LA Times- Peter Facinelli on Rob

Peter mentions Rob and how he is handling the pressure of being in the most anticipated film of the year.

How are you all handling the pressure?

I feel for Robert. He didn’t sign up for this knowing what it would become. The fan base has grown even since when we filmed it. There were underground fans when we started. I remember we’d all go to their web sites and they all said, ‘All these actors are wrong for the roles. Facinelli doesn’t have blonde hair -- what are they thinking?’

For Rob, he just signed up thinking it’d be a cool little movie. All of a sudden he’s like the James Dean of today. That’s a lot put on a guy’s shoulders, but hopefully he’ll be OK. He’s kind of nerve racked. He doesn’t like to leave his apartment a lot. But I think it’ll be good. This will bring good things to him.


Tess said...

I just watched the Raw link to the video from the the Galleria in Dallas. (thanks for the mention)

He looks SO tried..

I'm sure his family is concerned about him. wonder if he'll move back to England between the movies. It's just madness.

I almost feel guilty that I'm a fan. anyone else feel this?

kristen said...

Tess - Totally. It really is sad that he has to deal with all of this madness.

I do feel a bit guilty that I'm a fan too, but I think it's different because we appreciate from afar. We aren't contributing to the hysteria at these events, and we aren't invading his private life, you know? But I still just feel so bad for him.

Jewels64 said...

Peter is being so Carlise to Rob. It's like he's almost adopted him! That is so awesome... someone needs to look after our boy!

Dani said...

Jules I know isn't that a little tender. I love how fatherly he is. It has got to be tough dealing with this sudden fame and on top of that he is a real talent so the offers and the work is not going to stop. Rob will be very HIGH PROFILE!! He is dealing with it extraordinarily well and I am proud he hasn't pulled his hair out yet

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