New Twilight Stills-HQ

We've seen a few of these before but now you can see them super close. Click pic for the better view, I am partial to #4. 

And can I just say for the record HOT DAMN he is gorgeous.


Gozde said...

#4 just kills me...

Dani said...

Kills me I can see why he would have a total crush on her. They have amazing chemistry. If just one picture can cause hot flashes, it is amazing what the actual movie will do.

Gozde said...

Oh I counted wrong, I am actually more taken with #3. The way he looks at her is too much!

Dani said...

I love how his delicious mouth is slightly open in practically every shot. Especially the one in the trees, and that is part of the movie where the lullaby plays like where they are getting to know each other and we see the far away shots and them talking but the music is playing.

Ah reminds me of Bed of Roses when that one song song comes on during their courtship and they are laughing and having a great time, kissing etc. Its a heart melting scene.

Amy said...

Kristen is naturally gorgeous and has that mysterious quality about her - from a lot of guys I know, they would say that is super attractive - because they would really have to put the effort in to get close to her! I can totally see why he would be enamored with her as a person and as an actress. She is really serious it seems but I'm betting if you were to get to know her well and become friends with her she probably open up more and be totally comfortable. In that VF behind the scenes video she is smiling through the whole thing and seems so happy to be with all of them and of course that chemistry with Rob is evident in almost everything - they are similar in a lot of ways.

Anonymous said...

He gave a lot to his character, my sweet Rob.
But my freaking lust just wants to kiss that mole on the side of his neck under his hairline and let myself wander all over his neck and face.
Also, I was anon. I had to fix something in editing and typed Rob instead of load.

Gozde said...

Seriously, look at his teeth in that first picture! They are perfect. I don't get it.

And yeah the mouth...the mouth is always half open...yep it is...

Anonymous said...

I don't think he's threatened by boyfriends..

Amy said...

They really are a good fit for this series. I never really understood why people were so skeptical about their casting??!! I think they are perfect for these roles.

Dani said...

Amy I agree entirely. Kristen has something very mysterious and quite sultry about her. I have a little crush myself over here.

And Goz, his teeth are perfect and even more right for the part, look at his K-9s what the hell were they thinking asking him to straiten them. They look great, and for a smoker he must take good care as they are lovely and white.

Anonymous said...

I love how his bilateral incisor on the right is slightly forward, it's an intristic part of him. Thank you Rob for not letting them interfere with that. It's you. I love his smile. Loved it, love it, love it. Leave his smile alone for a stupid movie.

Lynn said...

Amy---i love how Kristen is just naturally daughter and I are the same way. It comes off as strong and attracts the right kind of guys.

BTW, the stills are amazing. I love #1, because they look the most natural and Kristen's smile is truly sincere.

Gozde said...

Oh I have a huge crush on Kristen. I loved her before she was cast for Twilight (in a very non pedophile way:).

And Dani, I've been smoking, albeit like a pack a week, for almost 10 years and my teeth are perfectly white. You just need to keep your hygiene :-)

Anonymous said...

He's skinny, not perfect teeth or nose, don't know the rest of his body, but what he has is incredibly sexy.

Aussierobfan said...

I love #3 and #4 - would love to trade places with Kristen.

Jovie I agree about the mole.

I can't see the fuss about fixing his teeth they are perfect - I hope he doesn't give in to pressure.

Tess said...

woah.. New banner?? when did that get there?

That's a feast for the eyes.. along with the rest of these stills..

Lynn said...

I understand how the film makers want things to be "perfect" with the whole issue of Rob's teeth. But, it just seems so Hollywood and California to me---we are obsessed with straight teeth.

Dani said...

Oh Goz my brother smokes like 2 packs a day and has great teeth. Hygiene is key!

I loved Kristen before this movie and when people questioned the casting I was really surprised. She is amazing, and I love how strong she is making Bella more strong. She is a bit winey in the book sometimes. That would not translate so well in the movie.

She and Rob have an undeniable bond and chemistry in this movie, it is great. I honestly would not be surprised if that comes to life someday.

Dani said...

Gotta get the heck off of here and pay attention to my fam. Thank you Goz for all your hard work today, we are like batman and robin, or turner and hooch. Im hooch of course.

Lynn said...

Dani---I bet that is exactly why Kristen chose not to take creative direction from SM, she probably didn't want to hear the actual whininess from the source.

Kristen rocks! I loved her character in "In The Land Of Women", she was exactly herself!

Tess said...

A personal reflection of #4.

Each and every time I look at this one, I imagine the feel of their breaths against their faces... You know what I mean? I bet it was quite intense.

I'm coming in late, so I missed some great comments.

In the interview where he stated that he had a crush on Kstew, and it took a few months to get over it. goodness.

Tess said...

OH. and SM with her creative license. Yes it is her book, but the comments where she suggested to CH that they sanitized the kissing scene It just irks me. I don't know why it should. It just seems to controlling. Young adults are prepared to see the characters kiss on screen without running out to go have illicit, random sex..

Dani said...

In the land of women was awesome...she was so good and such an honest role. She is going to be big time, I love how "up yours im doing what I need to do as an actress and I won't say something I don't believe in" She is phenomenal. I really am sending the vibes out there that her and Rob might make babies someday. Not that I don't adore her bf Michael Angarano...but I feel the love between my two peeps and I have to be honest. And now I am leaving. Damn this place sucks you in!

P.S Lynn love your guts...missed seeing ya on here today. I will be back later.

