Interview and Pics

Click above to link to their site and read full interview. Interviewed Rob; Here is a little snip:
Any crazy mishaps while shooting you can tell us about?
Quite a few. There was one during the scene when I was supposed to stop the car. It was my first big stunt and I didn’t have my arm in the right place or something and I was holding Kristen’s double and then the car hit my arm and I like smashed the girl into the other car [laughs]. That’s the take they use for the movie as well, they just cut it right before. And I actually just drop her on the floor and she almost broke her coccyx. Then to make it worse, I burst out laughing while she was actually crying. I didn’t know she was crying!

Found this story at


p r i s c a said...

Haha, i love these. They look like school pcitures. Like his mum made him wear a tie for the pics. 2CUTE!

Tess said...

No one wears a Beanie like Rob.

I like how he uses the correct anatomical terms for parts of the body.

I want him to whisper *coccyx* in my ear.

p r i s c a said...

Tess, i hadn't even read the bottom snippet. And as i read "coccyx" in my head i smiled a little.

Dani said...

Id like him to wisper medulla oblongata in my right ear. Its my good one, and I would like him then to massage just under where that part of the body neck..with his mouth. Ahhh scruffy Rob face on my neck...hmmm yes please?

babbles said...

I actually have a broken coccyx and have always referred to it ny that name -lol-

he is just a funny guy!

p r i s c a said...

Hahaha! Dani, very true.

He was laughing as she was crying...GOLD!

Lynn said...

Betz---I was just thinking the same some kind of ID picture.

Dani---cue the scruff, me!

p r i s c a said...

Right?! I mean all thats missing is a world map in the background and his hand on some kinda book.

I wanna pinch his cheeks...*clears throat* I MEEEAN THE ONES ON HIS FACE O'COURSE!

Dani said...

Gotta get home, hopefully more goodies to come out tonight. Talk to you ladies in a bit.

Lynn said...

Betz---yeah, I'm sure you were thinking just cheeks in general. I picture a photographer telling him to tilt his head to get the full effect of the beanie....very cute!

Hey, did you write a commeht for that MTV thing?

Jewels64 said...

I just want to feel his epidermis on his gluteus maximus! Run my nose all the way up his spine towards his neck. Put my hands in that shampoo challenged hair. Flip him over, and work my way down! Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

See I told ya I had a good scruffy experience today! YUM!

Lynn said...

Jewels----I just got the worst image in my head! LOL I cannot even explain it!

Eva said...

This is one long tie, did he buy it in big and tall section in a depertment store?

Love his style!:)

Aussierobfan said...

This addiction is taking over my life, I'm supposed to be studying.
Kimberlesk I laughed so hard over your comment about going to the movies to see Titanic. That will be next month - making up excuses to keep going to see Twilight

Aussierobfan said...

I meant that will be me next month!

Kat said...

I love how the beanie is always a little bit lopsided... just a bit.

Brooke, I too have/had a broken coccyx. Didn't know until three years later after having X-rays for bad back pain. I think I can pin point the blasted day I did it. Rain and glossy cement do not mix!

On the VF pictures - for some reason the fact that he's wearing the ring on his middle finger, really drives me wild.... I love it!

Kimberlesk said...

Hey aussie -- ditto! I'm already working on my list of excuses ...

Kathryn, I just love hearing him say coccyx!!

And Jewels, you take the words right out of my mouth!!

Hey Eva -- you know what they say about looong ties ... hmmmm

p r i s c a said...

Lynn, What MTV thing?

Lynn said...

Betz---Q & A with CH, Kristen and Rob in LA on Friday, you leave a comment and they will judge if you are worthy...lame I know!

Here's the link!

The only bad part is that they don't say when you find out, you just have to watch your MTV mail list.

p r i s c a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I liked the way he said coccyx in the elvis duran interview. hot. JUST HOT.

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