LA TIMES Countdown to Twilight w/ Rob

PART 1 Rob answers some fan questions.

As you can see, he had a serious case of the giggles Tuesday morning:

What goes through your mind when you’re greeted by crowds of screaming fans?
It’s kind of like being in some medieval battle (laughs). I mean I guess that’s the closest analogy, especially after yesterday. A ton of people ran down the street outside the Apple store. I felt like I was literally being charged by Celts (laughs).
How many bodyguards are around you when you do these events?
It depends. I don’t know how many there were yesterday, but there were like NYPD cops everywhere! It was completely crazy. There were four guys just literally carrying me out of the place (laughs). It was quite funny.
Have you seen yourself as “dazzling” Edward in the meadow yet?
No, I haven’t. I don’t watch my stuff. Ever.
Because it makes me feel like I’ll never want to do a job again (laughs).
Why did you audition for “Twilight”? What did you know about it going in?
I knew a bit about it. I didn’t know much about the book. I went into it thinking it was a vampire film directed by Catherine Hardwicke, who does like gritty sort of realistic indie films. If you’re doing a vampire fantasy shot like
“Thirteen,” then that would be interesting. That’s why I went into it really, and it ended up being something totally and utterly different.
How so?
It’s very intimate. In “Harry Potter,” there are entire worlds encompassed in it. “Twilight” is so claustrophobic in some ways. The little town of Forks is so small, and the way it’s written is so obsessive. But because it’s so lingering, it takes on this different power, and the whole story becomes this sort of opera, which I didn’t have any idea about when I went in to do it.
Did you and Kristen become friends, and if you did, was it awkward filming the love scenes together?
Yeah, definitely we’re friends. Those things are really, really awkward. Especially because [in the movie] it’s supposed to be so intensely sexual and everything (laughs). You’re like really putting yourself on the line. It’s very embarrassing.
How did you prepare to do it?
The big scene where they try and kiss and he goes crazy, it’s like the climax moment of their relationship. Well, not the climax, but it’s like a pivotal scene in the whole movie. And, actually, a lot of my preparation for the whole character was kind of leading up to that scene.
Kristen was really into Bella being a sadomasochist. ...
Wait, not a sadomasochist! I mean a masochist (laughs). She was into that whole thing. She’d say, “Yeah, Bella just likes being hurt” (laughs). “Be really rough!”
Some of the “TwilightMOMS” have told me they’re trying to get you a gig as host of “Saturday Night Live.” They want to know if that’s something you’d be game to do.
It would be quite nerve-racking! No, that would be fun! But, um, I’m not very funny, I don’t know if that would work out. No, that would be cool, that would be really cool.
What do you use in your hair that makes it stand no matter what you do to it?
This kind of residue product from my youth (laughs). I don’t know, I guess just stressing out all the time, I’m just always grabbing my hair and stuff. It’s so funny how that’s become a thing, my stupid hair. I just need a haircut! I need a haircut and I don’t like hair being in my face. Now it’s like, 'It’s his signature style!' (laughs). I’m definitely going to cut it pretty soon though.
Is there an actor or musician whose career you’d like to emulate?
Well, there are always periods in musicians’ careers. I would like Van Morrison’s between 1965 and 1988 (laughs). Before he did that thing with Cliff Richard.
Will you be recording any of your own music soon, beyond what you did for the “Twilight” soundtrack?
I haven’t got any plans to. I mean, I might. But I have no plans to release anything.
What do you do to relax?
I don’t really have to do anything specifically. I like looking out the window (laughs). I’m pretty relaxed most of the time.
Do you prefer playing the piano or guitar?
It depends what mood I’m in. It’s an even balance. I haven’t played the piano in such a long time so whenever I play it now it’s like really therapeutic. I love playing the piano. I don’t have a piano anymore, annoyingly. I don’t have my apartment in London anymore. I don’t have anything.
What have you learned, if anything, about what girls want from having played Edward?
How have you upped your game?
(Laughs) Well, I always knew that girls liked six-packs (laughs), but that didn’t really make me change. Oh! Girls really like guys who drive Volvos. I would never have thought that!
What is your favorite kind of car?
I’d like to have a vintage Porsche or the '70s Ferraris are beautiful as well.
-- Denise Martin
Stay tuned for Part 2.


Tess said...

"Be really Rough" Kathryn, you need to add!


Now I'm going to be a mess for the rest of the day.

amazed at how he's still so willing to answer the same questions time after time "politely"

Lynn said...

I love how he openly corrects him continuely, it very sweet and irresistible.

Great interview! I just bought my eight tickets yesterday, I am so psyched.

Tess said...

I'm soooooo jealous Lynn (of all my girls who are going before me) whining is so unattractive.

I have a really good feeling that they're going to surprise us with the 'meadow scene' think they re-shot it with his shirt open...

babbles said...

I bought a handful last week - soooo excited!!!

I am always so shocked at how he is in interviews, I love how true and funny he is without even trying, And I can hear his voice and laugh the whole time I am reading this...

