Melissa Rosenberg on Rob

LA Times Twilight Countdown talked to Melissa and here is what she said about Rob.

Which actor came closest to the character as you envisioned while writing the script?

Billy Burke I thought was just incredible. I wasn't sure at first, because I didn't really have an actor in mind while I was writing Charlie, but he so beautifully embodied that relationship with Bella. He's one that really stands out for me. I was also delighted by Jackson Rathbone, who plays Jasper. He doesn't have a ton of dialogue or screen time, but he just pops. I don't know what it is exactly; he's just got this spark. And Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were also both spot-on.

That’s interesting. Both Robert and Stephenie have said they didn’t see eye to eye on Edward initially.

Yes, that's true. But I liked what Robert did. The tone of my original script was off. It had more humor and he brought it to a more sober place, which winds up being really great and dramatic for the film. He's very elegant in a way. You can see him as this guy who's been around for 100 years; he brings that history with him. It's almost as though he's from a different time. It's really effective.

You can find the rest of the interview here.


Tess said...

Ok.. slap me, but Rob sort of looks like Jim Carey in this photo... (shakes her whole body to get rid of the image)

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