Let me Sign


Tess said...

Thank you Goz. I can breath

Lyla-posted a link too on one of the other threads... I've listened (and listened)

((sigh)) still water runs very deep.

I love the arrangement.

Who ever he's dating is one very lucky person...

Rose said...

I preordered this album and got the email tonight. "Let Me Sign" was the first song I went to.
It's amazing. Just like Rob.
I only wish it were longer.

Lynn said...

Tasper---I was just thinking that this afternoon and almost said it, too.

Still waters run deep....could not have said it better.

Rob's perfection has filled my cup and runneth over.

Thank you, Goz for the perfect drink!

Tess said...

Lynn- once again, we think alike..

I need ritalin right now I'm so hyper.

Dani said...

Sweet baby Jesus indeed Tess, I am praying and thanking God for this lovely creature tonight my lady. I just downloaded the whole CD and I am going to go to sleep this evening with Rob in my mind in more ways than one. Now I don't have to imagine his moaning, it will be in stereo.

Tess said...

Dani- you're killing me!!

Dani said...

No this whole site is killing me.

Gozde said...

I'm scared of a Rob burn out...Breathe in...Breathe out...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a download link? please...

Dani said...

BREATHING NOW....deep long breaths and then exhaling thinking about Rob naked. Ooooops dammit now I have to start the whole thing over again. Oh Hell I just said "thing" didn't I? Naughty naughty Dani!

Amy said...

I think more photos will come out tomorrow. From some of those videos you can see professional photographers in the front rows snapping pics every second. Maybe from newspapers or something? Anyway I'm sure event photos will surface at some point.

Amy said...

I have listened to this new song like 20 times now...it's so damn short but so damn good. Can you imagine if he records songs for all the movies? RP on every soundtrack - ahhh wouldn't that be amazing :)

Dani said...


another vid link. It is horrible and you can't really hear anyone speaking but the people asking the questions, you can't really see Rob and Catherine well but it is 8 min long. I didn't wanna post it cause it is strait up crap angle.

Lynn said...

Dani----thing, package.....you are so funny! Now, you are putting images in my head. Long, lanky images....ay, dios mio!

Dani said...

Oh hell im going to post it he is too cute not to.

Tess said...

amy- I would spontaneous combust..

have you been able to decipher all the words? The man loves to moan through his words

Amy said...

a blurry upclose shot of him from tonight is here if you scroll down...


Dani said...

Gosh he is too cute even in strobe blurry 70s on acid effect. He is hot pretty much all the time.

Amy said...

Oh Tess I've been trying to hear all the words but every time I concentrate for a minute I just get completely sidetracked listening to his Eddie Vedder'esq MOANING, lol And then I have to start the song over again. It's like a never ending blissful torture...

Tess said...

amy- chuckling... (then picturing an all Rob cast of Ground Hound Day)

Dani said...

Alright, Im off to bed my lovelies. Please feel free to e-mail me w/ pic links tomorrow.


Goz and I will no doubt be looking ourselves for those professional shots from the music store nuttiness this evening.

YOU ALL ROCK MY WORLD! Im off to listen to my newly downloaded bliss from itunes, thank God for my wonderful Mac. And thank God all of you for Rob's mum and dad, who on that fateful evening 22 years and some odd months ago, got busy to make this wonderful creature we call Rob. Knockin boots has never been so fruitful.

Anonymous said...

To Dani, the last paragraph of your comment almost made me pee my pants. I'm glad it didn't.

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