Italian Vanity Fair

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Thanks to Betzabe for the tip and Pattinson Central for the scan :-)


Emily said...

Is it just me or does Rob seem even sexier in Italian?

Gozde said...

He has an amazing scruff. Every hair is in perfect place. I love scruff, want to be burnt by it :)

Dani said...

Goz. I too would gladly take a raw chin or cheek to be ravaged by that sexy beard.

I want to hear Rob bust out some Itallian. Or really bust out period, out of his shirt, his pants. Whatever I'm not picky. Just need to see some skin. Little Ashes could not come out soon enough.

Gozde said...

Yes, we should start a petition. We want more skin exposure :-) I can NOT wait for New Moon when he is shirtless in Volturi...sigh...

Amy said...

In the new video his face and jawline just pop out of the screen! So hot.

Dani said...

Goz! Ahhhhhhhh New Moon oh Hell. Without his shirt for a long time too. Ah I really hope they stick to the book on that one. Cold and damp underground of Italy, Bella dripping wet at his side. Happy trails to all of us for that view. He has a fantastic back too. Haunted Airman massage scene. Delectable little moles peppering the skin of his back. I'm going to stop now. Getting warm.

Amy said...

I love this comment someone made on LL...

"Plus, him in that white shirt? And his arms always flexing... oh GOD."

Ladies we are not the only ones noticing these things, haha so awesome.

Tess said...

All the photographs from this session are just gorgeous.

I love looking at it in high def.. You can see all the different colors in Rob's beard..(ok.. that was silly)

and Kristen's bracelet.. please tell me those are not soda/beer can tabs!! She has such beautiful features. I have no idea why she would ever say that she looks like just 'anyone'

Jewels64 said...

Emily, you are so right, Rob does seem sexier. But wait till we see the magazines scans that will keep coming in, and we'll all swear it was sexier than the last one.

Thank God for small favors! ;-)

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