NEW Twilight Clip-Forest Scene HQ


Tess said...

Morning Dani- Ok.. that was quite intense. I was listening to that (without picture). Try it! play it and close your eyes... it's quite tingely.

Dani. would you please post a link to the vid in the comments, I can't watch the vid- damn piece of crab mac doesn't let me view vid from the's wan't the actual source.. ;)

Gozde said...

Himm, I'm very partial to the scene. Bella was never scared of Edward like that but until he asks if she is afraid she looks scared to death. I dunno...

Dani said...

Tess i am having trouble finding where I got it. I found it posted on the imdb board. Im sorry!

Gozde said...

Here is the link to the youtube video :)

Dani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dani said...

Nevermind Goz found it. Thank you!

Tess said...

Thanks to both of you for looking.

Dani said...

Oh before I go...Amy I didn't see that you posted the link for this before I put it usual you are fabulous to be helping find all the goodies. We love you!

Tess said...

The sound is better with the visual!! I love watching how expressive Kristen's face is..

Did anyone note how Rob's lips were trembling as he was standing behind her.. like his character wanted to interrupt what she was saying, to deny it.. Oh I really enjoyed that.

Bella/kstew did look a bit frightened, but maybe she was hoping to channel 'overwhelmed' I'm over analyzing again

thanks Goz and Dani!

Anonymous said...

Loved that the building tension the visuals of the forest the score we've seen so much that hasn't been complete this bit actually felt finished...ugh that gave me goosebumps <3

Jewels64 said...

Wow! That was intense! I gotta quit watching this stuff! There won't be anything left by Nov. 21. Still, it feeds the addiction....

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