New Rob Audio Clip 25 minutes of Rob TALKING posted an audio interview of a bunch of Rob sites that got to interview him over the phone. He answered a bunch of their questions and he giggles so cutely on the clip.

WARNING: You may actually fall in love with Robert after hearing this interview.

Thanks to Amy again for the heads up, you are Twilicious m'lady!

I made a video of the interview. It's in 3 parts. Enjoy! Gozde


Amy said...

I love listening to him talk :)

Dani said...

Oh he says CROTCH! Yeah I giggled mucho on that one.

Dani said...

This is a long interview im 11 min in so far!

Amy said...

This is an amazing interview!!! Awe I love it.

Tess said...

Listening now. He's so articulate.

Dani said...

Oh he is fantastic and mentions a dinosaur i have never heard of. Who asks what your favorite dino is anyways, and then he comes up with a good answer!

Amy said...

Omg he's like "I don't have many friends, I have like two friends." Hahahaha I have no idea why I'm laughing at that but it sounded so funny. He said his family has read the books!

Dani said...

Oh he is too cute. Add "against" to the words I love to hear him say. And who sounds sexy saying the word "crotch" really. He can say anything and sound great.

Tess said...

I'm still listening and fixating on certain things he says. It's obvious that he really 'feels' deeply. I get a sense that whom ever he really cares about (family, friends, loves) is very fortunate indeed.

kristen said...

Okay, I am loving this interview right now.

Dani - it's a good thing the running looks so badass in the Paramore video, considering how painful and difficult it was for him. It gives me a whole new appreciation for how good it looked.

Dani said...

Listening to him speak about his life and relating to the films and his original and articulate answers. Well my crush is safely intact. This man is brilliant, charming, and above all humble which is so great to know.

Tess said...

Dani - I completely agree. I shouldn't have listened to this.. I'm swept away.

Amazed at how hard he tries to answer each question so completely. Anything I imagine about him aside. He's a genuinely nice person. Who in recent memory has gone to such an effort to give so much to their fans (especially those that obviously terrify him)

I'm gushing.

I love the way he says "Hey"

Jewels64 said...

He always comes through for us doesn't he? So affable, so charming, funny, genuine, intelligent. What a lovely, lovely man. I'll be one of your friends Rob!

Dani said...

T babe I am with you. He is so polite and gives really long and thought out answers. And he is always asking how people are doing, saying hello back rather than rattling off the answer or rushing their questions. He makes sure to ask them to repeat if he didn't hear it so he can really answer properly.

Proper crassness with the crotch talk outta Robert, hey ladies i think he is one of us.

Tess said...

THANK YOU - Amy, Goz, Dani for posting this.

Tess said...

The man has a complete unfair advantage over me ( because I can't speak for the rest of you).

Why oh why does he have to be so lovely.. My infatuation will only grow and that's just not healthy..

Gozde said...

I'm half way through it and I think I love him, I mean I really really LOVE him.

Amy said...

He talks so highly of Kristen. And saying he basically did it because of her. I thought that was sweet! It really is important they have a good chemistry and a good friendship since they will be portraying lovers in 3 more films.

That was such a fabulous interview. They all asked good questions and he was such a sweetheart. Now I'm even more excited for the morning show radio interview tomorrow!!!

Dani said...

Im so sorry Tess but he is wonderful isn't he? And dammit why couldn't he just be an ass. I mean the infatuation grows more each day due to the fact that he really is A LOVELY PERSON! Someone if you didn't want to kiss them repeatedly all the time you would really want to know and be friends with. Dangit! He is fabulous.

Thanks to all you fabulous people for scouring the net to find the goodies for Goz and I. We love ya..Amy did you see that I made up a word to describe you. Twilicious! Start using it I think it will catch on.

Amy said...

He did say as much as all the mania around it is crazy it is still "exciting". So you know he is just trying to get used to all of this :)

Amy said...

Oh Dani I love it. Twilicious ;) I'm going to say that all the time now. And yes it will catch has to, it's FAB.

kristen said...

Could he be any more lovely? He truly is such a sweet guy, and this interview just made me like him so much more, which I didn't think was possible.

Thank you for adding this interview. It was so wonderful.

Tess said...

I think I'm experiencing palpitations..

Ladies - keep the board hot for me, but I have a client coming in 45m, and I need to calm down.. so, I'm off for a bit (way off)

kisses to all

Dani said...

Thats it Rob is LOVELY thats the best way to describe him Just lovely as ever, I can't say it enough. Nor can I say that Amy rocks my Twiworld more, or is Twilicious, or kicks some Twiass from time to time, or makes me wanna give her a big Twismooch for always being on top of the news to post.

Gozde said...

The questions were great and you can actually hear him think about his answers and he made my day when he said he wants to do everything he can to make the movie successful so there can be sequels.
I am so badly crushing on him right now but I'm sure y'all understand.

And yeah Dani, the dinosaur question was so random and he actually gave a straight faced answer :-)

Jewels64 said...

Dani...I'm loving the new word..."Twilicious". Let's add it to the list!

We'll have our own Rob dictionary very soon!

(Hopefully with pictures to describe each word!)

Gozde said...

Me too Amy, I want to give you a big hug for always finding us great stuff to post on the board! You really are Twilicious!

Dani said...

Ahhh maybe I will work on another montage in honor of Twilight including all of our Twi-vocab. It could be good. I will think about it as the time nears.

Amy said...

ahahaha awe Dani you are making me blush :$ I do have some background work experience in gathering news extra fast, lol so I guess it comes in handy from time to time when posting on a blog :)

Dani said...

Rob is Twilicious as Edward I must say.

Lynn said...

Dani---this really brightened my day (bloody washing machine is on the fritz)! I wuv Rob's sexy voice and he's quite the nasally breather---love it!

Amy said...

7th TV SPOT!!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

"I'll take good care of her I promise" - Ahhhhhhhh that voice is going to destroy us all in the theater I swear <3

Lynn said...

CROTCH and chaffes----wicked minds want to know!

Lynn said...

Amy---thanks for the link.

Charlie cleaning his rifle---so cliche dad it!

Dani said...

Amy i just posted it and then deleted it because the youtube user removed the vid. Bummer!

Amy said...

yeah they removed it. Damn. I'm sure it will be up again by someone else. I liked that one! Ha, Charlie and his gun. I think there will def be funny moments in this movie.

Dani said...

YAY Its posted now with a better quality vid.

Kat said...

I am sending dearest husband to the supermarket so I can listen to this without him rolling his eyes...

Anonymous said...

Best interview I have heard. I hope tomorrow the host of the radio show just stay quiet a lot and just lets him talk.
He revealed a lot about himself. He is very thoughtful and seems to have character than I originally thought. He seems so have morals, insight, integrity, humility and appreciates those qualities!
Also, I love that he's a one woman guy. I think he just keeps getting better and better the more we know about him.
What do you think ladies?

Tess said...

Jovie - One word to describe my feelings at the moment.

~ Besotted ~

Rose said...

That is EXACTLY the kind of interview I have been waiting for. Great questions...and thoughtful, honest answers.
Next time I hope there is video to go along with it. Kinda a package deal.

Anonymous said...

Well said Tess.

~MindyMc said...

I just love this man. He's warm, honest, sweet, thoughtful, intelligent (we need to get a pic of his dino(saur)) & sounds like he would be a very good friend. His 2 friends are very lucky indeed. Rock on Rob!!

Betsy said...

I love how he says after they ask him how he is doing "I'm all right - thank you". So polite!

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