MTV exclusive clip

Updated the video, thanks to Holly, you can now hear what they are saying :-)
If you can't view it HERE is the link to the youtube video but the volume is very low on that one, try headphones.


Dani said...

Why does the sound suck so much? Still more of Rob is never a bad thing. I am PMSing like a mother f-er and this is helping.

Gozde said...

I have no idea but I plugged in my headphones and it helped.

This is from one of my favorite songs lately:
Katy Perry: You PMS like a bitch... I would know!

Gozde said...

And believe me I do know :-)

Dani said...

I DO KNOW!! It is horrible and I think Im a little mean today too....ahh oh well I will be back to normal in aprox 3-5 days.

Gozde said...

Yeah I saw you hatin' on SM on imdb :-) When you get home have a glass of wine, it really helps. It dilutes your blood and makes it easier :-)

Dani said...

Oh babe did i offend you? We are just joshin but I wouldnt want to offend you in particular. Things get caddy quickly over there.

I would never SM bash here. I dont hate the woman or anything just annoyed at certain things involving her.

Hell I dont hate anyone.

bella's mom said...

Dani, you should listen to Doctor Goz. And also, it's more fun to have wine in you before the vampires feed, because they are so much more fun when tipsy.. hehehe

Gozde said...

Oooh, tipsy vampires. I like the idea :-) No honey, of course you didn't offend me :-)) You're so sweet!

Dani said...

Wine is a fine idea but have to wait til the babe is in bed. So I have a few hours yet. dr. goz always knows what is best.

No one should listen to me when I'm PMSing, I tell you I'm just not myself. My hub is about to strangle me.

Gozde said...

This wine when you PMS thing goes back to the "alcohol culture" again. Once I was late and my mom gave me some red wine, it worked like magic. And you know all the research that says red wine is so good for you :-)

Gozde said...

I usually just cry a lot, I don't PMS any more, I just get REALLY REALLY emotional, like cry at every friggin' commercial emotional :P

Dani said...

Could you imagine with the heightened senses the vampahs all drunk! Ha. Someone on imdb posed a really funny question. What happens when Bella farts in front of Edward. Surely she has to poop from time to time when he is around.

I know it was running through her in BD. But he had to be like "yikes I can seriously smell that from a mile away!"

Dani said...

oh Goz I loose my tears all the time right before. I cried at work this week. Some patient got short with me andvim all hormonal. I cried in the bathroom like a baby. Then my friend came in and we laughed like hell about it.

Anonymous said...

What the HECK was up with Rob with the wicked laugh after he yelled "Alright, SHUT UP!"?
Can we have a bit of a conversation on this?
By the way Dani, you make me LMAO and that's such a good thing. My advice watch something hilarious. It always works for me.
And Goz, suggestion with the wine:}

Gozde said...

My solution to every problem "Here have a glass of wine" :))

Anonymous said...

I meant and I second Goz's suggestion with the wine.

Anonymous said...

And I need something explained to me also, why the hell do girls scream and guys don't? I have never been a screamer, I just don't get the sceaming. Why the hell scream? Sorry, I'm PMSing with Dani, not really, but that's what my rant feels like. It's almost like a phenomenom, the screaming, of just going with the crowd thing.

Holly said...

Hey ladies! Thanks for all the great posts/info today! I just finished with a hellish week of school, and am definitely PMSing on top of that. But yeah, what was up with Rob's menacing laugh after the "Shut Up" comment...
I can't figure out if I was frightened by it, or slightly intrigued/dazzled. See, the PMS is messing with my emotions! Perhaps I should've cried after hearing it. That would've made logical sense... hmm.

Anonymous said...

I'll say it again, I wish we could all just gather in my livingroom and have a freaking glass of wine together, or cocktails or something.

Dani said...

Goz that is a fine idea. I will propose wine in the IVs.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU HOLLY! Can we talk about this.

Dani said...

I haven't seen that part yet I'm watching it on tv now.

Anonymous said...

And have something to drink with Rob, he's the one of all of us who really need it!
He probably finished Boston tonight with a bunch of freaking screaming teenage girls idiots.

Gozde said...

LMAO @ Dani.