Dani said...

Ah dammit Tess you are GORGEOUS...I don't say that enough. You are lovely.

babbles said...

I just caught up on everything with the Blog, craziness, I have been nestled in a fanfic story for two days -lol-...

I watched the 3rd EW interview with ROb and he so has a thing for Kristen, All I can say is she must really LOVE he BF, And I mean Really Love him in order to resist Rob in any way, Although she doesn't fool me, when he talks her eyes never leave him...

The stills are awesome up close like that, I cant beleive that kiss one stills gets me going...

babbles said...

OMG - The Variety interview when Rob says "Dont fall for me I am a Dick!" - I friggin Love him, He is so candid... Poor guy is so clueless to himself...

Tess said...

Oh Dani I so agree with your Rob/Kristen dream. I really really want to them together. As much as I might wish I could be with Rob... I'm willing to sacrifice my feelings for them. They just Go.

BB- so true. there must be some serious love and affection (now humming Joan Armatrading) between her and her man.

Jewels64 said...

I can never quit looking at these photos. I have so many of them in the illustrated movie companion. I just have to have a peep at Rob at least 70 times a day if not more. I was walking through Walmart earlier with my son and we were walking past the stationery section.

Some dude was flipping through the posters and flipped them back towards Josh and I. And there he was. Rob in all his Twilight glory!
I stopped dead. Sighed. Josh just rolled his eyes at me and said: "Augh...I can't get away from him. He's everywhere."

Smart boy. I just smiled as said: "yes, he is honey, yes he is and the world is a more beautiful place for it!"

I got the eye roll again.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to have the wrath of all of you but I think she's too young for him. Also, to get involved and then it if it doesn't work out with them and they have two more intimate movies to film together...
Just my personal thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I don't think she's a reader like he is and she seems like she doesn't have the same temperment, disposition and sense of humor. She's just doesn't seem like a good fit to me. Not that she doesn't laugh but I picture him with a va va voom woman who will really rock his world. Me.

Anonymous said...

There's so much needed to make a relationship work and I think it's more the Twilight story that pulls them together than what would be day to day for them.

Tess said...

D- YOU are Gorgeous.. you saucy woman.. (but thanks)

Anonymous said...

She is 18 and he is 22. How is that too young? Maybe its just me but that is a tiny age difference.

babbles said...

Jov ~ you may have a point, It may be the epic Bella & Edward that pulls Kristen and Rob together... He deff has a thingy for her regardless and she is ga ga for him when he speaks but there is a barrier she keeps tightly up probably in respect to her BF and probably because he is so much more boisterous than she!, I think she is intimidated by him and he by her, its funny actually...

Anonymous said...

There is huge growth from 18 to 22.
I'm 27 and there was huge growth for me from 22 to 27. I think at 27 how much growth Rob will have in five years and how probably even better he'll be. She has a lot of growing to do still. It really showed in Rome.

Amy said...

New Interview with


What was up with you proposing marriage to Kristen? Was that just a rumor?

Robert Pattinson: "I can't even remember when this happened. Kristen is like, 'Yeah, you did.' I was like, 'Oh.' I think that someone else sent me a text the other week saying, 'Are we still on for our marriage?' I think it was yesterday that I was supposed to marry someone else."

Is this a regular thing with you?

Robert Pattinson: "I guess it must be."

Anonymous said...

Heath Ledger said it well when he stated why he dated older women.

Anonymous said...

He couldn't of proved my point better.
He will so grow in five years.

Tess said...

OK.. was I seeing things? help me out ladies. I thought I read a comment somewhere this morning referring to an interview where he says he had a crush on Kstew during the filming because he as in that mindset and it took him 2 months to get over it..

I've tried to find the comment again to watch and now I cant.

Anonymous said...

The comment was during the Extra interview it isn't on youtube yet and the feed was terrible so no one is really able to watch it. He said something about having a crush on her during filming and having to take a couple of months to get over it fully. I couldn't watch it myself but that is what someone said on here and over at imdb.

Tess said...

Thank you Amy for the link (and to anon for answering my ques.) These two quotes affected me:

1.Did anything from your Harry Potter experience prepare you for the whole pop culture phenomenon of Twilight?

Robert Pattinson: "Having it die down afterwards. Having it being the hot thing for a few months and then it just going and no one giving a sh-t. It helps. It helps once you get used to it and know that no one will care. Once you're immune to failure, it's like nothing matters."

2.Are you still doing music?

Robert Pattinson: [Laughing] "Not so much anymore. Since I was on the soundtrack I've given up."

Poor man. His music was really really personal (remember his myspace page that got over ran and he took it down)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Wow. Wow.
He is a lot like the character in Money by Martin Amis.
He definetly needs someone older a younger woman just would not understand him.

Kat said...

Dani, I too share your dream for a world where Rob and Kristen make babies, as long as it starts after they've finished all the movies.
I was 18 when I met my husband, then 25. 14 years later, we're still together... we all know men mature slower!!! There is def a connection between them - but I agree, they choose to keep a barrier there.

As for these pics... hot flashes going on over here, I do not know how/if I will hold it together at the movie!

Emily said...

In the enlarged version of picture #5 you can see the topaz colored contacts so well. Those look so awesome. I hope they didn't bother his eyes too much but thanks for sacrificing, Rob. I've also seen shots of him with the black ones in and they look creepy. Hot, but creepy. And, of course, nothing compares to his natural eye color. Gorgeous!

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