MSN Interview w/ Rob

Robert Pattinson Sinks His Teeth Into Twilight

Most young actors begin their careers insecurely humble (and quickly turn arrogantly entitled), so I prod Pattinson just a bit. To get to this stage in his career, there's got to be a little bit of talent involved, no?
"I have been phenomenally lucky considering I never started out trying to be an actor," Pattinson says. "It's funny because in all these things, so many actors say, 'Oh, the press, that's the actual job. Publicity and blah, blah, blah.' I try to spend as much of my life making it as easy as possible, and most actors say, 'I like to make the job as easy as possible and all the other stuff is so hard.' So, when they are doing press, they are so serious and that makes it so boring. But I like to make the jobs as hard as possible and stress myself out about everything, and then afterwards it's like you are yourself when you are doing [publicity]. Am I even answering your question?"

Read the full article HERE


Jewels64 said...

Rob...quit being so freaking adorable everytime you open your mouth! I don't know if I can take it anymore. Guess, I'll just have to put on my big girl panties and deal with it.

Jewels64 said...

Oh wait...then he'll say something hot, or laugh or do the stare and the panties will just get scorched off again....

bella's mom said...

LMAO Why even fight it Jewels? Just leave the damned panties off. hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

jewels - i feel the exact same way. just when i think i have experienced all the fabulousness from him that is possible, he "one-ups" himself in a new interview or picture!

the latest ones that have sent me over the edge are the mtv interview with laura (aka - the toenails interview) and the vf outtakes picture (1st one posted where he is holding kristen)

what are we going to do???

Rose said...

If you guys figure out how to handle this...please let me know.
I'm at a loss.
He's so damn amazing.

~Rose :)

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

The link is not working for me :-(
Oh and please don't go on about any MTV interviews because you can't view them outside the US :-( so I haven't been able to see those either :-(

bella's mom said...

Thank goodness we have Doctor Goz and Nurse Dani to keep our cumpulsion in check.... OH wait, they just keep feeding our addiction!! No wonder we love them so much!! They provide our Robsessive fix. (And quite the best on the net might I add)

Emily said...

Kate - I can't get the link to work either. Glad I'm not the only one.
If the interviews are posted on youtube, does that work for you? Here's the most recent MTV one.

I couldn't stop laughing at the end of it. He is hilarious!

Lynn said...

Kate and Emily---I will text Dani, I know that another link wasn't working earlier and she pulled it.

Dani said...

Okay the link should work now. SORRY!

Dani said...

I wish there was more news for you all in Rob land but alas nothing on the horizon.

kristen said...

Kate and Emily - I noticed that when you click on the link, the web address lists "http://" twice, so you just need to delete one of those, and then the link should work. At least, it did for me - hope it does for you guys, too :)

kristen said...

Oops, nevermind! Dani is on top of everything as always! :)

Emily said...

That was the fastest response time ever. Thanks! You guys are awesome. And thanks Lyla. If I had been a bit more observant I probably should have noticed the double http thing. What can I say? I want Rob and I want him now. I don't have time to fiddle with the links.
That was a funny interview. I feel bad the contacts bothered him so much. They look pretty incredible though.
I laughed when Rob says, "Am I even answering your question?" I thought he could probably ask that at the end of every answer he gives and the response would be the same everytime- "Yeah, sort of, I guess."

Kate said...

Thank you and thanks Emily, yes "You Tube" works for me it's just the MTV ones that don't coz I'm in Ireland!
Just found this, have a look at the comments at the bottom, a lot of "angry" fans in Chicago.

Off to have a look at that other vid, thanks again ;-)

Lynn said...

Thanks, Dani for your lightening speed! Hope your b-day gets less busy at work.

Lynn said...

Fantastic article! I love how Rob mentions his mum and dad so much, Clare and Richard seem like sensational and caring parents. They certainly raised an articulate, humble, intelligent and charming young man. I am still curious of who Rob takes after, since, he and Lizzy look so different. My guess is that he takes after his mum.

kristen said...

Emily - LMAO! I know what you mean, when Rob is on the brain, everything else falls to the wayside.

Also, it really is hilarious that every person who interviews Rob seems to feel a bit confused at some point... but Rob is just so damn cute he wins everyone over in the end. I know I would be reduced to grinning and nodding like an idiot if I tried to interview him. He would be like, "Am I even answering your question?" and I would be like, "I have absolutely no idea, but please keep talking"

Anyway, I love how intelligent his responses are, but he is quite the rambler... which of course makes him even more adorable :)

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