More premiere pics of Rob and his goofy mug...

How does he do it? Looking sexy while donning a adorkable expression.

My personal fave....oooooohhhhweeee he is lovely lookin'!
Source-our fabulous affiliate


Lynn said...

The pout in pic#5 is leaving me breahtless...pass the smelling salts. Rob's making his tie levitate...something kinda Freudian there, eh?

Lynn said...

Breathless...damn, Rob's affecting my typing abilities.

Rose said...

lol Lynn...Rob seems to affect a lot of things!!!

Ellie said...

"Rob's making his tie levitate..."

Dani said...

Schhhwwiiinggg....tie is excited about Rob too....hmmm weird!

Rose said...

Well, if I was hanging around Rob's neck...there is no telling what I might be doing...

Karla said...


bella's mom said...

Hey Karla beautiful kids!

And Lynn darlin, he has that effect on ALL my abilities! hehe

bella's mom said...

I absolutely adore that smile in pic #4. It's just so Rob.

Kimberlesk said...

Lynn, you freaked me out a little when you said about all the sell-outs, so I checked fandango for my area and noticed that there's a new video interview with Rob on the homepage. I can't watch it 'cuz I'm at work, but you ladies might want to check it out!

Kat said...

Good morning ladies. Wow, what a night and what a wonderful addition of pics to wake up to. I'll have to wait until tonight to catch up on the video's. But wow... again, thank you to Goz and Dani for keeping us up to date.

I'm still drooling over the all black ensemble... love it.

kristen said...

Dani - Fandango has a new video up. It has interviews with Rob, Kristen, Catherine, Taylor, Rachelle, and Edi. It's pretty good and has some new stuff in it!

MiCh said...

Morning ladies! I have a lot of posts and comments to read, Dani's a busy bee! Thanks Dani!

(I'm still drooling over my laptop, Rob was unbelievably stunning last night!)

k said...

pic 4- my current reason for living.
hi everyone! soooooo excited for all this new stuff. thanks for posting!
my friend alice is a writer in LA and used her press pass to go to the premiere last night. she hasn't read the books but proclaimed the movie "very good" and rob "h-o-t." woohoo!

Tess said...

I'm loving his out of control eyebrows in no. 1

You can really see them in all their crazy glory..

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