Inspire Magazine has an interview with Edi Gathegi. Parts with Rob are below. To read the full interview go here.
Q. In between takes, who were you with most often? What did you guys do?
Rachelle. Eating . Usually sweets. I would workout with Kellen and Facinelli. And Fac and I would debrief regularly over a meal or just hanging in the room or something. And as much as possible and when schedules would allow, we would try to do group things. Like Nikki, Kellen, Rachelle and I went to a movie, and we would do group dinners with the Vamps plus Bella. Throw parties in Robs apartment. Good old-fashioned cast moral building ☺
Q. If you could be roommates with anyone from the Twilight cast or crew, who would you pick?
Couldn't be Kellen because eventually over time I would forget that his genetic code and metabolism is different than most human beings and I would eat all the candy he keeps in his room and end up looking like jabba the hut. Living with Rob would probably leave me with insomnia as a result of all the women who would probably be sliding love notes under the door or calling late night and whatnot. I would pick Catherine. So we could spend all night writing the next academy award winning script.
I thought he was going to say "Living with Rob would probably leave me with insomnia as a result of all the women lying around" Or at least that is what I saw when I read it the first time.
Speaking of magazine articles... I guess it's not the November InStyle with the Twilight pics? Does anyone know? Do we have to wait until December?
Dani - I think it would be "women lying around" too....
Oh I think I like Edi more now, haha. I watched a few interviews with him from Comic Con and he is a pretty funny guy!
Women leaving love notes? lol Oh Rob.
It's great they all got along really well and hung out a lot together. Good chemistry between everyone is always important! Especially since they will most likely be spending a lot of time together over the next few years filming the other movies.
I thought that sentence was going to end that way too :-)
For a moment i thought it would end that way too. *phew!*
FYI- Ladies that LA Times article came out today. The photo used is the one with Rob center and Nikki & Kellan on the sides slightly out of focus. So if you want a good sized photo of Rob "Beardo" Pattinson, pick up the LA Times today. The article is nothing new. We've pieced most of it together from other sources. Still lovely to see tho.
Kathryn I heard that it was the December issue of Instyle with the Twilight cast spread that we saw in that gothic garden preview before. I'm super excited to see how that shoot turns out.
I bet Rob is a late night kinda guy just fumbling around Tom Stu's appartment looking for something to eat at three in the morning, sitting on his couch watching bad tv. I don't however imagine a slew of women lying around as an audience. Just Ton Stu and his skinny ass coming out to see Rob lounging eating the last of the pizza pockets.
Dani---I was thinking the same thing. Again, you keep putting these images of Rob (scruffed out and sex hair up) sitting apartment noshing on pizza and strangely it's an odd turn on.
Im amazed he stays so thin with how he describes his activities beyond acting. He said he is boring just watches tv and eats fast food. Occasionally enjoys going out and partying. Dude he is foxy for all that. I would look strung out and enormously over weight with that lifestyle. My heart would be the size of a basketball.
Maybe its the smoking? Ahhhhh the smoking there goes another unhealthy activity. Rob!!!!!!! Stop smoking and come over to my house for a salad and a movie.
It's the smoking...my husband is exactly the same way. Men are very lucky that way, they can be shut-ins, eat like pigs, veg and still lose weight. Rob probably has a killer metabolism.
It's so unfair, I smoke too but I gain weight so easily. I didn't used to when I was 22 tho, so that's also working for him :-))
damn metabolism of men! Well not my hub at least he is fabulously chubby. But my brother eats a half a jar of mayo a day and drinks like a fish and smokes like its going out of style and is thin as a rail. Not okay!
Rob is super sexy smoking though. I remember in a comicon interview he said if he took his shirt off the crowd would stop cheering. While he said this he was fixing a sign near by. He is so fidgity. But I doubt they would be silent out of horror but more out of admiration. Speechless they would be.
My favorite mental images of Rob, would be sleepy, scruffy Rob, just opening those beautiful lashes of his, a lazy smile spreading across his face as he climbs out of rumpled sheets (mine preferably), makes his way across the room, with that fabulous butt you could probably bounce a quarter off.
Heavy sigh...what an image. I'm happy now!
Edi should've been on the cover.. don't you think?
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