Moviefone Unscripted!

You can watch Stephenie, Kristen and Rob on Moviefone Unscripted HERE.

SM looks gorgeous! She lost so much weight! As Joe Biden would say "God love her!"

Thanks to Estrellas for the link :-)


La Stella said...

"Briefly in boxers". That is ALL I have to say about this one.

Dani said...

Goz you are on it again. I will be back on my comp in an hour. How was the library babe?

Gozde said...

Can you believe they closed the library at 6PM! I mean what the hell? Like people have a life on Friday night :PP They told me to get out, I've never been kicked out of a library before :-))

I love the unscripted thing by the way! It was so cute! And I'll be online all night so I'm one it like red on rice (I don't know why I love this stupid red on rice thing so much:PP)

Jewels64 said...

Loved this Goz! Thanks so much. The MTV spoilers thing was excruiating to have to wait for the 2 minute clip at the end.

Still, during the clip of The Spirit, Scarlett Johansen's character reminded me of Dani! She just had an attitude that screamed DANI!

Must dash all, will catch up later. Young Studly (my own Kellen Lutz) is on his way to pick me up. Unexpected date night! Yummy!

Dani said...

Goz youre fabulous I hope I'm helping enough. And dammit you use that freakin' phrase like its the best thing since sliced bread. Lets not make it a situation like picking fly poop out of the pepper, no one gets up in your KoolAid.

Okay I'm done now. Thank you Goz for the updates you we quite the lady of the night, in a very non- hooker way.

Dani said...

Goz you keep spelling Stella-Ds name Esterellas. Its Estrellas. But I think its cute either way.

Gozde said...

Haha, you are awesome!

Gozde said...

Uhoh :-)) Sorry Estrellas :) I checked it like 3 times and still got it wrong! I should know better since people usually spell my name like Godzilla.

La Stella said...

I think it's cute either way. It's fun to read it! :)

Dani said...

Ive typed God a few times. But I do imagine you as our Blog God. Ha its funny. But I call her Stella-D now cause she is sassy and goes by Stella on the imdb board, but her name is Denisse.

I also know where she lives and what she eats for breakfast. Muuu ahhhh haa haa haa! Sorry that was my best creeper laugh.

Gozde said...

Oh Stop It! :-)

I am so sorry but I am HORRIBLE with names. I am even worse with faces. I've decided that having this much education literally killed all my brain cells (or maybe it's all the alcohol I consumed, himm) :-))

Dani said...

it could be I couldnt remember this patients name this week and I treated them every day. They were right in front of my face getting chemo for like four hours each day. When it gets busy and you have to digest so much info its hard to remember the simple stuff. I felt like a doofus.

Who are you again?

MiCh said...

Gosh, "briefly in boxers".. I'm melting down.. ZzzIiiiPPppp!

Gozde said...

There was this one guy and apparently I met him like 4 times and each time I would introduce myself. The 5th I introduced myself, he just walked away from me, and I was telling people how rude he was until he came back and told them why he did it. Yep, I'm brain dead.

MiCh said...

Gozde, ur comment make me remember my college days, when the librarians always kicked me and my friends out of the library, like "guys, it's Friday, have fun!" And we all like: "Fun? You're kidding, right? We have a Reactors Engineering test next Monday!"
Oh, those beautiful times..

Dani said...

Okay this interview is just awesome "Im really cool" yeah Rob you are cool.

"I tell everybody everything" yeah and we love that you don't hold back.

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