New Behind the scenes

The videos are taking forever to load but apparently they are new stuff. Oh yeah they are new and oh yeah noone can see them! The friggin' guy that uploaded the videos was sent from hell to torture us all. Someone is youtubing it. I have to go to bed but I'm sure Dani will post them for ya!

Oh and check this thread out, people trying to access this video and their crazy rants (me one of them). LMAO!

I can't post the videos so go HERE to watch.


Gozde said...

Okay I am "trying" to watch the part 1 behind the scenes and 1.Another crack shot? 2.The lines are CHEESY! I'm scared!

Gozde said...

Argh mother! I could only watch a couple of minutes and then it stopped.

Gozde said...

I am convinced this guy was sent from hell to torture us :-)

Amy said...

yeah I tried watching the interviews on the other page and the behind the scenes but all of them are loading WAY TO SLOWLY! I'm sure they will be on Youtube in no time...

Tess said...

it's taking a long time to load..

PS: the comment page is loading completely different for me. No avatars.

Jewels64 said...

Uuugggh...I give up. If i have to keep rewinding and rewinding the damn spot, I'm gonna scream! I just go back to some of the juicer and more fluid stuff to watch over and over again. Maybe like the behind the scenes Empire shoot! Don't ever lose that one Goz! It still takes me there!

Jewels64 said...

Yeah, I noticed that too. I kinda like it because our comments move faster!

Gozde said...

Himm, dilemma. This way it's easier to comment but the other way you "know" who you're talking to. I think I like seeing the avatars. Let's see what others think.

Dani said...

I don't like it at all. Feels cold an impersonal. On another note how ya hanging in Goz. Situation with your computer get fixed?

Amy said...

yeah what happen to the avatars and the comment area??

Gozde said...

Well than it's back to the way it was partner :-)

Computer is fixed, defense not ready. Tomorrow I'm going to a location with no internet 'cause I'm obviously obsessed with keeping this blog up. It's all you tomorrow hun :-)

Gozde said...

All right it's back to the picture mode :-)

Amy said...

This collider site is verrrrry annoying!!!

Amy said...

Yaaaaa pics are back :) Thanks Goz

Gozde said...

Argh, Amy, I want to strangle the person that put those videos up. Seriously! TORTURE knowing they are there and not being able to see them.

Someone on imdb said it was worse than being in a Turkish prison, LMAO! The slammer back home isn't that bad (from what I hear :P)

Gozde said...

Your wishes are my command :-)

Dani said...

Wolfspirit on imdb is supposedly uploading the new stuff to youtube. Hopefully she will post those over at twilight poison and then we can post em here.

Who is S.M.S at imdb? Someone from here. They have our blog link as their signature.

God you poor thing! I'm sorry you have been felt a heavy hand on top of all your work to be done. But I will try to get some goods up in your absence.

Rob should do something extra special on your thesis defense day. Like run outside without his shirt or pledge his love for you. Or something there in the middle.

Dani said...

Goz. Typo not God. Although you are a blog God to me.

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