over? I guess photos and video won't come in until later tonight? I feel bad for those who didn't get wristbands, that sucks.

Dani said...

Goz I am reeling over that audio. It was wonderful.

I feel terribly for the folks who couldn't get into the Apple Store. Awe someone at IMDB said they didn't get in either and that the little ones whose parents brought them were on the verge of tears when they were told it was a no go. And the chick from IMDB was 3 hours early....I guess you have to get up at the crack of dawn to get a look at Rob.

kristen said...

Amy - People had to have wristbands for the Apple appearance? How did they decide who got the wristbands - was it a first come, first serve situation?

I'm curious because I wonder if they will do a similar thing for the Hot Topic appearance. I think I'm going to try to make my way over to the SF one, so I'm curious about how they are handling everything.

Amy said...

This was a comment someone made on Lion and Lamb...

"omg rob. if you do something shenaniganorific and get shunned outta Hollywood, please become a phone sex operator."

LMAO, ahahahahaha!!

Lynn said...

Dani---I was dying over that audio. The last question was obviously asked by a total HP fan, because, she kinda blew him off after he started mentioning other characters then just Edward and Cedric. I loved that he found a lot in common with Salvador Dali and Toby Jugg---both tortured and introspective.

Lynn said...

Amy---lol that was so funny! I was thinking the same thing---he is such the nasal breather. Lots of long pauses, sighs, and deep nasally breaths....swoon.

Gozde said...

haha! He SHOULD become a phone sex operator. I think people would go bankrupt!

Lynn said...

Goz---he could make a killing off of telling women, "say it", "say it out loud"! Definitely a profit to be made here!

Dani said...

Hello Cedric was a non qualifiable character, he was just starting out and it wasn't a huge part. Come on he's a damn wizard in a fictional world who fights off bad guys with his wand, and is a young teenager jock Now Robert give us your existential view on the character Cedric and how he changed your life while playing him?

COME ON PEOPLE get over it Cedric is so last season and I am tired as Hell about hearing the comparisons between Twilight and Harry Potter. So suck it up Potter fans, it wasn't that great of a part.

Amy said...

Omg and another one...sorry but I love funny comments from people.

"Seriously, Charlie is uber sexy. Go Billy Burke and your pornstache!"


"Charlie Swan, total badass. :D"

Gozde said...

He no hatin' on Cedric :-) I love him :)

Dani said...

Hey im not saying it wasn't a fun character but really not life changing.

Goz Cedric is awesome...I say that just for you.

Anonymous said...

gozde, I want you to know I got up and dedicated a dance to your video. I have been sitting too long in front of the computer, getting my rob fix, so I got up and danced. I've decided during my dancing that I would like to teach Rob to dance and invite all of you over and we can all dance with him, just him, not other guys. After I've taught him how to dance and then of course he LOVES dancing. Then we can sit down and hear him talk winded.
How's that?
Of course we'll have cocktails and laughter.

Dani said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA Billy Burke does have quite the stash....very Ron Jeremy circa 1969. LOVE IT!

Billy Burke was super sexy in Fracture. No stash in that one sorry ladies.

Dani said...

Jovie- You better register for one, because we heart you already and two. I wanna see this dance PRONTO. You must record and YouTube that business STAT.

Nurses orders.

Anonymous said...

I was a challenging dance because sometimes I turn around and with gozde's video there was not way while I was dancing I was going to look away from Rob!
But, after we finished with him, he LOVES dancing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry meant to type It as the first word, My mind was drifting to after when everyone went home...

Lynn said...

It was almost sad that Rob was shut off by the cold hearted woman, he puts so much thought in to his answers that she could have been a little more gracious. I think that Rob would have been happier to hear questioners that have seen his other work (cue us).

I would have been a total dink and pissed everyone off by asking him, what brand of cigarettes and who he thinks should win the election. I realize it was a Twilighters Q&A, but, you gotta lighten it up somehow.

Tess said...

OK. I'm back. client gone. I'm going to submit a question that has nothing to do with Twilight... It's all about refuge people

Jovie - We NEED to see the dance...

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