New Interview on Part 1

I just love this picture...makes me think 'good praddle'.

This interview was done over the summer.
Twilight has been driving everybody bonkers for a while, and the advent of the current film adaptation is only adding to the frenzy. Its main characters, teenagers both of them, vampire Edward Cullen and human Bella Swan, have captured the hearts of millions and readers. I have never read these books, but the person who has come closest to persuading me to do so is actor Robert Pattinson, who portrays Edward in the soon-to-be-released film.
Hi!How’re you doing?
I’m good; how are you?
I’m all right, thank you.How is L.A.?
[laughs] It’s all right. It’s hot.Out of curiosity—I know you were born and raised in London—when did you move out to L.A.?Well, I haven’t really moved here. I’m just kind of… I’m essentially here for Twilight-related stuff, like promotion. But I’m doing in a movie in a few weeks, so I just thought I might as well stay out here. I’ve been here for about three months.
Wow. Well, yeah, Twilight’s been getting a lot of publicity. How did you get involved with it?
The normal way, I guess. I was out in L.A., and it was just through an audition. And then I came out for two weeks for a whole bunch of meetings—and I’d never heard of it before or anything. It came completely unexpectedly.
And you’d never read the books before you became involved with the movie, so when did you realize that it was this huge phenomenon?
I guess only during shooting—about halfway through shooting the movie. I think everyone who was involved in it only realized it then. [laughs] I don’t really think even the production company knew how big it was going to become. It’s interesting, but as we were shooting it sort of got bigger and bigger and bigger, and more and more people started turning up to the set every day. By the end there were all these people coming out to the set who’d managed to find out where it was, which a was very strange experience.
The relationship between the characters is kind of like Edward goes, “Every day, I really want to kill you, you don’t understand,” and Bella goes, “I don’t care, I love you!” Which is really kind of sick, when you think about it.
Well, I don’t know if it’s sick, really; I guess it’s kind of—well, the whole thing is that you can only have that kind of love story when you’re young and you’re sort of overcome by your emotions and it seems so life-or-death. I think that’s kind of what it is. There’s a lot of the metaphorical aspect as well; I mean, the entire story is kind of a metaphor. [laughs] But, yeah, I guess that’s what makes the story different, just the fact that it is—when you feel like it’s a life-or-death situation in a relationship and a new relationship and you’re in love with someone for the first time, well, this is just the literal interpretation of that. Like— [laughs] “This is actually causing both of us to be in grave danger just by being together.”

Go here for the rest...its kinda long to post the whole interview.


Anonymous said...

From Stephenie Meyer's website:

News from Atlantic Records (the company that produced the soundtrack):

"Twilight Soundtrack is #1! It has been confirmed today that the Twilight Soundtrack is the #1 most-selling album this week in the U.S. according to Billboard! This is a huge feat for a soundtrack BEFORE the movie has even been released, and really goes to show the passion and dedication of all you Twi-hards out there. So a huge thanks to everyone who picked up a copy, we hope you are loving it!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just watched the Ryan Seacrest tape and it was hilarious.
He read the steamy passage of when E & B are laying on her bed and resisting the "Bouquet". Ryan didn't know how to pronounce freesia. Anyway, Ryan Seacrest is hilarious when it comes to the book. It was a kick.

Anonymous said...

Dani girl, how is your birthday going? Thinking of you today. Do they know at work it's your b day?

Amy said...

Twilight Soundtrack is #1, OMG that is amazing news!!!!! They are just rocking everything right now.

Dani said...

Its going well just sooooo busy at work. Sorry can't update too much don't have time to look for goodies. Only to stop and say hellO!

Anonymous said...

The Ryan Seacrest thing is hilarious Jov!

Jewels64 said...

I told you all that Seacrest would be into him/Edward! Damn who isn't. THAT WAS A RIOT!!!!!

bella's mom said...

LOL I have watched him read several passages now, it was hilarious when he first started, he was so reluctant but boy NOW he really gets into it.. hahahaha

I really feel sorry for Rob when he does that show.. hahahahaha

Tess said...

OK. We need to form a book club and invite Rob to join..

I love how he's so animated when he describes the story line and the characters.

aj: I read the something along the same lines on Yahoo news! Can you believe it bumped AC/DC off the top spot!! AC/DC for F---K Sake!

What totally irks me is that none of the music stores here in S'pore even have the damned thing and I can't download it off of itunes!!

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