Okay let's top with the coctails/wine thing, I am about to get out of my comfy pajamas and go get a nice bottle of wine and I really just want to sit on my ass all night.

Rob's laughter: Nerves baby! So weird :-)

Lynn said...

Sisterhood of insanity---it's also the end of a full moon...go figure!

I had to deal with a ring of three grade book fair thieves and I am pissed all to hell.

Anyways, Dani...I hope that the crimson tide breaks on your beach things will even out!

And, the vid clip was cool, but, I had it up to a 100 on the volume and could barely hear it.

Holly said...

Oh totally, Jov! I'm just not really sure about that whole thing. I had to rewind it, and play it back like 5 times. I had heard that he had told the crowd to shut up, in some of the transcripts of 'Spoilers', but... that laugh after it...

Gozde said...

Meant let's stop not top :P

Anonymous said...

Kristen is still a teenage girl, you realize that? Why in the hell would someone like him a gifted, cultured wonderful old soul be interested in a freaking teenage girl? Sorry I'm a little fiesty tonight.

Anonymous said...

sounds like we're all fiesty tonight. We're all tired of not getting what we want. ROB.

Lynn said...

Jov---oh, hell's yes to that! It's been a very long week and I wish I had drink or two ot three....

Anonymous said...

I hear ya Holly. I think that night he just wanted to get to the freaking VAN the Man concert. And he had to deal with all the screaming teenage girls.

Holly said...

Goz is probably right though, he looked a bit tense. Of course, who wouldn't be with all the crazy fangirls screaming. Ear plug (is that what they are still called?) companies could make millions if they had Rob advertising for them, testing out new strengths such as "Fangirl strength." Just a wild, really random, suggestion. Perhaps I need to hit up the wine bottle for some sanity.

Anonymous said...

High five, Lynn. Sorry I'm a high fiver. I wish we didn't all live so far away from each other.

Gozde said...

Robert Pattinson: Making Robsessed fans alcoholic one woman at a time :-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I had to leave to pour myself a glass of wine.
and put on music to calm me down, I put on classical.

Anonymous said...


Holly said...

On the Twilighter's anonymous page, they have the spoiler's clip posted, and goodness forbid, it has better sound!! Don't really know how to embed it, so here you go!

Gozde said...

Okay I am going out to the liquor store. See you guys in half an hour dammit!

Anonymous said...

He did look tense, he pressed his hands together really hard, I know because by now I know all his nervous habits. LMAO. I wish.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm sympathy PMSing for Dani.

Anonymous said...

GOZ, you're in your comfy jammies!
I have wine dammit!

Gozde said...

Sympathy PMSing :-)) I like!

Anonymous said...

I told you all what a lightweight I am to drinking. I'm feeling the wine already. I am such a cheap date, one drink, two tops and I'll be feeling it when I walk, last week I slurred after two. So that's always my limit. Never more than two.

Anonymous said...

Remember Rob coming out of Apple, there's something about how he looked that night. That was when I started to get really interested.
I kept hearing in my head,
Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight" song.

Anonymous said...

Bless you, ladies- I'm new to this blog (since yesterday for writing, since the beginning for reading), but I feel like I know you all; you're all saying what I'm thinking.
Oh, and bless Mr. Sexy-face!
(p.s. can anybody tell me why they keep telling me my password is incorrect?)

Holly said...

Oh yeah, I agree. Sorry, I went to go fix myself something, though not of the wine persuasion. I'll have to remind myself to pick some up tomorrow.
But, will somebody please let me know if this is incredibly lame that I am reacting this way... but a friend from high school went to the Boston Hot Crapic signing thing, and sent me this long email about how she got to meet Edward!

*Like OME... he was just so perfect! I was in the same room as Edward!*-- that being a quote from the email. When I hear that kind of crap, I want to knock some sense into her and defend the glorious name that is Robert Pattinson... Not Edward!
If I recall, he even said in an interview that apparently Robert Pattinson does not exist, but everybody is coming to meet Edward Cullen.

So yes, random. But if I have to hear one more girl tell me they met Edward... I will go batty, or something.

Dani said...

Oh goodness I just watched the demonic laugh. Rob had a few drinks I'm sure and I was slightly frightened by it and a little aroused as well.

