MTV Spoilers

Rob's part start at 1:41 :)


Lynn said...

Where is everyone?

Gozde said...

well hello there :-)

Anonymous said...

Okay, Goz

Gozde said...

oh to continue what Kathryn said: yes kisses all over!

Lynn said...

Jov---we hit publish at the same time.LOL

Kat said...

Hello again... still waiting for the all over kisses... Rob? If you're reading this honey, what times can I expect you home?

Lynn said... of kissing and a good ole fashion shag...dude, did I say that out loud?

Amy said...

Hey Girls!

What's new? I'm trying to get caught up.

Holly said...

Hello! So yeah... hmm Yeah, Kisses definitely. Yeah, I realize that would surpass the whole friendship status, but gosh... I guess I just don't know what I'd really want Rob as. Now, here is the question... what would be hotter; Rob seductively whispering in your ear in his original accent... or his american version? This is one I still cannot even decide upon.

Anonymous said...

Holly, I want you to know I've thought about this and I'm not intimidated by him at all. In fact I can't wait to talk to him about books and music but the movies, eek, that I'm not thinking we like the same movies. Exorcist and so forth that he has listed.
Not agreeing there. But then I am not one to just agree with the guy I'm dating, I can turn him on to some of my favorite movies and have an open mind to his. But I could only take watching the Exoricist once. The others Carpe I can't remember and Last Tango, One Flew Over the Cuckoo' Nest, I like.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I see about kissing him.
What the hell, his British accent of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabrizzle said...

Definitley the British accent!

Lynn said...

Goz---about the Rob sperm donation? I would so be up for that...crazy I know...but, can you imagine the power of that DNA. Ay, dios mio!

Kat said...

Holly... I would say American as the British accent doesn't have the same appeal to me. Although, if it was Rob, he can speak in Martian if he was whispering in my ear... he could talk about the inner politics of France in a Greek accent as long as it was my ear he was whispering into.

Anonymous said...

actually,it was me, but who cares, when Rob is concerned; makes you forget everything but him...
I just realized I didn't answer my own question: slowww kisses all the way! (that one giant HQ picture with his lips parted slightly-from yesterday? I think from here?- made me melt right there in my classroom (the class had computer time, so I decided to sneak a little computer time in there for me, too!...and they're paying me for this???)
p.s. - the computer was facing the other direction from the class...

Holly said...

Wait... forevereb (is it cool to call you taht, or do you go by another name?) You SERIOUSLY got a picture with Rob?! Well, I'd say go see that movie more than 50 times, save those stubs, send them in... and I'll write your letter of encouragement! That pic is just insanely awesome!

Lynn said...

Holly, forevereb is Kathryn and she has met Rob.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling he worries about his "performance" and he is not a sleeping around kind of guy. It's just a feeling I get. He is selfconscious, which is great.
Also, he seems to be long and lean, everywhere...

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling he worries about his "performance" and he is not a sleeping around kind of guy. It's just a feeling I get. He is selfconscious, which is great.
Also, he seems to be long and lean, everywhere...

Gozde said...

Yeah Kathryn is just rubbing it in with that picture :-)) Seriously tho, you met him at the best time! Not it's like Beatle mania!

Gozde said...

Lynn, sperm donation! I would so totally sign up :-)

Kat said...

Holly... forevereb is fine, but I normally go by Kathryn :-)

Yes I was lucky enough to be second in line at the Austin Film Festival so was able to not only get some great pictures, but meet the lovely man of our affections, chit chat for all of 30 seconds about England and snap a picture with him. I relived my teenage years, and I loved it!

Dani said...

Oh goodness kathryn putting the image of kisses all over in my head yikes!

His accent alone saying my name all soft like daaahni. Kill me now he could send me into shock right there. Let alone him kissing my everywhere.

Gozde said...

Oh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE British accent. I always did. I've been going to schools where all teachers were Brits since I was 12 and I think it sounds so sophisticated and sexy.

Lynn said...

Jov---Dani and I have had that conversation many a time and we are agreed that long, lanky men are usually proportionally similar. Plus, said British boy has Mickey Mitt, we know what that means.

Gozde said...

Okay, I'll go and pour myself my second appletini :)

Anonymous said...

Darn it, I can't keep up with the change in subject! I've got to get better at this~~
English accent, definitely, epecially when he says words like "hot pockets" and "briefly in boxers" :-)

Kat said...

I did meet him at the perfect time, right before the true squeeling set in. Most were VERY well behaved...

.... it seems like just yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I'm not into autographs, I just want to talk to him.
Kathyrn, what did he smell like?
I need to know his smell.:))

DirtyD said...

Wow ladies, reading all your comments was like reading a short novel! I wish I could indulge in a drink right now. Damn breastfeeding's cramping my style!

