Much Music Video-Rob meet Perez

I gotto say Perez is cute in this video :-)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Perez is cute when he's nice, I agree! I hope the girl in the audience that Rob said he's dating won't get delusional ;D

Tess said...

Goz- Just caught up on all the comments. So sorry you're not feeling well! I hope it's only a 24 hour thing and passes.

PS: for some odd reason, I cannot connect to any of the vids posted in the past few days, so I just go and hunt them down.. Any idea why? Maybe it's my set-up?

Tess said...

Got it to work! yeah!!

Perez was adorkable in that.. He's so nice when he loves you.

I'm sure he rushed home to draft up a pre-nup for Rob to sign, but not before he picked out their wedding invitations!

Kathryn: You should send one of your shirts to Perez!

DirtyD said...

Craptastic video of much music visit on you tube.

DirtyD said...

Here's some more. Turn the volume down on these ones you might go deaf.

DirtyD said...

Same as the link on my first comment, but the volume is so much better on this one.

Jewels64 said...

Who isn't crushing on Rob these days? It's the latest trend!

And to think we fan those crushing flames of desire on this blog...

Perez needs to jump in and give us some comments! Let's invite him and see what happens!

Gozde said...

Hey Tess, shoot me a mail next time :-)) sometime it takes me a LONG time to get to the comments but I always check my email :-))

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