New Scene

I'm not watching this one, I can wait for 2 days :-) But here you go:


~MindyMc said...

We saw Twilight last night at a critics screening. Can't wait to see it again Friday night & Sat morn. Rob does a spectactular job!! It's amazing what the man can convey with just a look. **goosebumps & tears**. & his music in the movie; ahhhhhhhhhh. I don't know if I can adore him more than I do right now.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that mm! I've been reading the reviews and they are dicey. I rely more on friends' opinions about movies than critics anyway.

jlh1997 said...

I'm going to the midnight show :D
and I can't wait!!!!
and I know this is going to sound bad, but I hope that the parents of the tweens don't let them come to the midnight show, I don't think I could take the shrill screams...

Suss said...

Anyone of you girls that live in London? Haha, I feel lost asking here but I need some info and stuff, because me and two friends are probably moving there next year! :D

Dani said...

Welcome Jennifer! Glad to have you around our little home here.

Suss...ForeverEB is English perhaps she can give you some info. Next time I see her on I will pass the word along. She has lived here for a while like 8-10yrs but she could probably give you the inside scoop on the London scene.

Suss said...

Aw, thank you Dani! I've visited websites by Swedes that have moved to London, and they're all pretty discouraging! So i'd like to talk to a local ;D ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT NOW, i'm so excited!!!

Dani said...

I am jazzed too. This is very exciting. I already have my ticket for Friday and yay! Im going by myself, and I will punch a fangirl if she ruins the movie with her fanshee screaming.

Anonymous said...

fanshee - HAHAHAHA

you're totally win!


p r i s c a said...

Eeeks! I have my tickets for tomorrow night as well. I'm super stoked. And Dani, i'm with you. If anyone goes fangirl when i'm trying to hear i will not hesitate to get PHY-SI-CAL!

Ellie said...

Now I wish I was going by myself--
I'm taking my daughter and 7 of her friends on Friday evening. I told them that if any of them screamed, they're walking home...and it's about 40 minutes away~~

Kate said...

Aarrrggghhhh I still have another month to wait!!!! No fair!!!

Suss said...

haha ive got my ticket too, and i'll get so pissed off if anyone screams to every face robert makes. but i'll be very amused by every girl who turns to her boyfriend (if there's any there) and say "OMG WHY CAN'T YOU BE MORE LIKE HIM?"

Tess said...

Is anyone else miffed about the 'animal attacks' in the movie. I only read Twilight once, but I almost certain that was NOT part of the plot.

I'm a purist (sometimes.. ha ha) and it sort of bothered me that they'd add this plot line in.

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