HQ Pictures from the Premiere

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Lynn said...

I love the sign in the second pic.

"Rob, why did Toby kill Julia". Gotta love those hardcore Rob lovers!

Brilliant shots, thank you Goz for the quick updates.

Dani said...

Okay goodness they look stunning together. YAY! I am reading Twilight for like the 10th time right now and having them as an image to go off of is such a lovely view.

Dani said...

Alright the first pic of them looking at one another is just love...that is nice. There are some sparks there you cannot deny.

Lynn said...

Okay, it's the eighth pic now!

Gozde said...

Dani, the least I can do :-) You'll have a lot of work for the next week :-))

Okay off to dye my hair :P

Gozde said...

I don't they are looking at each other. Rob is looking down at her boobs :P

La Stella said...

I love how Kristen looked. I like that they seemed more relaxed together.

Lynn said...

Yep, Dani! Rob so wants to lay one on Kristen right in front of the world.

Dani said...

Oohhhh what color Goz, no it is not the least you can do by the way...yikes these pics are gorgeous..its the most you can do. Made my night.

Why would he look down there, it isn't like she has huge boobs. Rob doesn't strike me as the boob kinda guy.

Lynn said...

Stella---they both looked like a great weight was lifted off of their shoulders. Kristen's dress is even growing on me. She looked stunning!

Lynn said...

Well, it wouldn't be the right girl either! No, Rob's too deep for that or so we'd like to think.

Gozde said...

Oh come on! He is a 22 year old guy :)

Gozde said...

Oh and the color is auburn brown Dani :-)

Lynn said...

Of course! But, Rob could be a shoulders and arms kind of guy....alright, alright, but, big boobs does not describe Kristen at all!

La Stella said...

I'm with Goz on this. Kristen's left boob is practically out and HE IS 22. I still haven't met a 22 year old boy that didn't like them boobies. (Unless we liked the same type, and even then I found them staring at my boobs)

Lynn said...

Goz--the color sounds pretty and very fall like.

Gozde said...

So true Estrellas, my gay friends are obsessed with boobs too :-) Small-big doesn't matter, boobs are boobs and men are men :P

Gozde said...

Thanks Lynn, I'm changing from my strawberry blond to this. As you said, it's more wintery :-)

cherifire said...

Rob is thinking "how the hell is that dress staying up"

Lynn said...

Goz---it's so true...men are always interested in breasts.

I want to dye my hair, but, it's still too summery around here.

Lynn said...

LMAO @ Cherie! Holy cow, I was wondering the same thing. The miracle of double stick tape...Kristen is little, little...I even have bigger ones then her.

Dani said...

That is a very warm color Goz it sounds pretty. I just died my hair and it was called Tweed. Pretty much chocolate brown with a little ashiness in it. I love winter its my fave.

And I suppose you are right. Men love boobs.

Hey you wanna check out the CW interview. I tried to post the embeded code and it wont work right. Here is the link

La Stella said...

Random thought: that last photo would make a great joker manip. LOL.

Anonymous said...

wheres tommy sturridge???

Gozde said...

I posted it Dani, worked for me. The computer is not your friend tonight :-)

Gozde said...

TomStu is supposed to be on location filming Waiting for forever. But you never know :P

Gozde said...

I'm such an insomniac, starting to dye my hair at 2AM.

Dani said...

You are the shiz Goz, I love it and my computer does hate me tonight. WHY!!

cherifire said...

Dani--The CW interview...he had a "physical therapist giving his right butt cheek a massage for half the day" ??? OMG she/he must have been in heaven.

Lynn said...

Cherie---I just posted a comment about that same subject! LOL Massaging anything on Rob sound delightful and boy did that sound bad, huh?

Dani said...

I know, dammit why couldn't I be a damn physical therapist. That butt cheek needs my loving touch.

Rusharthi said...

The first picture is so adorable.

Kate said...

Love the first pic but now after reading the comments I have to go back and see if he is looking at her boob !!!LOL
PMSL at you ladies, you seriously crack me up!!!

Kat said...

Definately wondering how her dress is staying up with little or no boob to hold it there. Sure he's thinking about the little boob too.

He's 22 and male. Even if they say they're not boob men, they are.

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