Lynn said...

Welcome, Ellie! It's a busy night, come chat Rob and remember it's all about the love with lots of madness and proper crassnes.

Lynn said...

Dani--well, Rob was facing the gates of it! He needed more then a few about a fifth?

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Ellie, We are all a little crazy here on Goz and Dani's blog, but you won't find a better place. We're just crazy about Rob.

Anonymous said...

I'm Jov, 27, look like Blake Lively with a better mouth, live on the west coast and by now am getting very frustrated that I can't meet my future love of my life,Rob
Goz also. She's single also. But prettier than me.

Anonymous said...

He didn't seem like he had a few laughs talking to the guy right before he went on, ladies.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the demonic laugh, I would be doing that by now, If I can screaming at me for days.
Dani, LMAO at the slightly scared and aroused.
Guys are just loud.

Sabrizzle said...

Holly, I totally agree with you about the Edward thing. Somebody called him Edward on the comment section under the videos of him on and I wanted to throw something at them. I think its weird how some people are unable to grasp that actors not the character they are playing.

Lynn said...

Jov---are we doing role call? I have no clue as to who I look like..Tess has referred to me as Mulan.

BTW, I am Lynn, I will be 36 in 9 days and I live in North San Diego.

Anonymous said...

Also, Ellie we are known to talk about drinking from time to time.

Anonymous said...

LMAO Lynn.
roll call...hehe

Holly said...

So Goz, randomly unrelated-ish, but how long did it take you to become a Dr.? I'm shooting for a D.M.A in Music Performance, but if I wanted to complete it by 30, I'd have to do all the schooling back-to-back, which I don't mind. I just wonder how taxing everything is, especially when it comes to dissertations (sorry if that is the incorrect spelling... just too tired tonight)

Lynn said...

Jov---we've discussed doing a Rob drinking game online (perhaps on Skype), but, then we saw the potential danger

Anonymous said...

Holly, I also confer about the Edward thing. He's not Edward for god sakes, he's not even close.
He's a gorgeous nerd, that's what Rob is, Edward is not a nerd at all and there are a lot of people that can not seperate an actor from a character.
LOL, LIsten to me, I'm so delusional that I think somehow, someway I might run into Rob one day.
WTH, Goz must of really left for that booze.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the warm welcomes!
I love this blog (actually my first to write anything...).
I have blogger profile (did all the interests and stuff), but it won't recognize the password. Guess I have to change it??
Let's see, I'm married, have a daughter , and I teach autistic kids (they're real pissers, VERY funny-but the patience doesn't always last throughout the day, especially during full moons).
This site and all of you are my stress-relievers...Although Rob could certainly be a big help with that. What's his phone number???

Anonymous said...

Love it Lynn a Rob drinking game.
he he, you know I would lose that big time.

Holly said...

Or better yet, the ones that want to marry him after his answer to the question on Seventeen! Somehow, I'm not sure he'd date/marry his "biggest fan", knowing that sometimes that involves the ones that know everything about him... even things he didn't even know about himself.
Somehow, I think a decent cocktail hour or Happy Hour with Rob would be amusing.

Lynn said...

Agreed, I made a comment way back on the old RPL about Rob as Edward and got slammed for claiming that Rob was Edward. DUH...I made an observation. But, seriously it is truly scary how far the fangurlz will take it...Rob fears it,too.

Sabrizzle said...

I love Edward, but he isn't real. I think Rob is a lot more interesting than Edward. He is really quirky but also very smart and sweet. I would love to hang out with Rob sometime because I think we would get along pretty well, we are pretty similar in some ways.

Gozde said...

Okay I'm back with my appletini, I really went to the liquor store and decided since I'm at the store why not get something stronger :P

Holly: Mine took LONG! I'm 31 and just got done with my Ph.D. It's a very grueling process. If you want to talk about it more email me:

Oh and Elli: welcome :-)

Dani said...

Welcome to me and Goz's blog Ellie! Sorry didn't see you comment change that password and stick around this is where the fun lives. We are happy to have you here.

Gotta put the babe down I will be right back.

Anonymous said...

