MetroBoston News-Interview with a Vampire

Is it strange that when people read the words that Stephenie Meyer wrote, they now think of you? I never actually thought about that! You know, it’s weird, because even before I did the Harry Potter thing, when I was reading the book, I could see the three kids’ faces. I can’t do that [with this]. … It’s weird, because I definitely didn’t picture myself when I was reading this.

Who did you picture? I didn’t really picture anybody, but with Harry Potter, I read that, and I could see myself doing it, but with this, not at all. I was desperately looking for any little parts of it which I could relate to, and it took a really long time. With Harry Potter, I read it once, and I was like, “Yup. Done!” But with this, even when I got it, I was like, “I don’t know how to play it at all.” So yeah, I still don’t think people would really think of me when reading it.

It must be interesting with all of these kids who are into the book, how when you were named the part, you became it overnight. Is it strange that you’re causing a sensation, partly because of the character? Well, wholly because of the character. It is weird, but I guess it is good for ego control, I guess, because you’re going to all these places, and having people screaming, “I love you!” and it’s like, “you’re not even seeing what’s in front of you anymore. You’ve come in with a completely solid opinion of what you’re going to see, and it doesn’t matter. It could be anyone and you’d have the same reaction.” It’s really kind of fascinating because I remember when I first got cast there was a petition with 75,000 people signing it, saying “This guy can’t play the part.”

How did you get wind of this? My mum sent it.

Was her name on it?[laughs] Yeah, my mum didn’t even want me to play it.

Did you make sure your manager put in the contract that you wouldn’t have to get plastic surgery and liposuction?Initially, at the beginning when we were doing pre-production stuff, they literally wanted to do stuff like that.

Are you serious? I was joking.Yeah, because [in the book] they always go on about his perfect teeth, and I never thought about my teeth before. I’m the only one in my family who hasn’t had braces. My two sisters had braces for years, and I never had them and I was always quite proud of that. And so when I started, within a week I had to wear invisalign things, and I didn’t even really know what that was. I don’t know what it is. It’s a brace you put in, and I went into this dentist in Beverly Hills, and there’s this techno music playing, and it was the most L.A. thing I’ve ever seen in my life. And there’s this guy saying, “Yeah, we’ll do some gum surgery at the back, and cut off your gum at the back to make it bigger, and it’s standard procedure. I did this with Matt Perry.” I was like, “What are you talking about?” And the producers are in the corner, writing it all down, going, “How much will this cost? How much will that cost?” So you did go through with it? No. Luckily I had my manager with me, and I was listening to them write it all down, and was just thinking, “Yeah, maybe my teeth could be improved a little bit,” but when they started talking about a four-week recovery period after gum surgery, I was like, “What the *beep*?”

It seems you’re always doing fantasy movie roles. And this winter you’re going to play a real person, but it’s Salvador Dali, who is probably the least normal real person to ever exist. Are you ever going to play an average Joe? I’ve been trying! [laughs] Every role I get is this weird fantasy thing. I’ve been trying right from the start to do that. This thing I’m doing in January will be the first normal guy I’ve played. It’s really bizarre. It’s called “Parts Per Billion,” and it’s with Dennis Hopper, and this character can actually communicate with the rest of humanity.

Back to “Twilight,” did you seek any advice from Stephenie? Well, she kept saying, “I’m sorry for ruining your life.” But, no, I don’t really ask for advice from anyone. I don’t understand how anyone could be jaded by it. There are a lot of attitudes to take, like “Oh, it’s promotion.” And some people treat it like it’s really boring and pointless, and if you do that, then you start to feel like it’s really boring and pointless. But I just try to think. And I go to different cities, but I really don’t get to see any of the city except the inside of a hotel room.

Do people recognize you when you are able to go out? Well, they don’t really, anywhere. It’s just weird little things, like when you go to a bar or restaurant or something, and one person’s read the newspaper about the mall things, and they just ring someone up, and then when you go outside, there’s people there. It’s like, “Ugh. I’m gonna have to go home now.” And people just start following you. That’s what happened in New York, I was promoting and no one had any idea who I was, and then I’d leave somewhere and there would be paparazzi following you for the rest of the night.

It’s the quickness of cellphone culture working against you. Camera phones are the worst invention in the world.

I didn’t know until recently that you were a singer and a songwriter. I’m not, really.
Are you ever going to do anything with it? I don’t know. I was going to, but when you’re doing acting at the same time, it just…I don’t know. It’s not even that it looks bad. It’s just that there’s such a stigma attached to it.

Yeah, I’m right now thinking if there’s anyone who really ever got away with it. I mean Keanu Reeves was only the bassist and people scrutinized him. [laughs] Yeah, he didn’t even have any involvement. He just put his head down. I mean, I’d like to try something. I want to make an album, but I don’t really care if people buy it or not. I wouldn’t really promote it. I wouldn’t really care if people liked it.

Wait, I just thought of one! Vincent Gallo. He’s done OK. Yeah, but Vincent Gallo didn’t really do “Twilight.”
You can go HERE to read the full interview I picked out the good parts though.


Betsy said...

Loved that part about cell phone cameras being the worst invention. I can just imagine the fangirls pointing their phone at him anytime he is out in public.

La Stella said...

So Mama P didn't want to share Rob with us? LMAO. If she did actually sign it, I bow down to her and her coolness.

And yeah, I imagine Rob when I read Twilight.. he's the reason I bought the book to begin with.

babbles said...

Poor Rob! He hates camera phones and camcorders for obvious reasons but mostly for taping his singing on mic nights, He said it has ruined his whole experience to have those video's posted on the internet and hasnt picked up his guiatar since! Sadness for him...

So how is everyone?

Eva said...

Lovely posts today! I love all the interviews with Rob. They are never long enough.

I'm going to meet with some friends in a little bit and then we are going to the midnight show. I'm so hyper all day.
Have a wonderful evening, everyone!

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