Lynn said...

Yes, his voice and accent are just smooth and silky. Like I have said before, it's like you want to rub your cheek on it.

Holly said...

Sweet deal! Kathryn is such a gorgeous name! And you are so lucky, by the way... but I am sure you already know this! :)

And Lynn, you crack me up!

And Jov, you are correct. One of the things I was a little unsure about at first was if he was one of those loosy-goosy type guys/actors out there, but he doesn't seem that way at all. We need to set you up on a lunch date soon with him! ;-)
I just checked out that 8 minute scene that they showed in Rome, and cried when Bella's lullaby came on. But, sure that this is the PMS doing the talking, but there is nothing sweeter than Rob playing the piano or just being musical and Rob-esque. Holy Hot Pockets! Why can't he be allowed to meet the non-crazies that admire him, and don't condone (spelling?) his enjoyment of alcohol. We definitely need a Rob Happy Hour.

Gozde said...

LMAO @ Dana : breastfeeding is cramping my style :-))

Kat said...

Holly... I've shared this before, but we do have some new Robsessors, so I'll share the love.

All I ask is that you don't "take" them, but I've seen them all over the web, so I'm not quite so protective anymore!

Gozde said...

Okay him saying my name would probably be the least sexy thing EVER :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah Lynn. On the long and lean!
And Dani LMAO
My middle name is Jovie and that's what I go by and I imagine him saying Jov the way he said luv at Comic Con is my ear.LOL

Lynn said...

Holly---I cried too during the lullaby, only it was because I didn't want to hear it. I want it to be special for when I see Twilight. But, Rob's Mickey Mitts were well worth the look.

Holly said...

Thanks, Kathryn! I will just take a looksie at them, but I definitely appreciate you providing the link! :-)

babbles said...

Ahhh Kathryn, And there before my eyes again is that blasted golden beacon of a zipper...
Have i told you lately that I love you!!!

Dani said...

Goz he would say it sexy for you dont worry your pants would probably fly off at the sight of him.

Long lanky men and their long lanky bits. Rob is a stallion I'm sure of it.

Gozde said...

okay where is Dani?

Anonymous said...

GOZ I love your name but I don't know if it's you last name. I only know you by Dr. Gozde.

Kat said...

Dani, my little sister is Danni... she too would die to hear Rob saying her name.

Is it just me or do I "dot, dot, dot" too much...?

Lynn said...

Kathryn---how long did you have to wait to get in to How To Be or did you prepurchase the tickets.

Oliver Irving has still not given San Diego or LA any love with that film....ugh!

Gozde said...

It's my first name Jovie. And there you are Dahni :-)

Anonymous said...

Dani, laughing at the stallion.

Gozde said...

And by the way I think Jovie is a great name! And I've never heard it before!

Anonymous said...

God, I wish he could read this and be on this conversation.
You know what he would say, his classic
"Jesus Christ."

Holly said...

Haha... my mom, and I love her so, saw Rob on one of the Access Hollywood interviews and was like:

"He's so scrawny though? And he proposes to all these women!"

I love my mom. But somehow, she finds men like John Travolta and Brad Pitt more her style.

I say lanky, Mickey Mitts, 6'1, eyes of pure heaven, "bouffant" hair, and Rob Pattinson is the way to go.

Lynn said...

Dani---you just gave hung like horse a new meaning! And, you just put Rob in to that realm.


DirtyD said...

If I got him to whisper in my ear I'd just forgo pants all together. First- why waste a good pair of pants.

Second- they'd just be another layer that would need to be removed if ya know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Goz. I LUV your name too.

Kat said...

Brooke - the zipper, ahhh, the zipper.

Jov - I've been asked the "smell" question a few times. I was honestly so taken by him being there and being so sweet, I didn't really take a good sniff. I know he didn't smell bad, and I know he didn't smell delicious enough for me to notice. So, just right I would say! His hair was amazing "in person" - and clean!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kathryn (my daughter's name, too, but spelled differently), for sharing your awesome photos. Breathtaking, you lucky lady! Have I ssen these on here before??? I remember the blue shirt. And does he smell divine??

Anonymous said...

Okay, yes, he might be a bit scrawny, or skinny, but it's his body.
I love his body.

Kat said...

Lynn, we actually saw How To Be on the Thursday night and waited a couple of hours, we didn't have passes but Oliver gave us free tickets.

On the Saturday, people were lining up at 6am. But I think that was more to do with Twilighters waiting for Rob than the movie. I didn't get there until 7pm as I knew I wouldn't get into the movie again without a pass. But, because we didn't see the movie, we got to the front of the queue to meet Rob.

