KROQ Audio Interview

Appropriate picture don't you think?
Headphones have never been more sexy.

Go HERE to listen to Rob on the KROQ FM LA Radio Station. He called in this morning from NYC. This man never stops working! 
Thanks to the Twifabulous Betz for the link.


p r i s c a said...

I need really over-sized headphones so i cant wear them just like that.

Music straight to the brain.

Kate said...

Ok Crazzzeee fans, did you hear what some of them did???OMG

Emily said...

Kate - I assume you're referring to the the girls scratching their necks until they bled. Yeah, that's a new one. Wow. That definitely crosses the line between vampire enthusiast and frighteningly delusional crazy person. Did they think he wanted to see their necks bleed? His fear of getting AIDS from the craziness isn't unfounded afterall.
Other than that disturbing image, good interview. Thanks for posting! I love that he calls the scream fests "Just another day at the office."

Kate said...

Yeap that's the one Emily! OMG !!!

Love the "Just a day at the office" too.

Amy said...

He's really rolling out the radio interviews while in NYC.

Work work work!

Don't worry Rob, you will be back home in London soon enough :)

Anonymous said...

I like the interviews when a camera isn't on him. He's more relaxed and articulate. I am getting so tired of the crazy teenage girls. WTF, with the four teenage girls and the scratching of their necks? Mental cases, some of these teenage girls. Geez, I wish they had something to live for. Anyhew, enjoyed the radio interview, except for that. I think their energy needs to be turned in helping starving children in America or something. I think Bean has almost always been funny, and he didn't disappoint on this interview.
Anyway, I need to get back to work.

Amy said...

Oh yeah Kristen will be on Letterman tonight girls! Don't forget :)

Amy said...

I do as well Jov. In radio interviews he can sort of relax! Although doing one after another must be kinda crazy...can you imagine, 10 min with this station, 10 with another, and then

Kat said...

OK, I haven't listened to this yet - but reading your comments - really WTF... they scratched their necks until they bled?

I have no words for that madness...

Tess said...

I swear, he's just going to run away (dragging Kstew kicking and screaming...)

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