When will this infatuation end, Never I assume! I am hopeless!!!

Lynn who is gong with you to the Movie, I have a big bunch of fans going with me, Oh and my Mom -lol- I think my Mom is feeling like its ok since her 30 year old daughter doesn't seem to have a problem with it...

kristen said...

This interview is FANTASTIC. I love the random things that come out of Rob's mouth... I mean, really? A medieval battle? Really? He is just so damn funny and quirky, and I adore that about him.

Amy said...

Oh my gosh I love him. Why does he just keep getting better every single day! :)

Lynn said...

The meadow is by far my favorite scene in all four books and I am also really looking forward to CH's turn on it. Rob's unbuttoned shots will be tremendous!

I was giddy when I bought the tix, I talked to the ticket lady all googley eyed like a tweenybopper and she was laughing.

I am still waiting to see if any of the LA/SD fans have been picked for the Nov.7th event. It would be nice to know if I have to drive to Sherman Oaks on Friday afternoon or not----grrrrrr.

babbles said...

Hey Dani ~ Thnx for posting the actual interview and not just the link, It's nice not to have to navagate away from Robsessed, Feels to homey here -lol-


Lynn said...

Brooke---I am taking Audrey (my 15 y/o) and six of her girlfriends to the midnight showing. Audrey is too embarassed to tell them about my infatuation with Rob. So, she might be slumping in her seat as I scream like a little fangirl. It should be a lot of fun. It's her half birthday celebration!

Dani said...

I feel at home too B. It was a big bunch of words, i thought about posting the link only. But hey the red for the questions worked and I like it better all here. My ladies are in full effect w/ the Rob love. It just feels right here. I feel a little naughty and a little dirty most of the time, but in a life affirming sort of way.

Tess said...

I admitted my fascination for Rob to one of my friends (only 1) and now she's read 3 of the books.. she sent me a text last night... arranging for us to go see the film when it opens up here. If you knew her, you'd be laughing.. she's sending me pics too! I love it..

babbles said...

Lynn ~ LMAO - Squeeeeing like a fangirl!!! Rock On!

It is really something though, Twilight did bridge the gap on alot of so called Genre's so hopefully this movie just kicks royal lovin ass at the box office and blows ever skeptic critic away! I know I am doing my part, Tickets to the Thurs Premiere as well as Friday night... We bought up 70 something tickets total for Thursday...

Audrey is lucky to have such a cool mama with such classic taste! She should be proud...

I am more excited for it to come out on DVD so my compulsive ass can Pause, Rewind, Replay, Pause *sigh* Rewind... Fun!

babbles said...

D ~ Your Dirty Naughty Self is part of the Homey feel, Would be so bland without every one of the FabUlous people that comment here!

*I will have a pretend toast to you all, since I dont drink*


Aussierobfan said...

Good morning ladies. The time difference (I'm 17 hours ahead of the west coast of the US) means that while I've been sleeping a lot has been happening here at Robssessed - it has taken me an hour just to catch up.
Thanks for your welcome yesterday I posted anon and because Jovie and I were getting confused with each other I thought it best to register.

Jovie I have a thing for privacy too (I'm still in the Rob "closet").

Dani and Gozde this site is fantastic you ladies work so hard to keep us all up to date with all things Rob.
What a beautiful human being Rob is, with all the demands being placed on him at the moment, he is never rude he is always polite and always laughing that beautiful laugh of his.

Lynn I am going with my 17 yo daughter and she thinks my infatuation is gross!

Lynn said...

Yeah, I'm the cool mom, but, I can throw down a major car lecture at a moment's notice! I talk Rob to her and she smiles and shakes her head.

Tas---admitting your addiction is the first step. I have a local friend that is completely in to Twilight and Rob and she seems to be the only person (besides you crazies) understand the fascination.

babbles said...

Tess ~ adda girl, convert the masses, I know I have converted my fair share... United we Stand!

Ok kidding, but really anyone who took the time to read SM masterpieces would be forced to be a fan of Twilight and if they had the honor of Rob's face as Edwards even better, My Twilight days where before Rob's precious Mug was placed in the Edward Vision and now the story is all the better for it...

Rose said...

I agree with every one of you. Imagine that! There isn't anything that I can add to this, but I just wanted to post something.
And I also love the 'feel' of this place...some really cool people.
Thanks for letting me join in.

babbles said...

Aussie ~ his beautiful laugh indeed, It has been haunting me because it sounds so familiar to me, Like I know someone with a similar laugh but I cant place who Arggg - *sighs* I loooooove his carefree laugh...

Sorry I was having a moment, I am back... And once again Welcome!

Lynn said...

Aussie--I think that most teen girls think that about their mothers. But, Audrey is coming around with her mother's awakening. It's fun for the both of us and she's Team Jacob, so, it's all good!

Glad to see you around! Follow some of our blogs, you will find that sometimes we can talk non-Rob stuff, too.