Also, Oliver entered the film into EVERY film festival there is. So, he tried to get it everywhere, but it's the FF that makes the decision.

Holly said...

I can't get over his hair. Without sounding stupid, it's just so, wild and perfect! I like his blue shirt, too. What a hottie! Thank God he is free from the Hot Topic tour!! Onto Canada!

Dani said...

I imagine the scene in Little Ashes where Rob stands naked with his under bits betwixed his legs and i wished I were on the set that day. During one of the takes I would have snuck up behind him and pinched his ass or something.

And then watched all his glory roll out from his nethers.

Anonymous said...

oops, you answered that question already (his scent).
You know, he's been told he has big feet, too...
But those fingers go on and on...........

DirtyD said...

Wish I could go to Toronto to see him. Only a 4 hour drive from me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kathyryn, I know he probably doesn't smell as great as I imagine him to smell because he smokes. I have a thing about not smoking. My mum died of lung cancer and for about three years I taught smoking cessation at American Lung.
I could help him. Most smokers really deep down want to quit and wish they didn't smoke.
Anyhew, I still love smokers. It's just the love I feel.

Anonymous said...

Have to go to the loo.
I'll be right back.

Kat said...

Ellie - yes, I sent a few to Goz and Dani when they started the blog, before that I had a few on RPL with their tags on. I was very protective of them back then... but now, I like to share the lurve...

Anonymous said...

Dani, I'm so glad I went pee before I read your post.
You are one freaking hilarious woman!
I love ya.

Anonymous said...

Dani, you're too much!
*giggles uncontrollably like a giddy school girl, a mature giddy school girl*

Anonymous said...

Although I haven't felt very mature throughout this whole Robfest!

Anonymous said...

I think he's very self conscious of his body. I bet taking his shirt off at the audition for CH, was nerve wracking for him.
He's just like a woman. Selfconscious. He's not good at sports either.
He just keeps getting better and better the more we find out about our gorgeous geek.
I love Dani's term; Adorkable.

Dani said...

sorry the love just flows out of me. I bet this guy look sexy doing anything. Like could you forgive a weird habbit? Something off the wall. I could, he could pee in my kitchen sink and I would be like " yeah pee in that sink the bathroom is a mess we always pee there"

Gozde said...

Okay, new post new thread :-) Move on to the Twilight Premiere thread ladies :)

Kat said...

Dani... LMAO. I would have gladly volunteered as the make up gal that day.

Me: "Stop the take"
Director: "Why?"
Me: "Shiny bum, needs some powder"
Director: "You only just powdered his bum"
Me: "But it's hot in here, it's shiny again"
Director: "It's not hot in here"
Me: "Oh, that's just me then"
Director: "You're fired"
Me: "Shit"

Why do I always get fired in my little scenarios?

Lynn said...

Dani---you are so wicked! I told Audrey to do something like that tonight to some kid at her school and then I had to remind myself that she's only 15.

Anonymous said...

DAni I am writing your comment down so I can read it when I am really PMSing and use my laughing advice because I think that one will work again and again.

Holly said...

Yeah, the smoking thing is a bit of a sad thing. I've never tried the bit, myself... since playing the oboe and having asthma would probably not be the best mix with that, but I also really haven't had the urge to. I just found out my brother bought the "life-size" cardboard cut out of Rob for me for an early Christmas present. Not sure what to think of that... perhaps it will be like having paper dolls all over again, and I could make the famous zippered pants for him. Oh the endless possibilities!

Gozde said...

Where the heck did he find that Holly? LMAO!

Eva said...

Girls, you are on fire tonight!
I had a long phone call and after that 140 comments to read:)
You are so funny and I love to share my love for Rob with all of you.
I'm a real life cougar,I'm 34 and my hubby not 30 yet and we have the perfect balance. He is an old soul and I'm the young one:)
I wish I could be in my late 20's forever.

I never can get tired reading about the smell of Rob.

Gozde said...

Okay Eva, you are my new role model! I am shooting to be a cougar :-)

Dani said...

Goz you can get the cardboard Edward on the net.

K you kill me. I happily volunteer to be your assistant bum specialist on his next film.

Gozde said...

Okay that's scary :-)

Eva said...

Goz, It's the best, really. Just need to find the old soul thing:)

Dani said...

Crazy Twimoms are sleeping next to Eddie tonight with their copies of Twilight signed by Stephanie in glass cases up on alters.

Kate said...

Ooh I jnew you guys wouldn't let me down. I was SO hoping you'd put this up. I will watching when I get back from food shoppin!!! Yippee!!

Kate said...

I'm back from shopping and have just spent the last 10 mins reading through the comments, you guys crack me up you're mad!!!LOL
Thanks for the link to your photos kathryn!!
Right off to check out what i've missed!

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