What did he answer on Seventeen about the date question?
I'm not going to sit through and wait for it to load.

Holly said...

Gosh, I agree with the drinking game, Jov and Lynn!

Hello and welcome, Ellie! I just recently joined as well, and these ladies are such a hoot! Certainly have brightened my spirits!
I'm a 22 year old college student, aspiring to play in a famous orchestra someday. I live in Idaho, and it doesn't get much better than that! (well, boring would probably be a better term... especially living in a college town, right next to a cattle ranch.)

Lynn said...

Ellie--high fives to all educators! Two of my BFFs work in special education, it takes exceptional people for sure. I also work with children (I superivise elementary schoolers on the playground and at lunch).

All children are pissers (in some way)!

Dani said...

Oh and welcome holly too. Dont know if I've welcomed you before but welcome again if I did.

Anonymous said...

I knew you left Goz. I said WTH, Goz did actually leave to get booze!

Anonymous said...

If Rob married his "biggest fan", would he have to legally change his name to Edward?
Oh, wine goes right to my head and sends a rush of warmth down my legs. (huh?)

Holly said...

The seventeen question asked him if he'd date any fans or regular girls. And he said he'd date them both, especially if a fan went and saw his movie 10 times and sent him the ticket stubbs. Poor Rob doesn't realize that all the tweens will probably go to the movie 20 times, and actually take what he said literally. Hey, at least that would guarantee him the other 2 movies? One way of looking at it, I guess haha

babbles said...

Hi all... quite the thread running tonight...

Lynn said...

Holly---there are many ways to play it. There's a few funny ones on Youtube, the best ones are when you take a drink everytime Rob touches his hair or says, "I dunno".

Gozde said...

It's the booze Brooke :-) Everyone became chatter boxes :P

Gozde said...

If we were to have a drink everytime he touches his hair we wouldn't last 10 minutes! It's like the drinking game everytime someone said "maverick" or winked. :-)

Lynn said...

Let's move to the next

Anonymous said...

Holly, you're 22? You lucky son of a gun.
I don't tell anyone but on here that I have a crush on Rob.
One, because he's young, younger than me and also because they would think I'm crazy thinking I can meet him, I could drive down to LA, but being a stalker, isn't my style.
I write so I hope someday he might hear about my book. I should live in LA, right now I feel like I live in lala land. I had to get help from Goz the other day I was getting so frustrated thinking I'm obsessing and it's not healthy.

Gozde said...

Hey hey Jovie, we are older than you :-)

Okay next thread...

Holly said...

Yeah, but Lynn... you were completely fine. It's the ones that obsess about him as Edward and never make mention of "Rob" in any sentence they compose about him that drives me nutters! But yeah, I enjoy Edward in the book, but I enjoy Rob even moreso. He has his cute little quirks. I was thinking the other day why Twilight entrigues me so much, and it's mainly because reading/watching all the Rob interviews, he has actually put thought into the character he is playing. If the movie was to be exactly like the book, I definitely would not have cared to see it, because on the outside, the book is just so plain and set. But, the way both Rob and KStew have talked about the effort they put into conveying the characters to the audience makes me quite happy! Sorry, rant over.

Anonymous said...

Good idea, Lynn

Kat said...

Holly... oh, so I shouldn't save my ticket stubs? He was just kidding? Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

Holly, my husband went to college in Pocatello! (never been there, myself, I'm a Jersey girl at heart..although I'm not big on Springsteen.

Goz, Dani, Jov, Lynn, and Holly,
thank you again for the welcomes!:)

Anonymous said...

Holly, I agree with you. The book has Edward as this God-like creature and Stephenie Meyer had us all hanging on his every word and neck-nuzzle, but Rob just has us hanging, and drooling, and panting, etc., etc., etc. (as much as Edward agonizes over being a vampire in the story, Rob agonized more so in trying to bring the character to life).
Did any of that really make any sense?? I must be tired...

Anonymous said...

am I the only one who is getting only the "go fresh" ad and no video after? Is it because its from the US MTV site and Im in Canada?

Gozde said...

Linda, that might be why. Let me found the youtube link for you but the volume on that one is REALLY low so get your headphones :-)

Gozde said...

Here you go:

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