Dani said...

Aussiefan I confused you with Jovie cause you're both Australian and you popped up last night right after I told Jovie to register...this is confusing. But thanks for the love of the Rob blog.

Lynn, Tess, I have yet to admitt my Robsession to anyone but ya'll. Yeah that is right I am in the closet thumbing through pictures privately and airing my dirty laundry on the net. Sad but true.

babbles said...

Dani ~ I am with you - no one know's the extent of my infactuation -lol- They are all painfully aware of how big of a Twilight Fan I am but my Rob gushing is for you all and myself only!

Lynn said...

Dani---LOL you make Rob sound like porn---yes, lovely analogy, huh! This is why blogs like Robsessed exist, to entertain the closeted!

Tess said...

His Laugh!! I completely agree. His laugh is just gravy.

It's a bit dorky (which doesn't match the rest of him) and I think it's divine.

B- Think Butthead (or is it beavis?) his laugh reminds me of one of them (who ever has the deeper laugh)

Aussierobfan said...

I have read many comments mentioning Rob's lovely features - his hair, his eyes, his arms etc but why has nobody mentioned his lovely neck - I have stared at his neck so often.

Lynn I have actually been following this blog for a while and RPL before all the drama and I have read some of your blogs and thoroughly enjoyed them - thank you all for putting so much time and effort in and thank you for welcoming me to this lovely community of like-minded ladies.

Lynn said...

Tas---it's Butthead and you are right! I miss that show. I wonder if Rob realizes that, he would probably laugh at that.

babbles said...

Buthead - LMAO!

Rose said...

Again. No one knows the extent of my Robsession, either. My sons are aware of the fact that I read the books over and over again...they see that I am watching a lot of Twilight videos and Rob Pattinson sites...but they have NO IDEA to what extent I love that man.
Even the bit they do know...they look at me and shake their heads.
"'s kinda weird".
That is why I love this place so much. The wonderful people who work so hard finding all the Rob stuff to post...who help me feed my addiction and let me post my silly words.
It means more to me than you can ever know. Thank You.

babbles said...

I bid you all goodbye for now - Time to make the commute home - Thnx for the Rob Filled day of fun...

Lynn said...

Aussie---good to see someone that is familiar with Rosessed and (ahem) RPL. I love to blog, it helps to clear my mind (I even write stuff on my Palm Treo when I am out. I think that all women need something from their life that is just less ordinary and loaded with proper crassness.

Dani said...

Aussie babe we are more than happy to have you here. This site is anything but drama filled, or boring. And we do it for you and all the Robsessed out there. Its just plain fun.

Lynn I did sound a bit like a diviate there. My Robsession while candid comes from a very good place, a happy place.

Lynn said...

Pretty0K---it's fun keepin' it real, right? You can tell us all you want and you won't get the "that's really weird" comments.

Aussierobfan said...

PrettyOk I hear you and totally relate!

Rose said...

Thanks Lynn and Aussie :)
This is a good place to be.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, I'm so excited that you got your tickets!

I keep running into Twilight fans and Rob fans everywhere these days. We're coming out of the closet loud and proud!!

I just introduced this blog to a girlfriend of mine at work today. She said she'll look it up when she gets home. I warned her of the side effects such as she may end up ravaging her husband when he gets home! I sent her my little movie that I made of Rob and she came into work today, looked at me and said "Omi God! When he smiles!...(then she let out a big sigh and I knew I had hooked her on Rob Crack. I also hooked her on Twilight. She and I are going to see the movie together!) I'm a Rob/Twilight pusher. What kind of penalty do I get for that?

NONE! Just spreading the hotness....

Lynn said...

Dani---nah, deviant is not even close. Remember, it's kind of a fever, a good fever! A fever that is fed by zippers, beanies, greasy sex hair, cheeky smiles and lots of Rob lovin'.

Dani said...

Perhaps its because Rob wants me to go ahead and feel dirty that Im just so confused. Oh I posted another pic, some lucky ass fan got a freakin way close up of Rob, I could not be that close without snaggin a kiss. Move up to the next post.

Aussierobfan said...

Jewels you're priceless - good on you for spreading the love

Lynn said...

Jewels---precious dahling, how are you? Sharing the love sounds like fun.

I hope that you recovered from last night's festivities. I heard a lot of Obama chants from the school kids today, it brought a smile to my face!

Tess said...

I want to say 'welcome' too!

This is a great place to share our admiration of Rob (and his complete body of work), & occasionally we share a bit of ourselves along the way. I think this is a big part of what makes it so much fun to visit and comment. We're all so relaxed and accepting.

(grabs kleenex box)

I'm still not brave enough to share this blog with my friends. I'm not being selfish, just not prepared for the ribbing and I like that my calm exterior slips a bit (or a lot ) in here. It's my happy place (nicked from Goz)

"muah" to all of you's

Jewels64 said...

By the way AussieRobFan, I'm originally from Down Under myself.
Born in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. G'day Mate! :D

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