MUCH Music Videos

MUCH Music Videos are on their website.

!!!SCREAM ALERT!!! Turn the volume down...

Return of the black shirt with the blue logo :-)) Watching all these seriously made my brain hurt. Nonstop screaming...

If you go to the much music site to watch the videos HERE, in the first video jump to the 9min mark, everything before that is them signing autographs. But I think the youtube videos below cover everything.

Youtube links:

And some fan videos below. Thanks Dana for the links :-)


Gozde said...

Where is everybody? :-((

Jewels64 said...

Goz, I can't get this to play...any suggestions?

I'm here girlfriend! How are you feeling?

Gozde said...

Himm, really? You can access the website or the 1-->5 videos?

I'm okay, about to doze off but the screaming in the 5 videos gave me a massive headache again.

Jewels64 said...

Yeah, I'm so over the screaming.

I tried but maybe I have computer gremlins. About to head off to bed as well. Slow news day, but damn, the boards were working it!

Gotta love all the ladies who post and keep it going...

Nite Goz, sweet dreams to ya!

Gozde said...

Nite babe :-))

Gozde said...

I'm sure we'll have the youtube videos by the morning :))

Lynn said...

Goz---good night,dahling! It's so early here in Cali that it's barely dark.

Gozde said...

Hey Lynn, I am listening to the collider interview, it's great!

Jewels64 said...

Okay...I haven't left yet. I was waiting for someone to come on...I only said that cuz you were leaving Goz...! Lynn!!! Hello Dahling!

Gozde said...

Jules, I posted the youtube videos :-)) Okay off to bed por moi!


Lynn said...

I just watched the two Much Music vids and I forgot to turn down the volume. It's so painful to hear and watch....Rob takes it all too well with such a tender heart.

I am going to the Collider interview now!

Jewels---I read your newest fan fic...urgh...the kids kept walking in and out...I will have to get back to you on feedback.

Jewels64 said...

Nite sweetie...To sleep perchance to dream about Rob!

DirtyD said...

Is it me or does the girl interviewing them seem a little off?

Sabrizzle said...

It seemed like they were just being herded around like a bunch of sheep for about half the show, which got really boring. The girl interviewing them was kind of strange.

Rose said...

I don't enjoy this kind of stuff anymore. The screaming is nauseating...and yes, they did herd them around like prized animals.
The same ol' questions do get tedious as well. Doesn't anyone have an original thought anymore?

Rose said...

I was just reading previous comments...sorry to hear you don't feel good, Goz...
Hope tomorrow is better for you!

Lynn said...

The best part about the fangurlz is listening to their regional accents and this is coming from an Asian from California---but, man! everyone is white! I live around so many nationalities that it's intriguing to see so many white faces. Weird observation! The Boston Southie accent is the best!

Jewels64 said...

The blonde in the blue jacket holding the umbrella...isn't that Rob's personal assistant? Did he loan her his beanie, or is she just keeping it warm for him?

Jewels64 said...
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Dani said...

Hey Goz! Im back I was busy this evening but I sent you an email im sorry you had to man the whole blog on your own today, but you are doing a great job.

Dani said...

What in the hell is going on with Kristen's hair?

Tess said...

I watched all the videos. Thanks for posting, it took me a few times to get them working.

I just need to point out, that even though they figured out a way to make sure they could hear and be heard (ear phones) I have never seen anyone look so pained and uncomfortable in my life! Rob looked like he was having difficulty breathing in several parts. The part where he said he didn't want any super power, etc.. was very sad. I hope who ever is representing him is taking really good care of him. I also hope they don't choose to promote the next movie like this. I don't think they should subject the cast to that constant barrage fandemonium. It seems almost cruel.

It's obvious that Summit is only looking out for their investors with this promotional Pillage and rape!

Watching these really affected me. Sorry. Thank God it's almost over for them.

Gozde said...

I completely agree Tess. When I first posted this I had a comment about the Hancock comment, how this whole video made me said etc. He is visibly cringing at parts.

Suss said...

I must say, Rachelle is so gorgeous.. I love her face. She reminds me a little of.. Maybe Liv Tyler, can't put my finger on it, but she is so gorgeous!

Kate said...
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Kate said...

Thanks for putting up the "you Tbe" versions as I can't see the other one on the Muchmusic website!

Have to agree I'm glad it's nearly over fo them too they must be shattered from i all!!

Hope you're feeling better today Goz!

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